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 >Chapter 01
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 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
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 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 6

       The ground was so hard after yet another day of heavy snow that Willie was having great trouble penetrating the frozen earth with his spade. The combination of many a years heavy digging and working outside in all weathers had left Willies hands tired and old. Arthritis had set in a few years back making every single day more painful that the last. "I'm getting much too old for this!" Willie muttered to himself. He was sixty five now and all he felt like doing was going home to his wife, Vera, their warm cosy home, a plate of steaming hot food and stay there. Retire and spend his time gardening or playing golf maybe. Willie sighed and threw his spade to the ground. He sat down on on a nearby log for a well earned break. Taking a pouch from his pocket he rolled himself a cigerette. He sat there thinking quietly for a few minutes, puffing vast white clouds of smoke into the frosty air, his mind clouded with visions of early retirement.
        There were only a few feet to go before the grave reached its six foot minumim, its twin lying only feet away having been completed only hours earlier. In normal circumstances he would have finished it tomorrow but the service had been booked as the first appointment for the morning. Accoring to a conversation he had overheard between the priest and one of the fathers, the graves belonged to a young girl and her lover. Their deaths had been most brutal. They had been attacked so viciously that it had been difficult to determine who's flesh was who's. Their skulls had been removed from their torsos and What was left of their bodies, which was not nearly enough to fill one coffin, had been shredded and scattered around as if some kind of animal had been feasting on their remains. The police, who had to go round picking up half a kidney here and half a liver there, concluded that either a large animal had killed them both or that some lunitic had hacked them to pieces.But why? And what kind of animal with enough strength capable of killing two humans like they were mice can be found in kent? Maybe Africa but certainly not Kent! "Poor mites!" Willie thought as he picked up his spade and continued to dig.
        The graveyard was dark now but the fullmoon gave out enough light to cast shadows behind the tombstones making them seem alive with evil. Everyone had gone home leaving the graveyard deserted and Willie on his own. Willie shivered. You would have thought that forty years in the grave digging business would stop you getting spooked about death but Willie feared ending up here more than anything. He thought about the young couple who were about to inhabit these graves. Willie was right underneeth the ground now and was getting spooked. He just wanted to go now so he began digging a bit faster. A sound of a snapping branch made Willie jump and drop his spade. Cautiosly peering out from the freshly dug grave, he glanced around the grave yard. There was nothing there. Willie laughed to himself. "You silly old fool!" He picked his spade back up and started to dig again. A large shadow suddenly blocked out the moonlight. As he felt warm breath on the back of his neck Willie became aware there was something behind him and froze. Gathering his courage he began to turn. His grip around his spade tightened as he suddenly found his voice.
"What do you think you are doing here?" Willie stopped as he saw what kind of animal was here in kent that could kill two people so horribly. Willie would be the third. The beast ripped the flesh from his neck, as Willie let out his final sceam, the sound continuing to emerge from his mouth long after his dismembered torso had fallen in to it's early grave.