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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 16

        Anya's hand emerged from under the duvet desperately fumbling for the snooze button. Unable to find it she decided on getting up instead. It was Monday again. She hated Mondays as it meant going back to school. Not that it was as bad now that she had met Skye. The two of them had become quite close in the last few weeks. Anya admired Skye's ability to never moan or let life get her down. Anya on the other hand dwelled over the tiniest detail letting it fester and grow in to a big deal.
       Making a dash for the bathroom Anya grabbed her school uniform and jumped in the shower. She didn't have a bad body for a fifteen-year-old. Boys had started looking in her direction and she found herself shyly looking back. She found herself thinking about the boy she had first seen in the supermarket. That had been happening a lot lately. He had turned up in her dreams and plagued her thoughts. Each of her dreams were the same. He would declare his undying love for her and she would return the favour. She imagined him sweeping her of her feet, the two of them joining their bodies in pure lust. Anya moved her hand lower still dreaming of the nameless boy with piecing blue eyes. "Anya, you're going to be late!"
"Yes mum." Anya jumped out the shower and dressed. With a dreamy smile still on her face she picked up her lunch and walked to school. She passed the fruit and veg stall that had already been open for four hours. The old man that owned it had told her he had been in the same spot since 1970. "Hello Mr Price. How are you today?"
"Anya my dear I'm fine thank-you. How are you this fine morning?"
"Still in dream land I'm afraid. The walk will do me good."
"Here take this." Mr Price handed Anya a banana. "They are full of potassium. Will wake you up in no time."
"Thank you Mr Price. Have a nice day." Anya peeled the banana making sure to put the skin in the bin when she had finished. There was already enough litter here without her adding to it.
       After a good twenty minutes Anya reached the school gates where Skye was waiting for her. "Hiya mate!" Skye squealed flinging her elbows at Anya "Hiya matey back!" Anya squealed mimicking Skye's actions. This was one of the secret codes they had concocted between the two of them to know what the other was thinking without talking. Elbows in the air meant banging weekend. Pinching the nose meant you couldn't stand someone etc. "So what did you do this weekend?" Skye looked interested as Anya rarely did anything exciting. "No it was literally a banging weekend. I was helping mum decorate and banged my head on Saturday and my knee on Sunday!"
"Ha ha bloody Ha!" Skye giggled "You are one nutty bitch!"
"Cheers! I return the compliment!" Anya poked out her tongue at Skye. "So tell me miss elbows how was your weekend. Did you rob a bank or abbsail of a mountain?"
"No, I went to the Dog and Duck and got very drunk. I ended up with my tongue down a throat"
"Oh my god! Whose was it? Can you remember?"
"Well no!" They both burst in to hysterical giggles "But he did text me this morning asking if we could meet!"
"What did you say? Did you agree?" Anya was so engrossed in what she was hearing she didn't notice that they were approaching the stairs. Without a word of warning she fell arse over tit.
"You alright mate?" Skye tried to help Anya up but was laughing too much to be off much help.
"Yes thanks! Now continue the gossip. Are you gonna meet him?"
"Course not! What do ya think I am? Crazy?" They both began to giggle again. "Are you out tonight? A few of us are going up to the park."