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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 2

        A long heavy sigh escaped her lips as she gazed out of the window into the wet deserted streets beyond. Moving to a new house, new school and a completely new area were traumatic enough without the stress of your whole life falling apart at the seams. Ok maybe not your whole life but your parents splitting up was very bad. Bad, bad, BAD! At leist that's how Anya Willmot saw it.
        It had been very recently that her parents had seperated and divorce procedings had meant that the house Anya had grown up in had to be sold off and the proceeds split. Then Anya's mother had announced that because there was no employment to be found in their home town of Lydney, they were to move to London. Anya hadn't wanted to move and made her feelings about this extreamly clear to both her mother and her father. Her father said that as he was in the army and always on the move it would be impossible for her to stay with him and her mother was adament that Anya would be leaving for London with herself. Anya had argued the fact that all of her friends, her school, her whole life were in this little town to no avail. She loved her personally designed bedroom, the walls imprinted with her happy childhood memories. She loved to read by the little pond situated in the endless green fields that surrounded the quaint country cottage. And now she was here! In this dank, dark, dirty city with it's litter carpeting the streets and beggers laying in doorways, hungry and cold. She knew where she would rather be.
        "Anya, could you come down here for a minute please." Her mothers voice peiced through her thoughts jolting her back to reality.
"Just coming mum." Manovering her way round cardboard boxes that were still waiting to be unpacked, and removing the piece of brown tape that had attached itself to the sole of her trainer, she made her way down the stairs.
        Her mother was waiting for her, looking incredably small compared to the huge tower of removal boxes stacked in the hallway. Ellen Davis (or Willmott as she now liked to be known) was an attractive lady in her mid-forties, with trendy cropped dark hair, that was streaked with paint from earlier attemps at decorating, and striking blue eyes. Dressed casually in dark denim jeans and a sports jumper she had a suprisingly trim figure for her years.
"I need you to go up to the shops for me dear. I've run out of milk and you know how I need a cup of tea when I'm working. Oh and make sure you wear a jacket." She said as she handed her daughter a pound.
"Yes mother im not a baby any more you know!" Anya put her hands on her hips indignatly
"But you will always be my baby though so wear your jacket!"
        Outside in the cold wet streets the greyness was hard to ignore and Anya silently thanked her mother for making her wear her jacket. London. The concrete city. Even the weather joined in to create a cold, misty grey fog that permanatly graced the skies. Anya made her way to the local supermarket noting how not one of the self absorbed city drones bothered to look her way. She thought how unwilling people round here were to get to know one another, prefering instead to hide in their own little bubbles of fantasy rather than face reality. Back in Anya's home town the people were so much nicer. Everybody knew your name and were always ready for a cuppa and a chat. Always a smile and the warm hand of friendship. Oh how she missed it!
       Ariving at the supermarket Anya wondered up and down the busy asiles serching for her milk. A trolly in the back of her ankles had encouraged her to move a little faster. The mouthwatering smell of freshley baked bread invaded her senses leading Anya to yearn for the iced buns on display in the bakery section. A scruffy young man, who kept on wandering up and down by the bread, caught her eye. "What is he doing?" She thought. Aged only about a year above herself the boy wore several layers of clothing, all of which were tatty and worn. His greasy matted hair was dark and hung low on his hollow dusty face but his peircing blue eyes shone out from beneeth his fringe. Anya watched in amazement as the young man unzipped his jacket and inserted a loaf of bread. Looking around to check that none of the security guards had spotted him he looked straight at Anya . His sad desperate eyes that connected with Anya's for just a split second pleaded with her not to say anything. Anya found herself smiling at the boy as he nodded her head. The boy smiled back as he calmly walked out of the store.
        Anya picked up her milk and made her way to the till. The boy had intrigued her. Those haunting blue eyes played on her mind. Despite his thick layers he had still looked thin and pale. "Poor boy was proberly living rough." Anya left the store and made her way home hating everything about this city as she went.