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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 20

        The wind in the willows was Anya's favourate book. She was reading it in the park today. Skye had stuff to do or so she said so Anya had come down by herself. Anya had become increasingly close to Daniel and Sofie over the last few weeks. Anya had hung around the shops looking for them accidently on purpose until she had bumped in to them so many times that they had no choice but to make friends with her. And if she was completely honest she had a bit of a crush on Daniel. She couldn't understand why but she wanted to be around him and Sofie all the time. She had noticed that they didn't like to answer questions about their parents or how they had ended up on the streets, and Anya didn't like to ask.
        It was nice down here. If you sat underneeth the big oak tree in the middle you could just about block out any sign of a tower block. There was just enough sun to warm her skin and just enough of a breeze to cool it. It was quite nice to come down here for the day and get away from her mum and school and everything that made her miserable. Books were her escape. In a book she could escape into her imagination, a world where witches and monsters were real. Where life always had a happy ending and people were never in need.
        A little fly landed on Anya's arm tickling her as the hairs on her arms got entangled on it's legs. She swatted it off, put her book down and closed her eyes. She soaked up the warmth and relished the fact it was a Sunday and she still had all day to do nothing. A dark shadow covered her turning her skin goose pimpley. As she opened her eyes she saw him standing over her and she jumped.
"Daniel!" She hadn't bargained on seeing him here. "You made me jump!"
"Sorry I've been looking for you all day!" He seemed anxious and slightly embarresed. "It's just I need to ask you something, only if you don't mind an that."
"This is it" she thought. "Hes going to declare his undying love for me." "Sure, fire away."
"I wanted to ask you." Anya looked up at him, trying to look demure and beautiful. "What is it?"
"Sorry it's just a bit embarresing!" He admitted, his cheeks reddining slightly.
"There's no need to be embarressed around me. Just tell me what you have to say."
"Well it's just you know I'm a bloke an you're a girl an that?" He stubed at the floor with his toe poking out of his shoe, then realised that doing that actually hurts.
"Yes I was last time I checked." Anya giggled at his shyness.
"Well it's just." Come on and tell me Anya thought to herself, just ask me out and it will all be fine.
"It's Sofie."
"Sofie!" Anya tried her hardest to not sound let down. "What about Sofie?"
"It's just, well she started her thingys!" Daniel hesitated on the last word.
"What thingys?" Anya was baffled now.
"You know, womens thingys!"
"What you mean periods?"
"Yes, god finally, I was beginning to think you were as stupid as you look!"
"Thankyou, I think, but what do you want me to do?" Anya hoped she didn't looked as dissappointed and confused as she felt. "I need you to get some things you use and tell her what's going on."
"Why don't you get your mum to do it?"
"Because I don't my mum and dad." Daniel was starting to get pissed off now. "Look are you gonna help me or wot?"
"Yes of course, look I didn't know."
"Well how would you have. Its not comman knowledge. Look Sofie's in the park, I don't know anyone else around here so will you come with me to help her?"
"On my way" Anya smiled, picked up her book and got to her feet.
"You don't mind do ya, it's just I aint no good at this sorta thing."
"Nope I don't mind. If you don't mind me asking, why don't you see your mum?" An instant pain flashed through Daniels eyes and for a second Anya thought he was about to cry.
"She died with my dad in an accident. No biggy." It didn't look that way to Anya, who suddenly felt very stupid. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Daniel looked at her with those piercing blue eyes that had soften slightly. "Look it's not your fault they died. It was two years ago now but were ok."
"Where do you live then?" Anya knew she was being nosy, but she had to find out more about this mystery man. "We live in an old factory. Its got an old sofa and our sleeping bags. It suits us."
"A factory? Your winding me up!" Anya giggled
"I am not!" Daniel retorted angrily. "We don't all live in buckingham palace ya know darlin'!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to, well you know, laugh. Im sure it's lovely." Anya could taste her feet yet again.
"No it isnt fucking lovely, it's a shithole, but it's the best I can do. Now can we drop it." Daniel smiled, his blue eyes sparkling in the sun. "Come on there's Sof!"
        After two hours of carefully explaining to sofie about the birds and bees Anya was knackerd. It had been a long two hours. Anya had tried drawing some pictures and writing the words down, but Sofie couldn't read to save her life. "Sofie, how long has it been since you went to school?"
"Can't member ever goin Annie." Sofie was trying to read what the back of the sanitry towel packet said but had only understood a few words. "Wouldn't you like to go to school, learn to read and make friends and all that?" Anya looked at Sofie trying to work her out. She was so young, too young to be here. Anya lit the candle, which had gone out yet again, that was the only source of light in the factory. Daniel was right, it was a shithole. "Nahh, I can't go till Dan's eighteen or they is gonna take me away! "What do you mean they will take you away?" Anya looked very puzzled now.
"Do you know what they do to you in them homes!" Sofie whispered.
"No Sof, you tell me." Anya liked Sofie, she was so childlike and sweet.
"They make you go a bed wif no dinner if your naughty! And they don't let Dan sleep in my room an all! Then they wanted me to live with someone else and not Dan so we run away." "Oh Sof!" Anya's heart felt for the girl as if she were her own. She wondered how long it had been since Sofie had had a decent meal and had an idea. "Well how would you like to come and have dinner round my house tonight? Im cooking a roast dinner?"
"What real roast dinner, with meat and gravey everything?" Sofie's eyes had doubled in size. Anya giggled. "Of course a real roast dinner. You can even have pudding if you like!"
"Can Dan come? Coz he likes roast dinner an all!"
"Yes he can come. Come on well go and get him and tell him where were going."
"Cheers Annie, Your really nice!" Sofie planted a big thank-you kiss on Anya's cheek. "It's really sad she's so happy about having a roast when I often can't be bothered to eat it." Anya thought, then promised herself that she would help Dan and Sofie as best she could.