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Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare         
The State of Michigan has identified this play as an "Anchor Text" for 9th grade
ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course, pg 36).

Week I, Introductory Materials

Mon: (Day 1-2) Discuss the Unit Themes and Essential Questions which appear at the right of this page.  Before reading the play, print off a copy of "Social Offences" and score it.   Expand understanding of the concepts using the "Tear and Share"

Writing Prompt: Decisions can have long-term effects on someone's life.  Sometimes, decisions cannot be taken back or reversed.  Think about a big decision you have had to make.  Did you gather others' opinions before making the decision?  What influenced your decision making?  Did your parents, teachers or mentors influence your decision? 

Tues:  (Day 3) View sections of Shakespeare in the Classroom from Miramax Films (1999).  This film will assist us in our study of Elizabethan Drama, its archaic speech and historical context.  (It is 46 minutes in its entirety). 

We will also study two literary elements.  The article on pgs 740-741 of our textbook will help us learn about iambic pentameter and the glossary entry on pgs 971 will help us learn what kind of characters are foils

As required per "Genre Study" and "Literary Elements" both on pg 37 of ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course Requirements

Focus for 3rd Quarter:
From ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course Requirements, pg 36. 

Big Ideas
XX Responsibility
XX Conflict
XX Resolution
XX Choices
XX Cultural & historical influences
XX Call to action

Focus Questions
How may personal decisions affect your family or neighborhood?

Can decisions based on violence or anger have a peaceful resolution?

Which historical figures have made crucial decisions affecting society?

Are decisions based on common good or personal gain?

How do world conditions affect our decisions?

Can decisions be reversed?

How can potential consequences guide decision making?

Essential Questions
How do personal decisions impact more than yourself?

Why did Shakespeare write R&J and what social issue does the play address?

Where do these same themes present themselves in today's society?

Wed: (Day 4)
Quick Write on the following question: How may personal decisions affect my family or neighborhood?

View the Film "Teenage Brain" Online NewsHour with Jim Leher.
create a chart of the possible implications of this research.

Thurs: (day 5)
Romeo & Juliet: Introduction to The Prologue, which begins on pg 735. 
Listen to "
Could Shakespeare Survive in Hollywood?"
Romeo & Juliet Study Guide
Handout: Why Study Shakespeare
Globe Theatre stage 1   Globe Theatre 2
Globe theatre, seats

Fri: (Day 6)
View Video "Famous Authors: William Shakespeare"
United Streaming.
Students will read and listen and discuss Act I, Scene I and complete the study guide

Choose parts

Week 2        Begin the play.                                Internet Textbook

Mon: (day 7)
Listen to: Smith, Will.  "
Parents Just Don't Understand." As students listen to the song, they will write about a time in their lives that their parent did not understand a decision they made.

Have students write down all the qualities they will look for in a life- long mate. In the second column, have students write down qualities their parents may want them to find in a life-long mate. Discuss as a class why some qualities may be different

Read Act I, Scene II, Watch Zeffirelli's film, ch 1-2. 

Tues:  (Day 8)
Read Act I, Scene 3-5.
As they listen to the play, stop and discuss each scene.

Watch Zeffirelli's film, ch 3-6 
Model this section using Fretag's Pyramid Graphic Organizer

Have students pay attention to the Queen Mab speech given by Ro meo's best friend Mercutio. Explain to students that in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Mercutio teases with Romeo, musing that Mab, the bringer of dreams, has visited his lovesick friend. Queen Mab was a fairy who would visit the love struck in their dreams. 

Homework: draw a picture of Queen Mab based upon Shakespeare's description

Wed: (day 9)
Romeo & Juliet
Act I

Internet Textbook

Thurs: (day 9)
metaphor and simile (article on pgs 520-1 of our textbook)
foreshadowing (glossary entry pg 971). 
aside (glossary entry pg 967) and the soliloquy  (see English Terms or glossary entry pg 977).  Juliet's balcony speech on page 768 is a great example of soliloquy. 

As required per "Literary Elements" on pg 37 of
ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course Requirements.

Students will listen to Act II, Scenes I-III.

Use the graphic organizer and study guides to analyze the dialogue that occurs between Romeo and Juliet during these crucial scene.

Answer the following reading questions over scene III:
1. What does Friar Laurence say the connection is between herbs and man?
2. Why does Romeo come to Friar Laurence?

3. How does the friar react to Romeo's request?
4. Why does Friar Laurence decide he will marry Romeo &Juliet?

Fri: (day 10)
Focus Question #1 Do you think Shakespeare understood in some way that the adolescent brain may not be as strong at decision making as an adult brain? Draw support for your position from the play.

The Humors

"The Adolescent Brain".  Brain Briefings.  January 2007.  The Society for Neuroscience.  680 words;  FK: 15.4

Bowser, Betty Ann.  "The Teen Brain".  The Online News Hour.  Public Broadcasting Station.  October 13, 2004.

Bradley Ruder, Debra.  "A Work in Progress: The Teen Brain".  Harvard Magazine.  September-October 2008  838 words  FK: 13.1

Deutsch William S..  "Are teenage brains really different?  MRI studies show brain changes in the adolescent brain impact cognition, emotion and behavior".  EurekAlert!  Site operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.   684 , FK level: 17.5 

Dreifus, Claudia.  "Developmental Psychologist Says Teenagers Are Different".  New York Times.  December 1, 2009.  1126 , FK: 8.3

Eberts, Phyllis.  "Wittenberg Professor Uses New Technology to Examine Effects of Alcohol on Young Minds".  Wittenbery University.  2007.   587 words  FK: 16.6

Edmonds, Molly.  Are teenage brains really different from adult brains?"  Discovery Health. 1122 words (edited), FK: 10.7

Goudarzi, Sara.  Study: Teenage brain lacks empathy: Area of brain associated with higher-level thinking underused in youths.  MSNBC. 416 , FK: 11.0

"Kids can't help it".  Newsweek's Education Site.   1168 words, FK: 14.3

Knox, Richard.  "The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet".  National Public Radio   1088 , FK: 6.4

"Secrets of the Teenage Brain: Research is revolutionizing Our View of the Adolescent Mind - And explaining its Mystifying Ways."  Time Magazine.   Slideshow

"Teenage Brain: A work in progress (Fact Sheet)".  National Institute of Mental Health.  NIH Publication No. 01-4929.   964 words  FK: 14.5

"The Teenage Brain: Why they do what they do, if they do it at all."  (video).    Video

Wallis, Claudia What Makes Teens Tick. 
Time Magazine.  Sep. 26, 2008,9171,994126,00.html#ixzz1GZc8Q0Va   2947 words, FK: 13.8

Opening scene from Romeo and Juliet (Leonardo di Caprio version)
Six Degrees of Separation (film)
R&J stories from other cultures
Romiette and Julio Sharon Draper
"Romeo and Juliet are Palestinian and Jewish"
Carol Rosenburg "Romeo and Juliet in Bosnia" Bob Herbert (editorial)
"Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo" CBS Evening News May 10, 1994 (FRONTLINE)
"The Telltale Heart" Edgar Allen Poe
"Achieving the American Dream" Mario Cuomo
Music Lyrics
Westside Story score Stephen Sondheim