Monday-Tues: (Days 1 & 2) People sometimes form opinions or have attitudes against others based on lack of knowledge or because others, sometimes adults, tell them to believe that way. These attitudes based on lack of knowledge and lack of personal experience are called prejudice. Prejudice means forming an opinion without looking at the facts carefully. XXX Prejudice is often directed at different races (black, white), different social classes (rich, poor) or different religions (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim). Often negative attitudes or prejudice can be combated through learning more about and experiencing unfamiliar people, situations, or ideas. Write about an attitude you have had that you changed after you XXX learned more about the person, situation, or idea OR Write about a time that someone you respect had to change an XXX idea when he or she learned more OR Persuade the reader to be open-minded to new ideas.
Focus for 2nd Quarter From ELA 9 Michigan Merit Curriculum Course Requirements, Page 27
Big Ideas XX integrityXX relationships XX truthX equality XX courage
Themes Finding the truth through knowledge and experience
"Most people are [nice], Scout, when you finally see them." (Atticus) 281
Education is key to overcoming prejudice.
Quotations from To Kill a Mockingbird "Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (Atticus) 90
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." (Atticus) 30
Real courage "is when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." (Atticus) 112
Genre Study Xxx Characteristics of the novel Xxx Characteristics of the screenplay Xxx Characteristics of poetry Xxx Characteristics of lyrics
Literary Elements Xxx plot pgs 32-33 of our textbook. Xxx setting pg 164-165 of our textbook Xxx conflict pg 130-131 of our textbook Xxx internal and external theme Xxx Xxx pg 264-265 of our textbook Xxx character development pg 130-131 Xxx mood, tone, style PG 586-587 Xxx author's purpose
Literary Devices Xxx narration/point of view Xxx figurative language: Xxx Xxx imagery Xxx Xxx symbolism Xxx allusions Xxx foreshadowing Xxx implied meanings
Historical/Cultural Xxx roles of women Xxx racial/gender equality Xxx stereotyping Xxx Deep South culture of the 1930s Xxx urban legends (Boo Radley) Xxx racism through dialogue
Critical Perspectives Xxx time period Xxx geographical (North vs. South) Xxx Your own perspectives on: Xxx Xxx issues of inequality Xxx Xxx issues of racism Xxx Xxx issues of prejudgment
Genre Study characteristics of the following: Xxx The editorial Xxx The news article Xxx Letters to the editor Xxx The speech Xxx A primary source document Xxx The memoir Xxx The timeline
Expository Elements Xxx thesis Xxx supporting ideas Xxx statistical evidence Xxx chronology
Organizational Patterns Xxx fact/opinion Xxx cause/effect Xxx theory/evidence
Features Xxx editorial format: Xxx Xxx date, byline, attribution Xxx letter-to-editor format: Xxx Xxx salutation, body, signature Xxx document format with signatures Xxx media conventions and special effects Xxx headings and subheadings Xxx photographs and drawings Xxx boldface, italics, parenthesis
Critical Perspectives Xxx facts and opinions Xxx editorial perspective Xxx writer's tone, bias Xxx logic Xxx authenticity