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Major Vehicle Manufacturers A-G

Alderaan Royal Engineers

Built: Hossk Station (Delaya-Class Space Station)
Alderaan Royal Engineers was a prominent manufacturer during the Old Republic. They were best known for luxury yachts, deep-space stations, and exotic ships.

Arakyd Industries

Built: Tank Droid (XR-85 Tank Droid) and Probot(Viper Probe Droid)
Arakyd Industries became well known due to their ties with the Empire. They are a major producer of droids, heavy weapons, and starships. AI's major development was the Viper Probe Droid, which was used to search out rebel bases. They also had many other developments in the artificial intelligence field. As well as designing starships, like the Helix fighter, the company also designs starship components.

Aratech Repulsor Company

Built: 74-z Aratech Speeder
Yellow Demon speeder bikes made Aratech famous. The line is a decade old but is still popular because of its speed, manueverability, and durability.

Bespin Motors

Built: Twin Pod Cloud Car (Storm IV)
This company was formed for the construction of Bespin. It was originally part of the Incom Corporation. But after the Incom Corporation became an Empire Co., Bespin executives organized a buyout. Bespin Motors built the first high altitude cloud cars. Even though there is much more competition, Bespin Motors still is the leading manufacturer of cloud cars.

Byblos Drive Yards

Built: Marauder Starjacker (E-2 Asteroid Miner)
Byblos Drive Yards (BDY) is based in the Colonies area of the galaxy. It produces transports, frieghters, industrial mining vessels, and construction vessels. A sub company of BDY produces Combat Cloud Cars and airspeeders for use as (but not limited to) policing vehicles.

Core Galaxy systems

Built: Enforcer One (Dreadnaught)
This company dates back over twenty millenia. It was one of the first shipyards during the time of the Old Republic. Core Galaxy Systems began to decline in strength five decades before the Battle of Yavin. It was then bought out by Kuat Drive Yards.

Corellia StarDrive

Built: Nebulon Ranger (Coruscant-Class Heavy Courier)
Corellia StarDrive was founded by a former executive of the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It built many successful ship designs for civilian and military use. During a freak shuttle crash many of the senior designers were killed. The company never fully recovered and ended up selling out to the Corellian Engineering Corporation.

Corellian Engineering Corporation

Built: Dash Rendar's Outrider (YT-2400 Freighter)
Class 6 Escape Pod
Hound's Tooth (YV-666 Light Freighter)
Millenium Falcon (YT-1300 Transport)
Rebel Blockade Runner (Corvette)
Wild Karrde (Action VI Transport)
Corellian Engineering Corporation is one of the three largest ship manufacturers in the galaxy. CEC owes it's success to civilian sales. Its YT- and YV- Freighters and Action transports are the most sought after designs in the galaxy. Some of the reasons why are because their ships are fast, heavily armed, and easily modified. They hire many of the best engineers in the galaxy. Most of whom are citizens of Correllia.

Cygnus Spaceworks

Built: Imperial Landing Craft
(Sentinel class landing craft; co-manufactured with Sienar Fleet Systems)
Cygnus Spaceworks has close ties with Sienar Fleet Systems. CS builds many variants based on SFS's Lambda class shuttle design. The Alpha Class Xg-1 Star Wing assault gunboat and Delta Class JV-7 "Escort Shuttle" are also produced by Cygnus.

Damorian Manufacturing Corporation

Built: Carrack Cruiser
A small starship company on Esseles (edge of Core Systems), the Damorian company produced the well known Carrack Cruiser. It also has produced many successful freighters, bulk transports, and starfighter lines.

FreiTek Inc

Built: E-wing
FreiTek was founded by the design team that made the X-wing fighter. They were seeking a way to design superior starfighters for the New Republic. The E-wing was their first design. With this successful fighter the company increased it's design department. FreiTek continues to seek superior fighter designs.

Gallofree Yards Inc

Built: Rebel Medium Transport
This was a small company that competed in crowded markets. The company rarely turned a profit. Prior to the Battle of Yavin it went bankrupt and its remaining ships slowly found their way into the rebel fleets.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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