Chosen Children 01
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* Taichi Yagami
* Sora Takenouchi
* Yamato Ishida
* Koushirou Izumi
* Mimi Tachikawa
* Jyou Kido

Chosen Children 02
* Takeru Takaishi
* Hikari Yagami
* Daisuke Motomiya
* Miyako Inoue
* Iori Hida
* Ken Ichijoji
* Wallace/Willis

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THAT Digimon Site

The Opinions on EVERYTHING Dejimon

Proud to be the most unnoticed controversial Digimon site on the Internet


‘Cause Koushirou doesn’t leave his laptop behind for just ANYBODY!


Ever wondered why this site is filled with large amounts of Mishirou references? Well, that’s because it is my firm belief that Mishirou is the best Mimi pairing and the best Koushirou pairing. ( Since when was it just YOURS…?!?) (Well… it’s my rant… so…) (SO?) Don’t agree with me? That’s okay, I just wanted to say why I thought it was a good pairing, you can flame me if you’re THAT bored, but really, what’s the point?

Mimi is outgoing Koushirou is THE Computer Expert


Koushirou and Mimi have complementary personalities, what one lacks, the other has in excess. This simple fact alone could draw them together. Whereas Koushirou could have better people skills, Mimi could be a socialite. And just as Mimi would have trouble passing her exams, Koushirou would have more than enough time to help her study.


Joe's too outgoing for Mimi Miyako is computer obsessed, With Koushirou, they'd never leave the screen...

‘So what?’ You say? ‘Joe could help her study! And Miyako has lots of friends, too!’ But that’s not it, you see. Joe would be too outgoing and take away from Mimi’s ‘spotlight’ and Miyako would prefer just to curl up with a computer, not to go out and meet people. That’s the thing, Mimi and Kou’s complementation is what makes them a great couple.


Okay, I mean, let’s take a look at the other popular pairings….


Yama x Mimi?

Mimato: Okay, who here ACTUALLY thinks Mimato is a good pairing of Yama and Mimi FROM THE SHOW (in other words, using their actual personalities and interactions). About the only thing they have in common is how often they cried in Season 01. (And it was mostly Yama who did the crying.) Yama and Mimi interact about as much as Miyako and Tai. (If you start a couple shrine to Miyako and Tai, I’m gonna kill you!) (::sweatdrop::) (Hey! No killing before 6 o’clock!) (Yeah, the kiddies are watching!) Anyway, the point is, Yama and Mimi know each other’s names. Sorry, all you Mimato fans, IT DOESN’T WORK!!! Mimi is the aggressive one of a relationship, and so is Yama, aggressive+aggressive=failure!


Jyou x Mimi?

Jyoumi: Okay, I admit, this one has potential. Jyou honestly seemed to have feelings for Mimi in 01. However, it was one-sided at best. Mimi never showed any feelings towards him at all (not like Kou). The thing is, Mimi and Jyou are two of my favorite characters, (despite the fact that Joe’s a neglected frog) (ignore her) and to pair them together ruins the awesome friendly relationship they have. The two of them as friends makes for some of the best scenes in 01. Why is it that if two characters of opposite gender show friendship for eachother, they automatically become a couple? (Not that gender was ever a requirement for Digimon pairings, but hey, you get what I’m saying.) Anyway, Jyou and Mimi have a perfect friendship, that’s why a relationship would be a bad idea. Also, all the ‘evidence’ for this pairing from the Digimon Movie is nonexistent! In the Japanese version, the little ‘valentine heart’ that read ‘to Mimi from Joe’ was actually just a door knocker that the evil English pro-Jyoumi dubbers decided to write a pro-Jyoumi hint on it! FREAKS!! Grr… it’s one thing to like the pairing, it’s another thing to twist the series to meet your own preferences! That’s WRONG, Saban/FoxKids/Bandai!!!


Miyako x Kou?

Kouyako: Hmmm… This one seems to have some basis. Miyako is similar to Mimi. Miyako fawns over Koushirou on occasion. But Kou doesn’t seem interested, sorry. That, and Miyako gets a crush on everyone, and she and Ken are the only ‘official married couple’ in the ~25 years after Epilogue. In actual coupling merits, Kouyako is okay, but Koumi is better, Miyako’s just a bit too much for Kou. Whereas Mimi is sweet, Miyako is loud and rude (and on permanent PMS…) Plus, I’ve always seen Kou as going after someone older, not younger, than him.

