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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 3

        Daniel's heart was pounding in his ears as he quickly sped down the alleyway leading to the dissused warehouse that recently he called home. Hey at leist it was warm and dry in this freezing winter weather. Adjusting the boards that were once a window, he entered in to the dismall darkness ahead. Carefully navigating his feet along the narrow scaffolding pole he reached the main room, where earlier he had left his younger sister sleeping. "Sofie im back and I've got food." Daniel peered into the darkness, his eyes straining to make out her pettite figure. At thirteen Sofie was four years younger than himself. Her long blonde locks needed a wash and her clothes were two sizes to big but she was still pretty. Her big blue doe eyes shone with pride for her older brother, who every day managed to find something for her to eat. "Dan your back!" Sofie screamed excitedly "I found som candles but I wanted to wait for you to come back first." Sofie chattered as light exploded in to the room making them both readjust their eyes. "Look wot I did Dan look. Innit good Dan innit. Say it's good Dan please say it's good." Sofie's pleading voice was begging for approval. Daniel glanced round the room. Cardboard boxes had been flattened and sleeping bags placed on top to resemble a couple of beds. Another box in the centre of the room made a table whilst two crates became chairs. Sofie had done well "You done damn good Sof. You'll make the best girl yet you will."
        Daniel sat on one of the crates and released some of the weight from his tired young shoulders. He unzipped his long dirty overcoat and removed the stolen loaf of bread and a pint of milk someone was now missing from their doorstep. Daniel hated stealing but the facts were no home-no job-no job-money-no-money-no food! He did it for Sofie more than himself. She was more vunrable than him, needed someone to watch out for her, someone to look after her. And, although he would never admit it, Daniel needed Sofie as much as she needed him. Ever since their parents had died in a car crash two years ago, Daniel had looked after the both of them. Social services had tried to intervene and house them in separate foster homes so they had run away to London, living rough on the streets (If you could call it living). They moved around continuously, staying in warehouses or squats, eating leftovers from the bin. . Daniel had vowed to both look after and protect Sofie the best that he could and if that meant stealing to feed her then so be it It had been hard but they had survived without any major disasters so far. Daniel had found this place by chance but it looked like it could be home for quite a while. There was a tap with running water out the back and it was fairly warm.It had been three weeks since they had arrived here now and Daniel had to admit it wasn't that bad. "Here you go Sofie. Tuck in and have a feast my girl" Daniel placed the milk and bread in Sofie's hands.
"Wot 'bout you Dan? Aint you havin none?"
"Don't worry 'bout me Sof. I had mine on the way back." He knew it was a lie and so did she. "But Dan." She began to protest.
"Go on girl," Daniel cut in "Eat up before it gets cold!" Sofie giggled at this knowing very well it had been an awfully long time since they had eaten hot food. Daniel looked at her eating her bread in amazement, wondering how on earth after two years on the street Sofie had managed to retain that childish innocence, for he knew that his own had been lost forever. "I love ya you know Dan." Sofie's softly spoken words broke his thoughts. "I saved you some." A small hand offered Daniel a lump of bread and he gratefully took a small bite. "I love you too Sof. Come on drink your milk it's good for your bones, then bedtime."
"Ah Dan!" Sofie moaned in mock disgust, but she to was tired. As Sofie settled down for the night Daniel placed the rest of the bread in his coat pocket. "We might need it tomorrow"He thought to himself.
        Daniel lay back in his sleeping bag and closed his eyes, dreaming of days when they would have real food in their stomachs each day and comfy beds to sleep in each night, and wished it would be soon.