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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 24

        "Nah Pickle that's fucking under man!" His voice was nasal and slow, as if still asleep. "Nah man its Two spoons Ebo I swear man, I swear!" The sounds of children playing in the park was drowned out by a passing train. "That's not two fucking spoons you cunt more like one and a half. You've skanked me you bastard." Fairfield park was the place all the junkies hung out and these two were no exception to the norm. "Nah I swear it Ebo that's what he gave me, I swear man." Ebo scanned his face for some sign that he was lying but couldn't tell if he was or not. "Just give me the fucking gear Pickle, your not having the wash now." Ebo took the works out of his pocket and began cooking up the gear. "Please Ebo, I'm sick man I'm clucking! Just give me some, please man."
"Okay you can have the fucking wash!" Ebo took a shoelace out of his pocket preparing the vein for injection. He tapped his arm before attempting to find a vein that hadn't buckled after years of heroin abuse.
        They were sitting in the entrance of the dissused tunnel out of sight from passers by. The last thing they needed was to get nicked again as it would mean they were going straight back in to Felthem detention center. Ebo's body instantly relaxed as the drug entered his blood supply. Taking the dirty needle and spoon from Ebo's hand and the lace from around his arm, Pickle drew up the water from the bottle and squirted it on to the spoon. He cooked up his wash before drawing it back in to the syringe and shooting it up. The effect was immediate and he no longer felt sick, for a few hours anyway.
        The tunnel was littered with hundreds of dirty works. It was fenced off but there was always a way to get in. The two teenagers lay in their drugged up stupor for a while before the effects started to wear off and another hit was required. Putting the last of his gear on the spoon Ebo began to cook up again. "Ebo!" Pickle shouted.
        "Not fucking now Pickle alright!" Ebo carried on cooking up the gear. He could hear Pickle scuffling around behind him but all he was focusing on was how long it would take to get the gear back in to his blood supply. Drawing the gear in to the needle he turned around to get his shoe lace and froze. It took a few minutes to realise that Pickle was no longer behind him. "Pickle?" He shouted. "Look this isn't fucking funny. Just give me my lace." Still nothing. "Fucking bastad thinks he's funny." Ebo stood up and walked deeper in to the tunnel. "Pickle, come on this isn't funny."
        He stubbed his toe on something hard but it was too dark in here to see what it was. He rummaged around in his pocket for his lighter. After flicking the metal wheel several times, he finally got it to light. Holding it down to the ground he looked around for the bastad rock that had hurt his toe. As he got closer to the ground he saw that it wasn't a rock at all but the decapitated head of his former best friend. At first Ebo thought he was still halucinating until he heard a noise behind him. Slowly he turned around. "Right you bastad, did you do this to.." He froze in mid sentence as the lighter flame lit up the fur on the animal in front of him. Before he had time to scream the Beast lifted his huge paw swiping at Ebo's head. It knocked it clean off as easily as if you were wiping a feather from your top. After cracking his skull open the Beast gorged on the young brain inside. The heroin however was still very active sending the Beast to a few peaceful hours sleep.