Yaoi? Let's not go there... ne?


That’s pretty much the only competition for Koumi. Unless you count the yaoi/yuri pairings… But seriously… you DO realize that the yaoi/yuri pairings would never happen, right? Fanfics, only? Okay, good, then we ARE talking about the same series. ^_^


Kou would be shy about helping Mimi study...

Koumi is cute, you can’t deny that. Koushirou is shy, and outgoing Mimi would make his life complete. She would bring him out of his shell and into the world. And his deep thinking and quick wit and intellect would make Mimi more conscious of the reality of the world. Together, they’re complete. Not perfect, maybe, they would definitely argue, but then, what couple doesn’t? Mimi makes the first move on shy lil' Koushirou... It’s the differences between them that makes their relationship so interesting. I mean, who wants to read a fanfic where the two say hi and are instantly in love and everything is happily ever after? I mean, really, BOR-ING!!! Mimi and Kou have a fiery relationship. They have so many differences, that they would be hard-pressed to get together, but Mimi’s outgoing personality would fix that. And Kou’s shyness would be just the enticement needed for Mimi to make the first move. Cute, ne?


Kou's adoption makes him feel like he needs to be perfect... Mimi's sheltered life has given her the need to be the perfect girl...

And then there’s that which they have in common. They both have the same entrapping environment about them. They would both feel the need to be perfect. Kou exhibits this from his adoptive parents. He feels indebted to them, and so he tries to have the perfect grades, the most perfect manners, the perfect speech, the perfect room, to be the perfect son they never had. And then there’s Mimi, who has led such a sheltered life that she has had the need to be the perfect girl since the day she was born. To have the perfect clothes, the perfect hair and makeup, to be the most popular girl in school, to be perfect. This is a feeling that the two of them alone share, and something that could most certainly lead to a deeper relationship between the two.

Mimi becomes very upset when Kou isn't paying attention to her... Awww... look at them, they're so kawaii!!!~!


And let’s not forget the pinion of the Mishirou pairing, “A Clue to the Digi-Past,” Episode 10 of Season 01. Story: Mimi and Kou end up together on a floating land mass drifting further and further from their friends. When Mimi finds Koushirou, he’s lost in his computer, being too introverted to talk to Mimi. Mimi, tired and scared, waits patiently (for Mimi, that’s impressive) for Koushirou to finish deciphering glyphs. When Koushirou never finishes, Mimi loses it and begins to cry, baffling Kou, and causing their digimon to try to comfort the two. In the midst of it, Mimi runs off into the nearby labyrinth, getting lost with Tentomon, while Palmon stayed behind and yelled at Kou for making Mimi upset. Mimi ends up hopelessly lost, and Kou tracks her down using his laptop and her Digivice. He talks her through the maze, but when she’s attacked by Centaurumon, Kou leaps into action, leaving his laptop behind! Mimi gazes at Kouchan with a bit more than friendship... Kou, pressed against the wall from Togemon's sudden evolution, catches Mimi's glance... (Whoa, Kou left his laptop behind!) (It’s true love!) (Now you’re starting to sound like a Takari fan…) Anyway, Kou and Palmon burst into the scene, and Mimi and Kou have their Digimon evolve to champion. At this point, Mimi gives Koushirou a really longing look, which I thought was a bit more than ‘friendly’! (See pics!) Anyway, they save Centaurumon from the black gears and learn about the Digivices being the symbols of the Digidestined… blah blah blah… and the Kou goes back to deciphering glyphs, and Mimi gets fed up again (twice! There’s got to be something to this) and kicks the gear that was making the land mass drift away. This causes the land mass to go back to where they wanted to go and Kou compliments Mimi on her problem-solving abilities (cute!).

In Japan, Fans prefer MimixKou to Yama&Joe! ^_~ Mimi and Kou enjoy the breeze! KAZE!


See, you have to admit that there were moments in that episode where you could tell the creators were planning on making those two some kind of couple. Well, apparently some people thought so because Mishirou/Koumi is THE most popular Mimi pairing in Japan. AND the most popular straight pairing for Koushirou in both Japan and America. You can see how popular Mishirou is just by checking out the sheer amount of fanart for it all over the Japanese websites! The official Japanese site for Digimon has over 13 fanarts for Mishirou ALONE! (The second highest fanart pairing after Taiora!) And at Tir na Nog (quite possibly the best Digimon fanart site) is pro-Koumi as well, just check out some of her arts!

