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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 17

        Wayne Roberts was five years old tomorrow as he'd been telling everyone who had walked past his garden fence that day. There hadn't been very many people to tell though. They lived on a farm where the nearest house was a half a mile away. There had been the postman, who had given Wayne a handful of brightly coloured cards, which he put in his room for the morning, and the milkman, who gave Wayne an extra pint of milk to drink. Oh yes and that funny man who came round in a suit every now and then. Wayne didn't like the funny man as he smelt funny. And every time he came to the house he made Wayne's mummy cry. Mummy called him the rent man. He and mummy made Wayne wait in the garden while she showed the funny man her room.
        Tomorrow Wayne was gonna have a party with jelly and ice-cream with chocolate sauce. Wayne had been born with epilepsy or lepsby as he called it. His fits were so severe it meant he couldn't attend a normal school. Wayne, however, didn't know that and had settled in very well. Garath Hunt was Wayne's best friend. Garath, had Downs syndrome or downs sindy as Wayne called it. They were like two peas in a pod, even talking in their own language. Garath was coming to Wayne's party and he couldn't wait.
        Wayne picked up his action man and went to the back door. If it was unlocked it meant that the funny man had gone and he was allowed back in. Slowly he pushed the door and it swung open. Running through the kitchen calling his mother's name he came to a full stop, skidding on the shiny tiled floor. His mother sat on the couch in the living room, dressed only in her bathrobe, sobbing like a baby. She caught sight of Wayne and wiped the tears from her wet cheeks. "Why are you crying mummy? Did the funny man hurt you?"
"No darling. I'm all right. Come here and give me a squeeze you little squirt." Outstretching her arms he ran to her, taking in her warmth and enjoying her smell. "Love you mummy." Wayne reached up and kissed her on the cheek. Licking the salty taste from his lips he buried himself in her chest. "Love you too baby." His mother smoothed his baby blond hair and kissed his cheek. "Now upstairs to get clean before daddy comes home. I've run you a bath, not too hot mind and I will be up in a minute."
        Wayne loved his mother so much it could burst sometimes but his father was a different matter. Wayne's father was a bully both to his wife and his child. Just the mere mention of his father sent shivers up his spine. Wayne's father worked on the farm. It was a large farm so they often wouldn't see him all day. Usually, he came home at around six, had his tea then went to the pub most nights, often returning drunk and violent. Wayne had hidden his head under the pillow many times before, trying to block out the cries of pain from his mother's beatings.
        Wayne stared at the bubbles, which were pilled high in the tub. With a cheeky giggle he scooped some up with his tiny hand before smothering it over his chin to look like a beard. "Oh Wayne!" His mother stood hands on hips trying to look cross. "What have I told you about bubbles?" Wayne flashed another cheeky grin at his mother, knowing she couldn't resist. "Look mummy, I'm Father Christmas!" Wayne pulled at his T-shirt and shorts and jumped in the bath with an almighty splash, water flooding the bathroom floor. Wayne's mother lay a fluffy white towel on the floor to absorb the water. "Come on you get washed. I need to get dressed and get dinner ready for your dad. Call me when you want to get out of the bath, ok honey?"
"Ok mum. Brruumm!" Wayne was racing his toy duck against his boat. Wayne's mother laughed and went to her room. Wayne loved bath time. His mum said he was a water baby. He liked that, it was like in the book that his mum had read him when he was littler.
        The duck, which had won the race yet again, was taking a lap of honour round the bath as the boat sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Wayne was a scuba diver now, swimming under the sea looking for sunken pirate ships. The fishes swam underneath him, all brightly coloured floating gracefully in the sea. There it was, he could see it in all its glory. The pirate ship had a hole in the bottom. "I bet it was a cannonball!" Wayne swam through the hole looking for treasure. Suddenly something was behind him. Oh no it was a shark. Wayne swam as fast as he could to the surface, taking a huge gasp of air as he arrived.
        The bath water was cold now and Wayne wanted to get out. "Mum." He shouted. Wayne could hear something but it was mumbled. Clearing the water from his ears he strained to hear. "I said why isn't my dinner ready yet you fucking bitch?"
"I'm sorry Mick, Wayne was in the bath and.."
"Don't fucking answer me back you bitch!" Wayne heard the slap all the way from the bathroom. "Oww.. Please Mick don't hurt me." Wayne's mum was sobbing now, her chest heaving.
