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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 11

        Daniel stood outside for five minutes staring at the poster wondering if he had the nerve to walk in there and ask for a job. He finally plucked up the courage and entered through the swinging glass door. Daniel was so scared his legs had forgotten how to walk. Trying to look casual he approached the nearest sales assistant.
"Excuse me. I..I..was.." He stuttered.
"Wot d'ya want?" The spotty teenage trainee asked without even looking up.
"I've come about the job in the window." Daniel smiled hoping to make a good impression but the boy still didn't look up.
"Wait here please." He mumbled before slouching off to get the supervisor. Daniel looked down at his boots. His toe was peaking out of the left one and the right was only held together by the laces. His jeans were dirty and torn, his coat, musty and damp from constantly being cold. He wouldn't hire himself looking like this but he was desperate. The supervisor suddenly appeared leaning over him.
"Yes, I haven't got all day. Spit it out." The supervisor sneered at Daniel.
"I..I..was wondering about the job advertised in the window."
"What about it?" The assistant was a tall thin man. His round glasses enlarged his piercing mole like eyes and rested on the sides of his balding grey head.
" it still available?"
"Is it available, yes. To you, no!" The mole faced baldy man stared down his nose at Daniel's beaten up shoes and wrinkled up his little fat nose as a mark of disgust. Daniel tried an embarrassed smile but, due to his being nervous, it emerged as more of a smirk.
       Sofie could see her brother talking to the man at the counter. Daniel really wanted to get this job. God how she knew they needed it. "Maybe if Dan gets this job, we can have a real house and our own bedrooms!" Sofie wished it would happen one day. Daniel had told her to wait outside but she had sneaked in when his back was turned. Sofie was so proud of her big brother. She stood by the door for a minute watching him talking to the man. She thought he might see her so she hid by the large bin.
       "Please can I have an application form?" Daniel was really begging now. "Look, I'm hard working and I'll do anything. Please just give me a try."
"Look son where do you live?" The supervisor had the look that said, "You've got no chance mate!"
"In town. About five minutes away." Daniel began to smile. For a moment the mole faced baldy man seemed to soften his glare but another glance at Daniel's shoes soon hardened him up again.
"And do you have another pair of shoes?"
"No I'm afraid these are the only pair I own."
"Well I'm sorry but I don't think you're suitable for this establishment."
       He had been there a long time now. "It must be good news!" thought Sofie. She was starting to get hungry now, here in this burger bar, the smell of the hot food whipping her taste buds in to frenzy. She was out of sight crouched behind this bin, but through a little hole in the side she could see her big brother. A fat man with long greasy hair threw a whole half a burger in the bin right in front of Sofie's eyes, which instantly began to shine. "If it's thrown away it means they don't want it which means I can have it!" Sofie whispered to her self.
       "Please!" Daniel was still pleading with the mole faced baldy man. "Please. I will do anything, please!" The mole faced baldy man was now staring right over Daniel's shoulder at the bin. "What the hell is that girl doing?" Daniel turned around and spotted a mop of blonde hair, blonde hair he had cut himself last night. "Sofie!" Daniel's heart sank further as he realised that she was eating from the bin. Mole faced baldey man had run over to reclaim the burger. "Give me that burger you little tramp and get out before I call the police." Daniel grabbed Sofie from mole faced baldy man "Don't you dare call her a tramp!" He screamed at the mole faced baldy man. People had started staring and whispering about them. He knew what they were all thinking. Tramps. The pair of them.
       The manager appeared saying he "Didn't want their kind in his restaurant." Everyone was staring now. Daniel made a dash for the door, Dragging Sofie behind by her thin arms. Only one set of eyes was unjudgemental. A young girls. He knew those eyes from somewhere but couldn't place them.
       Anya and Skye had just sat down to enjoy their bacon cheeseburgers when all of the commotion had started. It seemed the young girl had been stealing or something, she couldn't quite see. Anya was sure the boy with her was the same one as the supermarket, but who was the girl? She looked too young to be his girlfriend, as she was only about ten years old. She couldn't possibly live on the streets as well, could she? "Skye, do you know that boy?" Anya asked in between a mouthful of burger.
"Nope. Probably just another druggie. Why the sudden interest anyway?"
"I was just wondering about the girl. She looked so young surely she can't be a druggie?"
"Maybe. They just keep on getting younger."