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The Lightsaber

A powerful weapon, the lightsaber has been the Jedi weapon of choice for thousands of years. Lightsabers use a blade of energy in order to cut through almost any object in existence. Jedi contruct lightsabers on their own. In times of an emergency a lightsaber can take a couple of days to construct. In normal circumstances a lightsaber can take any where from weeks to months to construct. The longer the lightsaber is constructed the more fine tuned and customized it may become.

A typical lightsaber is anywhere between twenty-four and thirty centimeters long. Lightsabers are simple in design and hang from a belt. The cylinder contains a power cell and mulitfaceted Adegan crystals or jewels. When Luke Skywalker created his Jedi praxeaum, the students would use crystals native to Yavin. The crystals focus energy from a power cell onto a concave disc at the top of the lightsaber handle. The energy then appears as a bright, concentrated beam, a meter long. When switched on, a lightsaber will hum from the concentration of energy.

A lightsaber may contain one or many crystals. One with one Adegan crystal will have a fixed length and amplitude. Lightsabers with many jewels have a control which allows the user to adjust the blade length and amplitude by varying the distance between crystals. The beam emitted by the crystals arcs back from a positively charged energy lens to a negative high energy flux aperture, which is in the disk on top of the lightsaber handle. The amplitude of the blade controls the point where the blade arcs back to the lightsaber, creating the lightsabers length.

Both the Jedi and the Sith use lightsabers. Because creators happen to customize their lightsabers for their individual needs, many designs have been created. Yoda's lightsaber was smaller than usual to fit his small stature. Count Dooku's lightsaber was curved for a more comfortable one handed grip. As the use of a lightsaber goes on, custom designs will keep appearing.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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