"Look at the state of this fucking house an' all. Look at you, you look a fucking state. Don't fucking cry or I'll give you something to cry about." Mick raised his hand making Wendy cower in fear. He enjoyed the feeling of power it gave him, the feeling of strength. He enjoyed the torment and if he was truthful he enjoyed giving her the beating. Although he didn't like to hurt her too much before she had cleaned the house and cooked his dinner. "I want steak and onions for my tea. Get in the kitchen now bitch and get cooking or you'll be sorry."
"But.. we haven't got any steak."
"What do you fucking mean we haven't got any steak?" Mick grabbed her by her hair and dragged her across the room to the fridge. He pulled the door open and shoved her head inside. "What the fuck is this?" He pointed to the jelly, sandwiches and chocolate rolls that she had made for Wayne's party. "They are for Wayne, for his party.." He slapped her hard round the face. "I fucking told you not to answer me back you fucking slag! You can buy that little bastard food but you can't buy me, your own husband, a fucking steak for my dinner!" Shoving her head back in the fridge he slammed the door shut, trapping her head. Blood began to trickle down the door on to the white kitchen floor tiles. "Look what you've done now!" He raged as he slammed the door again and again. "Daddy no!!" Wayne was standing naked at the top of the stairs, still dripping from the bath.
"Get in your room now you little bastard or you'll get some too."
"Mummy!" Wayne screamed, turned and ran to his room. Wayne's father was still beating his mother, her muffled screams just audible to his little ears. "That will teach you, you fucking bitch!" Mick stepped back to admire his handiwork and smiled. The back door was still open letting a cool breeze dry the sweat from his body. He stood there for a few moments, enjoying watching his wife squirm in pain, laughing at her discomfort.
        Wayne, now hiding under his duvet, felt compelled to go back downstairs to see his mum. Lifting his head he strained his ears listening for signs it was over. Silence. Nervously clambering out of the side of the bed he entered the hallway. Wayne reached the top of the stairs and lay on his belly so he could see in to the kitchen. There was his mum on the floor laying in a pool of blood , her chest still heaving with tiny sobs. His father stood above her, his back facing the back door. Barney, Wayne's dog was barking loudly outside, disturbed by the tension. "Barney, shut the fuck up or I'm gonna shot your arse!" Barney stopped barking and Mick smiled. Even the dog was listening to him now. "Who da man?" "I da man!" Mick opened the fridge door and took out a beer. Letting the cool air wash over him he stood there for a few moments. He felt something warm brush up against his leg.
        "Is that you Barney? You sure smell bad." Mick turned round, his words stopping and his face turning in horror as he saw his new friend, was in fact not Barney, but what looked like a yeti with five inch talons and four inch fangs, which were open at the ready. The beast's long snout reached out and sniffed Mick's head and chest. It didn't help that he had been working all day in the slaughterhouse. The beast's eyes lit up as he plunged his fangs in to Mick's neck, ripping the flesh clean away. The beast took one swipe at Mick's head with his large paw, instantly decapitating him. Pulling the skin away from his skull, the beast dug out Mick's brain with his paw and ate it. The beast moved on to the one on the floor. Her head was already split open, spilling its contents over the kitchen floor. Lifting her head with one hand he cracked it in two on the hard floor, eating what was left inside, like sucking the milk from a coconut. When he had hovered up every last drop the beast tossed her skull over his huge shoulders. Her skull landed next to her former husbands.
        Wayne was still at the top of the stairs lying on his belly. He was shaking like a leaf, too terrified to even breathe. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed, but pinching himself until his skin turned purple had convinced him he was still alive. He wanted to cry, to run to his mum but he was too scared. The monster looked huge and vicious with his long claws and snarling mouth that was covered in blood. No Wayne was just going to stay here and close his eyes. Then he could wake up in the morning have his party and his mum and dad would be alive and it would be the best fifth birthday in the world.
        The beast looked around for more prey. His vision was infared so he could literally see their heat. He spotted his next victim at the top of the stairs. Bounding up with his huge paws he reached Wayne within seconds. The beast straddled Wayne, sniffing his head, eagerly anticipating this ripe young human's brain. The beast licked Wayne's hair, it's breath warm on his neck. Wayne was so scared now, thought he was going to die but still he couldn't scream. It was as if someone had climbed into his mouth and stolen all of the sounds. He waited for something to happen but was praying for his life that it wouldn't. The beast jumped up bellowing so loud Wayne was sure his eardrums were about to burst.
        After a few moments Wayne opened his eyes again. The beast had left as quickly as it had arrived. Cautiously Wayne ran down the stairs to find his mum. Her bleeding body lay limply on the floor, still warm. Wayne lay next to her, wrapping his little arms around her waist, he breathed in her warm smell for the last time and begun to cry.