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3rd Quarter   Jan-Mar

4th Quarter   Mar-May

Week 1   "Raymond's Run"           Internet Text       

Tour of the Room; Sign out books; Each student should pick out a book from the shelf of books for eighth grade students.  The class will cover requirements for book reading.

Literary Terms:
Students should already be familiar with character, setting, and plot.  We will discuss theme, point of view, and the difference between internal and external conflict 

"Raymond's Run" by Toni Cade Bambara on pg 3 (6 pgs)
"Raymond's Run" is a short story told from the point of view of a street-smart girl from Harlem. 

This is how we Take a quiz.  I'll walk the class through the typical process of a reading quiz. 

Other GLCE Goals: We will discuss the setting, characters, and events in this and every story that follows (R.NT.08.03-- see GLCEs).

In this writing assignment over  the story "Raymond's Run", the student will choose (1). Squeaky is not as tough and self-centered as she pretends to be.  (2). Squeaky and Gretchen are alike in many ways, but different in others.  (3) Squeaky does, says, or thinks things that show the reader that she is really (fill in the blank).   

Week 2 "Mrs. Flowers" by Maya Angelou  pg 20  (2 3/4 pgs) autobiography  Internet Textbook   Author link 

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  Beginning this week, this assignment will also include finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 
Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
benign     illiteracy
infuse      intolerant
taut           Review it

Tuesday: Literary Terms:
character    setting         plot             theme
point of view pg 26       imagery pg 19
Use English Terms if needed. 

Wednesday: Read "Mrs. Flowers" pg 20  (2 3/4 pgs).  It is an autobiographical story, told from the point of view of an impoverished, rural girl named Marguerite.  She has difficulty with shyness.  An older woman named Mrs. Flowers singles her out and makes a difference in her life.  Answer the online questions or 2-7 in the book. 

Quiz over the story. 

Friday: Compare and Contrast Essay
After reading "Mrs. Flowers", each student will make a connections between this and the previous text (R.CM.08.03) comparing and contrasting the character of Squeaky with that of Marguerite of "Mrs. Flowers".   Writing Assignment Details

The student will reflect on these two readings, find evidence, discuss, and then write a response about the connections they find
(R.CM.08.03-- see GLCEs). 

Try to define a friend.  What makes a friend different from an acquaintance?  Read and discuss Robert Frost's poem  "Time to Talk" (pg 16 or  link). 
Chose a topic: (1) Write about the importance of making time for being with others, having personal connections; (2) Write about having a friend across some sort of border--age, race, gender, etc.  (3) Write about an autobiographical incident in which you made connection
that turned out to be important to your life. 

Week 3  "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl pg 171  (7 pgs)  short story  Internet Text   Author link

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 
Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
blemish       conjured     congenial    emanate
façade         linger           rapacious    swanky
tantalizing   threshold
Download assignment        Vocab Review Game

Literary Terms:
character, settingplottheme,

foreshadowing (See pg 170 or English Terms.)
We will discuss the setting, characters, and events in this and every story that follows (R.NT.08.03-- see GLCEs).

Introduction to novel assignments,
beginning with characters.

Thurs: The Story: The little old lady in the tale "The Landlady" is stranger than she appears! 

This story tied for favorite story in 2006-2007.

Fri: Quiz  over Roald Dahl's story, "The Landlady"

Week 4 "There will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury pg 215  (4 pgs) short story  Internet Text   Poem link

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 
Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
oblivious           paranoia       
sublime             tremulous
cavorting           hysterically 
preoccupation   cringing
shrapnel            silhouette
Review it

Nuclear Explosions
As portrayed in Indiana Jones 4 (4:08)

How many nuclear explosions have there been? 

Nuclear explosions Explained

Literary Terms:
personification (See p 214 or English Terms.)

Wed: Time given to begin novel assignment on setting.

Thurs: The Story: This is a difficult piece--not only with some extended vocabulary, but a story that uses personification of a house rather than using actual characters (R.NT.00.04-- see GLCEs).

Fri: Quiz over Ray Bradbury's short story "There Will Come Soft Rains"

Week 5  "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs pg 185  (7 pgs)  Internet Text  Story link

Monday-Tuesday: Pre-reading Writing assignment.   Use these sentences to create a short story
Link here.   

Wednesday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 
Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
apathy         avaricious            averted   
credulity      inaudible             placid   
prosaic        presumptuous      resounded                   talisman      Review it

Thursday: Read this classic horror story that gives three wishes that go wrong. 

