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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 21

        Wayne Roberts sat in the cold room which had been designated as his new bedroom. It was a standad single room that any ordaniary soldier would sleep in. Captain Spencer had decided that it would be better for him to sleep down here where an eye could be kept on him at all times. The soldiers had put a few football posters on the walls to brighten the room and make him feel a bit better but it hadn't worked very well. He sat on the hospital like bed swinging his little legs to and fro. The walls were plain white but felt cold, as if they were made from metel. The floor was covered in hard white tiles giving the place that sort of hospital room. There wasn't any windows in the room which gave it a claustriphobic sort of feel. He jumped down and picked up his toy car that he'd bought with him from his house and pushed it along the shiny floor.
        He tried not to think about his mother as he couldn't stop crying when he did. He had convinced himself that he was here on a secret mission and when he went home his mummy would be waiting with his birthday cake and presents, surrounded by ballons and streamers and it would be the best party ever. He knew, however, that this was unlikely to happen.
        The heavy steel door swung open and luietenant Davis walked in. Wayne carried on pushing his car up and down the length of the floor. "Hey Wayne. How are you doing?" Davis's eyes were full of sorrow for the little fellow. Wayne didn't answer just carried on pushing his car. "Wayne I need you to come with me for a minute." Still no answer. Davis bent down to Wayne's level and took hold of the car. "I know this has been really awful for you but your safe now." Wayne looked up at Davis with his sorrowful brown eyes, his floppy brown hair half covering them. "How could you know?" He thought but said nothing. Davis tried again. "Look, I need you to come with me Wayne." Davis stood holding out his hand. Reluctently Wayne took his hand and followed him out of the door.
        The corridoors looked as sterile as his new bedroom. They seemed endlessly long and staight to a little boy. After a few minutes they reached a big wooden door. Davis banged on it three times before it swung open. "Come on then Wayne, after you." Davis gestured for him to enter. Inside was a long table covered in ballons and streamers with a birthday cake that housed five candles along with other choclatey goodies. At one end of the table sat Captain Spencer who he had breifly met last night. At the other end sat a few present's covered in brightly coloured wrapping paper.
        Wayne's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Davis. "How did you know?" He croaked.
"We found them in your house. These are the presents your mummy and daddy bought you. Its even the cake she had got you. With five candles as well." Davis held his breath waiting for the hysterical crying which hadn't yet materialised since Davis had found the youngster still clinging to his mothers body. The boys had found the presents whilst they were cleaning up the place and put two and two together. It had been Davis's idea to hold this little party hoping it would cheer the little lad up a bit. Now he was praying to god that it wouldn't backfire on him. Slowly Wayne released his grip on Davis's hand slowly approaching the table present end first.
        Slowly he began to unwrap the first present. It was a Chelsea football. One by one Wayne opened the six presents, his smile getting broader with each one. Captain Spencer and Davis watched in silence letting him take his own time. After a few minutes Davis picked up a flat parcel handing it to Wayne. "This is from us here at the center. We had it specially made for you!" Wayne unwrapped the parcel taking out the contents. "It's an army uniform like yours." Wayne looked confused.
"I know. We're making you an honoury soldier due to the fact that you have been so brave!"
"Yes Wayne." Captain Spencer finally rose to his feet. "You are a very brave young man and we want brave young men on our team."
"I'm an army officer? Really?" Wayne's face lit up. He had always wanted to be in the army and now he even had his own uniform.
"So Wayne." Captain Spencer continued. "As your now an officer of the land what would you like to do?"
"Well I'd like some birthday cake please but I don't want you to sing. My mummy will do that when I go home." The two grown ups glanced at each other strangly but he didn't understand why. "Of course you can have some cake. Shall I cut it?" Davis picked up the large knife that the kitchens had lent them. "Would you like a large slice sir?" He draped a tea towel over his arm imatating a waiter. Wayne's eyes lit up at the sight of the rich chocolate cake. "Oh yes a very large piece please."
"That's please sir now you're an soldier." Captain Spencer laughed, as Davis cut Wayne a slice that nearly covered the whole of the paper plate before cutting two more for himself and the Captain.
        After five minutes of them stuffing their faces in silence Captain Spencer stood up again. "Son now you're an officer we need your help."
"Sir yes sir." Wayne stood and saluted at the captain who tried to contain his smile. "We need you to help us find that thing that was in your house. Do you think you could talk to us about it tomorrow?" Captain Spencer watched his face for any sign of reaction.
"Well," Wayne started, "I will on one condition. Davis plays football with me tonight with my new ball." Captain Spencer looked at Davis who nodded then turned back to Wayne.
"Well I think that's ok, but to make it better I'll send a few other soldiers down to make it a proper game. How does that sound?"
"Cool. Thankyou mr Captain sir." Wayne smiled properly for the first time he'd been here.
"Come on Privite Roberts lets put your toy's away in your quarters."
        Wayne had insisted on changing in to his uniform as soon as he got to his room. Wayne mum had written a birthday card for him but Davis was reluctant to give it to him. Toys were one think to a kid but his mothers private message was another. Davis left it on the bed as they headed to the gym for the footie match, thinking he would rather read it alone where he could shed a few tears without feeling anyone was watching. Davis had really taken to the boyand was on strict instrustions to stay with him as much as possible.
        Captain Spencer had been right about sending the boys down. The gym was full of at least twenty squaddies who cheered happy birthday as he walked in. Wayne had picked his own team for the five a side game and had felt so proud when he had scored with his new Chelsea football. They made him man of the match and carried him around the gym on their shoulders. Just for that moment Wayne forgot everything that had happened to him in these last couple of days.
        Walking back up the corridor to his room Wayne suddenly stopped and looked up at Davis. "Davis, Thankyou for being so nice to me. Thanks for my uniform and my birthday party aswell!" Davis looked at him in his little doc martins and camoflage gear. He ruffled Wayne's hair. "It was all my pleasure. Come on lets get you in to bed young man." After getting Wayne in to his pyjamas he gave him the card. "This is from your mummy. We found it with the presents." Wayne just stared at it. "When and if you want to read it it's here. Im in the room next door so come and get me if you need me okay?"
"Okay. Davis, will you tuck me in tonight?"
"Course I will." Davis lifted him up on the bed and wrapped the covers around his little body. "Now goodnight and sweet dreams young man." He whispered before kissing him lightly on the forehead and returning to his Captains office.