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Darth Bane

Species: Human
Sex: Male
Eye color: White
Height: 1 Meter
Homeworld: Unknown

Darth Bane lived during the war between Jedi and the New Sith. Bane studied under the direction of Lord Qordis. He never finished his schooling. Bane thought he was born to rule and did not believe in titles and hierarchies.

Lord Kaan was Bane's greatest rival. Kaan believed Bane to be a threat. When the Brotherhood of Darkness battled the Jedi, Bane was left for dead on Kaan's orders. However, Bane survived. He returned to fight Lord Hoth's Army of Light on Ruusan. Kaan allowed Bane to step in on the war council meetings upon his return, although, Kaan was nervous with Bane around. Bane thought of a Force ability which would destroy the Army of Light. The council and Bane meditated on the issue. When the council saw how angered Bane became they broke away from the exercise. Bane ended up destroying the beautiful wilderness the planet supported instead of the Jedi. Lord Kaan brought the destruction of both armies and himself by using a force thought bomb. A weapon which enveloped and destroyed the life energies in its blast radius. Bane was the only survivor.

Bane fled in the Valcyon, his ship, to Dxun. The ghosts of Kaan and Qordis came to Bane during his approach to Dxun. The dead lords showed anger and accusation. On Dxun, Bane found Freedon Nadd's temple. Inside he found a holocron containing the dark side secrets. Orbalisks, parasitic organisms, attacked and enhanced Bane. The orbalisks created an armor suit and an adrenaline feed for Bane's body.

Bane left the temple thinking much differently about the Force. Before hand the Dark Side was controlled by multiple Sith Lords, apprentices, and other Dark Side practitioners. Bane decided that their should only be two Sith. A Master and an Apprentice, as with Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma. On Onderon, Bane found an apprentice and began the traditional title Darth.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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