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Ylenic It'kla

Species: Caamasi
Homeworld: Caamas

Ylenic It'kla was a Caamasi Jedi Knight. It was very rare for a Caamasi to be a Jedi due to their tradition of pacifism. Golden down covered It'kla's body. Purple fur surrounded his eyes and became stripes around his crown. As a Caamasi, It'kla could smell scents which many species could not pick out.
It'kla was paired up with Aayla Secura, another Jedi Knight, by Master Mace Windu. The duo was sent on a mission to retrieve a defecting Techno Union scientist. It'kla and Secura traveled to Corellia, a nuetral world, undercover. They were to find Ratri Tane, the defecting scientist. On Corellia, the two Jedi Knights were led to a bar, the Homestar. Inside the two found Ratri Tane and realized he was being tracked by Force sensitive gotals. Due to Aayla Secura, the gotals sensed the Jedi, and a fight broke out. It'kla and Aayla were left without Tane, talking to Corellian Security officials. The two left and began searching once more for Tane. Lorfo, a Toydarian trader, led the two to a warehouse where Tane was being interrogated. The Jedi were once again caught. The Jedi were able to overcome Tendir Blue and his gang to save Tane. However, Tane was not Tane. Tane was revealed to be Jedi Master Nejaa Halcyon. The whole event was to decieve Blue and the others into believing they had Tane and the stolen prototypes. It'kla had been in on the deception allowing Secura to act naturally and make the Techno Union think they were after the real Tane. Secura was known to instinctively use the Force, which gave her and It'kla at the Homestar. It'kla then returned to help fight the Confederacy.

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