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Freedon Nadd

4,400 years before the Galactic Civil War, Freedon Nadd left his service as a Jedi to become a Lord of the Sith. Nadd traveled to Onderon, where he ruled as a Sith lord for years. Members of the Royal Armed Forces of Iziz pledged allegiance to Nadd. The followers staged an uprising against Iziz's king, King Ommin, to bring Nadd in control. When Nadd died, the people of Onderon entombed him within the walls of the city Iziz. Nadd's crypt became a strong centralization of dark side power. After their leader's death, the people of Onderon warred with each other. Once the Jedi brought peace to the planet, Nadd's tomb was moved to Dxun, a moon.
When Exar Kun became a Sith, he traveled to Nadd's tomb and reawakened his spirit. Nadd showed Kun the hidden Sith scrolls. The scrolls led Kun to the planet of Korriban. There, Nadd destroyed huge crystals which held the trapped spirits of Jedi, who fought the ancient Sith. Bringing Kun to the Dark Side, Nadd forced the released Jedi to follow his path. Once Kun had control of the Jedi, he turned against Nadd and destroyed him using a powerful amulet against Nadd's spirit.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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