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Player Name: degenerationjay

Character Info:








6'2", 21 years old, a strong, youthful warrior.






Physically strong, crafty (able to get out of tight spots), intelligent, and also pretty fast. He is excellent at using energy attacks. Dajronon is also an excellent fighter up close in hand-to-hand combat, and at a distance. He has the ability of flight when he concentrates his energy on it, and the more energy he uses while flying, means the faster he will go.

Physically strong, very strong energy attacks, crafty (able to get out of tight spots), intelligent, and also pretty fast. He is excellent at using energy attacks, and has good accuracy and range with his attacks. Can use his energy shield to protect him from attacks (doesn't last long, though, just a couple of minutes). Dajronon has the ability of flight when he concentrates his energy on it, and the more energy he uses while flying, means the faster he will go.


Not good at hand-to-hand combat. Has no weapons to use, and isn't very skilled with them. He can get weaker if he keeps using his energy attacks a lot, can't use magic attacks at all, not very good defence against dark magic, has trouble interacting with people(pretty much a loner). He also loses more energy if he keeps flying for too long. Using his shield can weaken him significantly the longer he uses it.


Dajronon is a strong, youthful warrior, and excellent with his energy attacks. Has the agility of a Gerudo warrior, and the skilled warrior mind of an elite Hylian Soldier. He doesn't talk to people very much, unless he is spoken to. He loves fights, and likes a good challenge, especially with people with abilities he has weaknesses against (Magic), so he can make himself stronger against them. Dajronon is also a quick learner, so he can learn new things, like attacks, pretty quickly.