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Interesting Movie Facts


In The Empire Strikes Back an interesting droid shows up. When Chewbacca finds C3-PO by the disintegration chamber, look a little to the right of the chamber. You can see one of the copies of IG-88 in the room. According to Kevin J. Anderson's Tales of the Bounty Hunters book this IG-88 droid was the B copy. He had arrived on Bespin before Boba Fett and intended to take Fett out of the game along with taking his bounty, Captain Solo. Before finding Fett, IG-88 was discovered by C3-PO, and it was the assassin droid who immbolized the protocol droid. When he encountered Fett, Fett used an ion blast and disabled the IG-88 droid. The Ugnaughts, who were watching, then took his clumped frame to the disintegration room.



In the original trilogy Yoda was shown in the form of a puppet. This puppet was awesome for its days. But now the world has the technology to computer generate these images and place them in the films. Yoda is now computer generated in the new movies, AOTC and TPM. Although the puppet version is still used sometimes.




Actor Kenny Baker actually PLAYED this little droid. Kenny is small in size. When asked to get into the droid costume he turned down the part. He called the R2 unit a "metal vacuum cleaner". Soon enough he Baker agreed to get inside the vacuum and play the droids part.




After Jango loses his head to Mace Windu, Boba Fett picks his father's helmet up. His head does not fall out of the helmet. Right as Jango's helmet hits the ground after being severed, if you watch the helmets shadow you can see a gruesome sight. His head falling out of the helmet.


Mace Windu's lightsaber is unlike other lightsabers. It has a cool looking electrum. This coating causes his lightsaber to be refered as an electrum lighsaber, rather than a crystal lightsaber. But the word electrum is not to be confused with crystal because Windu's lightsaber is still a crystal lightsaber only with an electrum coating.

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Last Updated: March 4, 2003

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