My personal favorite Koumi fanart! MUY ADORABLE!


Mimi x Kou = Opposites Attract Xelloss x Philia = Opposites Attract (Slayers Reference)

Sometimes I think the reason why it’s so popular in Japan is because the Mishirou pairing type is a type of pairing that isn’t often seen in Japan: Opposites Attract. You see, the ‘Opposites Attract’ idea is distinctly American. And as we all know, the Japanese are obsessed about American culture. Thus, this kind of pairing appeals to them, even though, here in America, we’ve seen this kind of pairing before. Other popular couples that fall under the ‘Opposites Attract’ category are few and far between, but are extremely successful with the Japanese-based fans, examples are Xellos and Philia from Slayers.


Mimi falls for Koushirou! ^_~ Mimi doesn't hide anything from Kouchan! ^_~ Koushiro is a bit taken aback at Mimi's openess...! ^_~ (If only Tai weren't there...)

Continuing on, In later episodes: “Departure for a New Continent” and “The Dark Network of Etemon,” Koushirou sees some exposure to maturity by way of Mimi’s body. It’s kind of interesting how Mimi manages to land on HIM once they arrive on Server for the first time, and then how later on it’s Koushirou that walks in on HER while she’s taking a bath… Hmmm… Can we say ‘typical Anime evidence’? What I’m implying is that in Anime, these things would be DEFINATE signs that the creators are thinking of pairing the two up. Don’t say otherwise, because if you’re a true Anime fan, you know better!

Mimi Tachikawa in the U.S.A. Koushirou Izumi in Tokyo...


Now, 02 poses an interesting problem. Mimi never comes in contact with ANY of the other older Digidestined. Not directly anyway. In the ENGLISH version, Matt was talking to her on the phone, but we all know that isn’t true. Also, Mimi emails Sora as we know from episode two of season two. The third and final person she comes in contact with is Koushirou (in both the Japanese and English version) he thoughtfully sends her an email when he notices a digi-port has opened in America (in the episode “Samurai of Sincerity.”) Thus, the creators continue to hint that Koushirou and Mimi might stay in contact via email. Not much is really known about that. However, the fact that Mimi’s in America and Kou’s in Japan makes for some of the MOST INTERESTING FANFICS!! They are almost always cute and have a good plot. Koumi makes for some of the best fanfics. AND Mimi & Kou stay in character, unlike in Mimato fics.

Kou & Mimi


And THAT’S the point I’m trying to make. You see, if Mimi and Kou NEVER get together in the series, it’s their ABILITY to be paired together that I’m arguing for. Mimi and Kou are a good couple. Koumi is an interesting pairing. That’s the point I’m trying to make. And there are many people who agree and understand that point, even if they don’t support it. And that’s all I’m asking for.


Kou loves Mimi

I don’t HATE Jyoumi and Kouyako, hell, I even like them. But I just happen to think that Kou and Mimi work better together. And I *DO* hate Mimato, but that’s because nearly everyone who supports it thinks that they are holy and mighty and therefore they must shove it down our throat like a spiked mace! I used to be able to stand Mimato, now it ruins good fanfics… sorry, but that’s your own fault, Mimato flamers! I refuse to bow down to that sort of treatment.

As for the rest of you who are sensible enough to realize that Mishirou is a sensible coupling, even if you don’t support it, I thank you for taking the time to read this.

Special thanks to Tir na Nog, Reunion, Futurism, and M+K Shrine for the fanarts! Other pics are from the show or comics! ^_^ The Xellos/Philia pic are from a card I scanned, and it's corresponding pic was made by me! If ya wanna use it, go ahead! ^_~ That's our policy!


The 4th MOVIE! Could it be that in the final chapter of Digimon Adventure... that it happens? Mimi x Kou!

NEW UPDATE! Screenshots for the 4th Movie: ‘Diaboromon Strikes Back’ show Kou and Mimi together! MAYBE it DID happen! I hope so, but if it doesn’t, it’s okay. We may never find out, since the 4th movie doesn’t seem to be making it’s way over the ocean. Oh well, I’m gonna go look for a bootlegged copy of it! IF ANYONE HAS ANY INFO ON THIS, PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!!

Mimi loves Kou