Mon--Tues Day 1 & 2 Discuss Big Ideas & Themes for this quarter (see right side of page).
In some ways we are all connected, and the relationships we have with others impacts our lives. Some relationships are beyond our control, such as our families. Others we choose, such as friends and lovers. Having a successful relationship often takes effort from all parties. Think about relationships and how courage, love, acceptance, understanding, and honesty are important components of a relationship. Writing Prompt: What relationships have had the greatest impact on you? Respond to one of the choices in the prompt below: ØDescribe one of your own relationships and explain why it is important. OR ØWrite about a relationship that helped shape who you are today. OR Ø Write about a relationship you have observed that you think is valuable or should have been valuable.
Use examples from real life, from what you have read or watched, or from your imagination. Your writing will be read by interested adults. Before beginning, you are required to create a pre-write, which can be notes, freewriting, outlining, or clustering. Nowhere in this essay will appear the cliché that someone was "there for me."
Focus for 4th Quarter: From ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course Requirements, pg 32
Big Ideas XXRelationships XXSurvival XXCourage and Bravery XXEffects of War XXFaithfulness XXPassage of Time Themes Balance is best in all things. Love conquers all. Nothing is more important than getting home. Family relationships sustain us. In time of tragedy, we rely on past relationships to give us hope for survival.
The Odyssey: Part 1: Adventures of Telemachus
The Odyssey Part 2: Odysseus on the Island of Scheria
The Odyssey Part 3: The Fantastic Adventure of Odysseus, as told to King Alcinous
The Odyssey Part 4: Odysseus leaves Scheria and returns to Ithaca
The Odyssey Part 5: Odysseus Returns to his Home
The Odyssey Part 6: Odysseus Takes back his own