
Purple pages are for
research papers.

Blue pages are for writing.

Reference Pages

9th Grade Literature

10th Grade American Lit

11th Grade Lit

12th Grade Lit

Cinema Class

Links to Other Sites

Index to Site
Classroom Rules
Late Work Policy
Extra Credit Policy

6-Trait Writing Rubric (51.5k Doc) 
ACT-Style Writing Rubric (Doc)
Simple Essay Rubric

ACT, Comparison btwn Colleges
American Lit
(10th Grade)
Animal Farm (Novel)
Appositives (Noun phrase)
Biography, Instructions
(157k PPS)
Blank Verse (a type of poem)
Books for 8th Graders
Books for 9th Graders
Books for 10th Graders
Books for 11th Graders
Books for 12th Graders
Book Analysis Paper
British Literature
(11-12 Grade)
Couplet (a type of poem)
Crediting & Works Cited (492k pps)
Crediting a Quote in-the-text
Eighth Grade Writing
Elements of Fiction
(8th Gr. Unit)
Essay, Lit Analysis
html  doc
Essay, 5-Paragraph
Essay, Persuasive / Opinion
Film Studies

Free Verse (a type of poem)
Introductions, How to Write
(a type of poem)
Literary Papers
Metaphor & Simile
What is it?
Michigan Merit Curriculum
Modern Art
(2.33M PPS, American Lit)
Modernism, American
Mythology (8th Grade Unit)
Novels Units:
    Animal Farm
    Grapes of Wrath
    Great Gatsby
    Huckleberry Finn
    Lord of the Flies
    Odyssey, The
    Of Mice and Men
    Their Eyes were Watching God
    Things Fall Apart
    To Kill a Mockingbird
Opening Lines for Fiction

Opinion or Persuasive Writing
Outline, Organizing with
Participle Phrase
("Ing" phrase)
Phrases, A Study of 
(8th Grade Unit)
    Anne Frank
    Raisin in the Sun
    Romeo and Juliet
(Basic, Three-Act Structure) 
Plot  (Detailed, Five-Act Structure) 
Poetry Analysis Flowchart (35k Doc)
Poetry, Different Types of
Poetry, Student Reviews of
Poetry, US, 1800-1850
105K Doc
    (Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes, and Lowell)
Poetry, US, 1850-1900 118K Doc
    (Whitman, Crane, and Dickinson)
Poetry, US, 1900-1950 96.5K Doc
    (Frost, Cummings, Sandburg, Moore, Pound)
Poetry, US, 1950-2000  Doc
    (Frost, Cummings, Sandburg, Moore, Pound)
PowerPoint, The Worst Ever
Prepositional Phrases
Profundity Scale
, an adaptation
(a list of Common Errors)
Proofreading (instruction sheet in doc)
Published Teens
Publishing Opportunities
(a type of poem)
Quotes, Proper Use in Research

Reading Levels (10 levels of difficulty)
Reading Lab Requirements
Reading Record
(48.5K Doc)
Realism/Regionalism in Art
     (1.37M PPS, American Lit)
Research Paper Rubric (38k Doc)
Research Schedule/Calendar
Research Topics
(big pps)
Resume Sample
(157k doc)
Romantic Art
(2.51M PP, American Lit)
Romantic Personality Quiz
Romanticism, American
Romeo and Juliet
(MMC Unit)
    5 Paragraph (50.5k Doc)
(51.5k Doc) 
    Essay for Literary Quizzes 
    Lit Analysis (html, 54k doc)
    Quiz Essay
(k doc)
    PowerPoint, Novel (40k doc)
    Poetry Presentations (47k doc )
    Research Paper (38k Doc)
    Short Story (web page) (59k doc)
Short Story, How to Write
Short Story Ideas
Simile and Metaphor
Sonnet (a type of poem)
Sources, Reliability (Web page) (Doc)
Sources, Quoting Correctly 
Sources, Creating Works Cited
Term Papers
Themes in Literature
Thesis Statement
(Web page) (pps)
Title: To Italicize or Use Quotes?
Title: How to Write an Effective
Transitions, How to Write
True Stories, Problems with
Verbs, Simple vs. Action
(148K pps)
Video Sequences
    Lord of the Flies
    Romeo and Juliet
    To Kill a Mockingbird
Vocabulary, Strategies to Learn
Works Cited Page, How to
Cited & Crediting (397K PPS)
Writing Lab, Expectations for
Writing Record (41.5k  Doc)
Writing Rubric, 7 Trait
(56k Doc)


Music Playlists:

Wordless for Work:
Arabesque Themes
African Themes
Celtic & Nordic Themes
Chinese Themes
French Themes
Funk City Themes
Ghibli Themes
Noir Themes
Rock Themes
Western & Action Themes

Film Soundtracks
Dance/Trance & Cinema
Meditation, Game & Cinema

European Romanticism
Upbeat Classics
Modern/Postmodern Classics
Russian Classics

Genre Jumper (Eclectic Mix)
Celtic, Scand, and Sami Folk Music
Country, Southern Rock, Seeger, etc. 
Christian Rock
Rock and Roll
Blue Oyster Cult
Men's Voices
Music for Depression

00s: WTC Attack & Recession:

90s: A Decade of Bad Haircuts
80s: Pastels and Pink for Men 
70s: Frayed Jeans & Big Hair 
60s: Love Beads & Vietnam
50s: Roadsters & Malt Shops 
40s: Crooners & Big Bands 

Holiday Music       

You have found the secret message.  Tell Mr. Greenlee.

Just for Fun
Art Gallery
Badger Page 

Click-Free Mousing   
Interactive site
Computers: male or female? 
A Joke
Cow Abduction
(make sure sound is on)

Cute Overload
Dog and their Owners 
Interactive site

short film clips
End of the World
Fifty Animations Under Ten Minutes

short film clips
Future Warning Symbols
Greatest Films Ever
Hand Art
How Fast are You? 
Interactive site

How Rich are You? 
Interactive site
If Men and Women were Machines 
If there were Only 100 People on Earth
film (3:22)

Impact Craters
Impossible Objects
Learn to be a Politician
film (3:05)

Make your Own Animation   
Interactive site
Morphing Presidents
film (3:58)
Pop or Soda? 

quiz site
Interactive site
Tolkien-Inspired Artwork

Useless Facts
Very Large
film (2:40)
Very Small
Interactive site

Wackiest Hairstyles
World Jump Day
World's Smallest Political Quiz

Your Generation
film (1:45)
Your Name's Origin
  Interactive site

Chess Videos
How to use the Knight (4:27)
How to use the Bishop
How to use the Rook
The Importance of the Pawn

How to make a good opening (5:11)
Another on good opening
Ruy Lopez Opening
Sicilian Defense

Skewers and Pins (7:36)
Good and Bad Bishops

Other Chess Sites
Learn Basic Rules & Moves
Learn How to Checkmate
Make a Good Beginning
Make Wise Captures
Learn Tactics

Play Against a Computer
Best Moves Analyses

Basic Moves (a two-sided Microsoft Word document I throw into every chess set)