This story came in a close second place for favorite story in 2006-2007. 
While reading this story, the student will begin to make meaningful predictions based on illustrations or portions of the text. 
(R.CM.08.03-- see GLCEs).

Literary Terms:
character, setting, plot, theme, suspense   (See English Terms.)

Friday: quiz over "The  Monkey's Paw"
The student must understand the terms
cause and effect for the quiz. 

Week 7-8 "The Circuit" by Francisco Jiménez pg 651  (5 pgs)    Internet Text

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 

Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
detect    populated       
drone    instinctively     
jalopy   galvanized
savor     grade           
migrant  vineyard

Practice the vocabulary

Discuss: What do you know or believe about migrant farm workers?  Write up basic beliefs on the whiteboard. 
Watch films:
Romano, U. Roberto.  (2010).  "Fingers to the Bone: Child
XXXFarm Workers in the United States."  YouTube:
XXXHumanRightsWatch.  (5:42). 
"Legacy of Labor".  (2008). 
Kalamzoo Gazette @ YouTube:
"Migrant Twins".  (2008). 
Kalamzoo Gazette @ YouTube:
XXXmlivevideo.  (3:56). 
Discuss: What parts of our discussion were right? Wrong? Needed expanding?  What elements did we miss? 

Also Worth the Watch (but longer and requiring higher listening skills):  "Inside USA - The State of Agriculture".  YouTube:AlJazeeraEnglish.

"Nonfiction: Just the facts?" pg 648-9 in our textbook. 

Learn the literary terms nonfiction narrative and autobiography.

Read "The Circuit" on page 651 or our textbook or on the Internet Text.  Be sure to also read the "Meet the Writer" section at the end. 

While reading this story, the student will begin to make meaningful predictions based on illustrations or portions of the text. 
(R.CM.08.03-- see GLCEs). 


Writing assignment: Novel assignment on theme and irony and Point of View

Review vocabulary

Take a quiz over "The Circuit."

Writing Assignment:
Chose one of the following:
Write about an experience that you have had with farm labor, with
XXX migrant workers, or with farms   OR
It is often said that the United States is a country of immigrants. 
XXX Write about the journey of someone to the United States.  OR
Write about an important connection that you made with someone
XXX else and then had to break it off. 

Week 9 "Paul Revere's Ride" by Longfellow  pg 537 (6 pgs)  Internet Text 

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 
Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
belfry         defiance     gilded
impetuous  moorings   muster
somber       stealthy   sentinel
               Review it

The Poem: "Paul Revere's Ride", our first long poem, was written by one America's early favorite poets, Henry Longfellow.  This classic interpretation of American history will help the student become familiar with literature that represents the American heritage we share (R.NT.00.01-- see GLCEs).

"Midnight Ride of Paul Revere." 
YouTube:phoenixfilmand XXX video. (1:36).
"Paul Revere in a Nutshell."  YouTube:
XXX  (1:48).
"The Ride." 
XXX (10:27). 

Just for fun:
"Paul Revere: The Truth." 
XXX (3:28). 
School house rock

Literary Terms:
Paul Revere's Ride:
narrative poem
Poetry Presentation:
free verse
rhyme scheme

(See English Terms.)

Choose a Poem for Oral Presentation
and be prepared to read and explain the poem in front of the class.

"Time to Talk" by Robert Frost, Pg 16
"If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking" by Emily Dickinson,  Pg 77
"The Courage my Mother Had" by Edna St. Vincent Millay, Pg 108
"Legacy II" by Leroy V. Quintana, Pg 109
" The Secret Heart" by Robert P. Tristram Coffin Pg 112
"Grandma Ling" by Amy Ling Pg 135
"Grandma" by Shandin Pete, Pg 148
"Na Na" by Jaqueta Oliver, Pg 148
Presentations are due at the beginning of the hour Friday.  There will be no preparation time allowed--NONE! There will be no make-up! 

Week 7-8 "Broken Chain" by pg 29  (5 pgs)    Internet Text

Monday: Each student will find an Internet picture that exemplifies each word's meaning.  The student must then copy and paste the pictures into a PowerPoint show prepared by the teacher.  This assignment also includes finding synonyms and antonyms for words. 

Vocabulary: (R.WS.08.04)
sullen             muster           clincher           emerged          gritty  apparent          gaudy           pampered           verge            stingy 

Review Checklist for the 1st Quarter Test
Our glossary is on pgs 705-718

Narrative Prose Text

Range of Genre
short story

Literary Elements
point of view

Informational Prose Text

Literary Elements

Poetic Text

Range of Genre
Narrative poem
free verse

Poetic Elements
rhyme scheme