
For persuasive or opinion papers, I will be specifically looking at structure.  Short stories may have a loose structure, but exposition pieces are generally expected to be logical and orderly.  The minimum length is five paragraphs. 

The first paragraph should include a description of the topic which leads to the main idea or thesis statement.  Your main idea must be more in-depth than I liked it/I didn't like it/it's great/it stinks. 

     See Introductions, how to write.
See Thesis Statement.

The body must CLEARLY have three to five distinct points to support the thesis.  Eighth-grade students must use headings to clearly establish the three to five points. 

See the sample outlines at right. 

Your writing must also move smoothly from between the three to five points--in other words, use transitions

For 8th graders: The Five Paragraph Rubric

Get a second opinion

The outline below is only good because it focuses the paper on three separate causes rather than just one. 


Thesis Statement:
Three things make school success: a caring parent, a well-trained teacher, and a motivated student. 

     I Parents that care make sure a student keeps up.
    II Well-trained teachers know how to present the material in the best way. 
   III A motivated student that realizes just who will benefit the most from his or her efforts.   

The outline below is better because it focuses the paper on just one cause of the problem, but it provides little toward fleshing out the paper. 


Thesis Statement:
A caring parent is the most important thing in guaranteeing school success. 

     I Parents that care will prepare the student. 
    II Caring parents keep up with the student.
   III Caring parents will help the student feel confident. 

This outline is best because it is focused and detailed. 


Thesis Statement:
A caring parent is the most important thing in guaranteeing school success. 

I Parents that care will prepare the student. 
     A Kindergarten is too late--a parent must read to children while they are small in order for their
            brains to develop fully. 
B Children that enter kindergarten knowing their ABCs and recognizing their written name will do
             better through school.   

II Caring parents keep up with the student.
     A Kids are much less likely to fall behind if a parent is involved. 
B Children assume that what their parents care about is important.
III Caring parents offer a superior psychological edge. 
     A Children that receive praise from their parents are more confident.
B Parents that care about education provide a home model for students because
           the parent is continuing his or her own education.