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 >Chapter 01
 >Chapter 02
 >Chapter 03
 >Chapter 04
 >Chapter 05
 >Chapter 06
 >Chapter 07
 >Chapter 08
 >Chapter 09
 >Chapter 10
 >Chapter 11
 >Chapter 12
 >Chapter 13
 >Chapter 14
 >Chapter 15
 >Chapter 16
 >Chapter 17
 >Chapter 18
 >Chapter 19
 >Chapter 20
 >Chapter 21
 >Chapter 22
 >Chapter 23
 >Chapter 24
 >Chapter 25
 >Chapter 26
 >Vote Story
Chapter 19

        Captin Spencer sat at his desk watching the video again. He looked at his watch. It was ten-thirty already. It was dark in his office. Apart from the light coming from the tv there was only one little lamp on. Captain Spencer opened the top drawer taking out a bottle of scotch. He took a swig, his face flushing as the warmth hit his chest. It had been a long day. His eyes were aching but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the tv screen. The Professer had only seen the carefully edited version of the tape. The real one was on now.
        Up to the birth of the beast the other tape was very accurate. What it hadn't shown was the three scientists who had been savagely and fatally attacked. Their screams echoed around Captain Spencers office, bouncing off the walls and imprinting themselves on his brain yet again. Taking another large swig of the scotch, he rewinded the tape, starting again from the beginning. This had been his ritual every night since this terrible event had occurred. He tried to kid himself that he was looking for a clue, something that would help find it, but he knew deep down that he was just tortureing himself, making himself watch it every day so he would never forget what he had done.
        The video had climaxed again, The terrified screams begging for help that would never come. He saw the last glimmer of hope fade from their faces and prayed they were now in peace. He hoped too that god would forgive him his sins when he finally made it to the gates.
        The shrill ringing of the telephone zapped his brain, every ring shaking in his head. "Hello, Captain Spencer here."
"Sir, Luietenant Davis, There's been another attack."
"Where now?" Captain Spencer felt like crying. Not another attack, not so soon.
"Guilford sir!"
"Guilford? What do you mean Guilford? How could it get that close so quickly?" Captain Spencer took another gulp of his scotch. This was getting fucking serious. "How many dead this time?"
"Two adults, several animals. Lot of damage done. The boys are repairing it now. There's something else sir."
"What now?"
"There's a survivor, A boy very young."
"What do you mean there's a survivor? How badly injured is he?" There had never been anything that survived in the beasts path. Even the smallest of animal, even flies he ate. They had found litterally a path of death in his wake. "He hasn't got a scratch on him sir. He's pretty shocked, but then he just saw his mum and dad get killed."
"Yeah sure I understand. Bring him in. I'll be waiting for you. I'll send the chopper for you and the boy."
"Yes sir. I thought it might be a good idea to bring some of his stuff with us, like clothes, toys. He gonna have a tough time in the center. He's just a kid." Lieutenant Davis really felt for the lad. At the moment the lad was hiding underneeth his jacket.
"Sure, good idea Davis. See you soon."
        Luietenant Davis replaced the reciever and went to find the boy. He lifted the flaps of his millitry jacket to expose the boy's tearstained face. " Hello" There was no response from the boy, who was just staring blankly still shaking he hugged his legs with his arms. "I'm going to get some of your toys and clothes. Then I'm going to take you somewhere you will be safe and nothing will hurt you. Do you want to come and get what toys you want?" The boy finally looked up at him. "Do you want to come with me?" Davis tried again. Slowly the boy nodded his head and stood up. Davis held out his hand. The boy lifted his little hand and placed it into Davis's.
       Climbing the stairs Davis pointed. "Is that your room?" The boy nodded. "Come on then. Why don't you choose what toys you want to take with you and ill get some clothes from this drawer. Davis opened the drawer and took out some underwear and socks. Opening the next drawer he found some t-shirts. "Wayne Roberts? Is that your name? That's what it says on this t-shirt label." The boy nodded again. "Ok Wayne, my names Davis. I'm pleased to meet you." Davis packed a few more clothes for Wayne. The sound of a helecopter shook the house and Wayne began to shake again. "It's ok Wayne. It's a helecopter. We're gonna fly in it. Now have you got what you want?"
"Yes." Wayne voice was so quiet Davis barely heard it. "Come on let's go!"