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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 4

        It was another cold wet day in Sevenoaks, Kent. Proffesser Frank Warren had been sent here from the London museum to verify the authenticity of the finds of The royal collage of Kent's excavation dig. A few Roman bones had been found, along with some coins and some crockery, nothing of any real value or interest. Frank took a sip of his cold coffee and instantly spat it back in to his cup. God he wanted to go home. The workers had carried on digging regardless of the rain. Frank was pleased as it meant he wouldn't have to stay here, bored out of his mind for very much longer. It had been so boring Frank even found the sound of the rain bouncing off the large green four man tent quite exciting, like a fountain splashing on the pebbles below. In the last few hours its soft pitter pattering had calmed his distemper at finding nothing new contained in the latest samples. Frank stretched his arms, a loud yawn escaping from his lips. This tent had been his home for the last six weeks and quite comfy it was too. It had a little heater and a little fridge and they had even given him a little television. The camp bed was comfortable and his workstation had a laptop, microscopes and lots of text books and paperwork. Frank took a beer from the fridge and quenched his thirst. Putting the beer down he lay his head on the desk.
        "Mr Warren come quickly!" Dean Jones, a worker on the excavation team, panted as he burst through the tent doors at great speed. Proffesser Frank Warren raised his head above the huge pile of books that surrounded his workbench.
"Nice to see you to Dean! What can I do for you?"
"We've found something, something big!"
"Calm down man! What on this earth is so important? Have you found gold dust or something?" Frank laughed and closed his thick text book. "Come on then, what have you found this time?"
"Look you have to come with me now! You have to see it to believe it" At six foot three Dean cast a menacing figure to the outside world. Inside, however he was as soft as a puppy. Frank laughed to himself. In the six weeks since starting this dig Frank had grown to like the gentle giant, as he had been nicknamed. A Roman coin or a piece of jug were enough to excite Dean and turn him in to a hyperactive child. Dean's whole body was shakey and beads of sweat were running down his face. His breathing was laboured from where he had been running making his words difficult to understand. There was a serious look in Dean's eye that was unnerving Frank.
"Just come now!" Dean shouted as he turned and disapeared from the tent as quickly as he had arrived. Frank stood up and followed him across the sodden, muddy field. Dean was now frantically stuggling through the thick mud. The constant rain had turned the earth in to slush and Frank joined Dean in his battle to get to the other side of the field, walking as if they were wearing lead boots.
        There were fifteen men and women on this dig, who, in six weeks of digging, had created a small hill and a twenty foot hole in the ground. All of the diggers had gathered around the hole transfixed. As Frank got closer he witnessed the look of pure horror that had registered on their tearstained faces. His pace quickend as curiosity surged through his veins making his skin tingle.
"Shit" He thought "This must be big."
        Although the sunlight was bright at the moment he still could not make out why everyone was upset. As he stood there peering in to the hole someone handed him a flashlight, it's beam ripping through the darkness like a knife through butter. He saw them almost immediately. Fear gripped his stomach, heaving it's contents through his mouth and on to the muddy ground beside him. Twenty feet beneeth ground level lay the drained, decaying human carcuses of ten babies, each of which had their heads removed.