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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 18

        The sounds of the girls laughing and joking made the old man smile. Not in a dirty pervert way, but in a grandfatherly way. He had fifteen Grandchildren himself, add that to ten children of his own and one great grandchild, that made an awful lot of children. These teens were laughing and playing tag, not swearing and tagging like most nowadays. On the other hand they might have just been on drugs and running around out of their head. He liked to give them the benefit of the doubt. Gabriel was Spanish and had come over to England thirty years ago. Even in that short time he had seen this place change. It used to be full of gentlemen and ladies, going about their business. Now, however it was full of geezers and yobbos. Gabriel drifted back in time to the seventies, the time of fun. Oh he liked a tipple himself. Rum was his poison. Oh he had had good times alright. Lots of ladies and lots of kids. Unfortuantly that also ment lots of divorces and lots of money spent, which ment he had nothing now. He lived here on this bench, or the pavillion if it rained, in this park and he enjoyed it. Nobody hassled him and he had no bills. He was free. He just sat here watching the people. "Look at that old geezer over there!" Skye was pointing to the bench. "Yeah what about him?" Anya was confused. Why were they looking at the tramp on the bench. "He's ready to die. He has a grey aura. He will die soon!" Skye bent her head as if in prayer. "What are you chatting about?" Anya was confused now. "How could you possibly know that?" "I just do. I'll explain one day. Come on lets go get some munch."
       The shop was big and airy with big security cameras pointing in to every crevice. Anya was loading a basket with drinks, crisps and chocolates. "How much is the bus home?" "A pound!" Skye picked up a couple of bags of crisps and checked her money. "You hungry or something?" Skye was eyeing up her basket. Anya just giggled "Look over there." Anya pointed across the street. Sitting in the doorway of the shop across the road were the two homeless people, the boy from the supermarket and the girl. "So what? Two scummy homeless kids. Whatcha gonna do, give em a home?" Skye was annoying Anya now. "I don't care what you think." Anya retorted as she handed the checkout girl a fiver. "I'm going over there." Skye looked on in disbelief. "You know girlie, You're a sandwich short of a picnic!"
        "I know!" Anya ran from the store still laughing. "Excuse me." Anya rubbed her sweaty palms on her fleece jumper. Her heart was pumping so hard against her ribs she thought she might break one. "Yes what do you want?" The boy spoke sharply, so much hate in his voice. "I've seen you around, in the supermarket and the restaurant."
"Yeah and?" His piecing blue eyes were burning in to her skull, she began to wonder if she should have come over at all. The girl looked like she could do with putting on a few stone and taking a bath, but Anya could see her beauty beneath. Handing over the bag of goodies, she smiled. "I bought these for you. I know it's not much but, well you know."
"Yeah I know, you thought "oh how can I be a Good Samaritan today, I know I'll feed the poor", well darling I don't need your charity ok so just get lost." He looked angry now.
"Fine, sod you then. I just thought you might like some munch but forget it. You're just an ungrateful basted!" Trying to hold in the tears Anya turned on her heel to leave.
        "Daniel!" The young girl spoke with a mothering tone "You apologise to that nice lady now or I will get angry!" The young girl stood up and held out her tiny hand. "My names Sofie, this is my big bro, Daniel. I'm sorry about him." Sofie held her little hand up to her mouth and whispered "He's very rude but it's coz he's tired an hungry an all. What is your name?"
"Well Sofie my names Anya. Pleased to meet your brother and yourself. Would you like some food?"
"Oh yes please. We run out yesterday what you got?" Sofie nosed through the bag "Look Dan!" she squealed excitedly "Real chocolate an crisps an all, look!" Reluctantly Daniel stood up and came over to the both of them. Embarrassed slightly now he looked inside the bag. "Look, I'm sorry bout that it's just I ain't used to people bein nice to me an all."
"That's ok, I just wanted to help." Anya gazed up at his face. He was even more handsome in the flesh than in her fantasies. Those eyes, god she could get lost gazing at him for hours on end. "I said, is that your friend over there?" Daniel couldn't believe she was standing here next to him. Her face had invaded his dreams almost every night, each time taking him home, to a real home where they would be happy ever after, but, as he had learned, life was never that kind. "Yes, that's Skye. Look I better go but I'll see you around yeah?"
"Thanks for the crisps Annie." Sofie spluttered through a mouthful of crisps.
"It is Anya." Daniel corrected "And yes thank-you for well you know. See ya and I hope I do."
"No problem, see ya." Anya ran back over to Skye, who was impatiently tapping her feet.
"You fancy him!" Skye teased.
"No I don't!" Anya smiled. "Well maybe just a bit."
"Like I said girlie, sandwich short of a picnic."