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Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Zelda Speaks
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Wednesday 2:49pm

Everyday in everyway the world gets meowier and meowier.
I have so much fun every single wake up.
Picasso makes me giggle because she runs around and lets me chase her. Then she boxes with me so I can practice standing on two feet. We go on hallway vacations and she shows me doorways. Picasso is very smart and fascinating.

Quincy tells me to stay away from the dangers in the window. She says those flying things want to eat me. She is so helpful and protective.

Zoe insists that I help her eat her food because she says I'm a growing girl.

This place is way better than when I was with my brother who would beat me up all the time and not let me get any milk. MILK! I forgot about milk. I wonder if any of these girls can help me get some?

Mommy is the bestest mommy in the whole world. She wears toys on her feet so I always have something to play with. And she calls me Lala which is my song. And she tells me she loves me over and over and she doesn't have to tell me that because I figger that she loves me with all the big sisters she gives me and the food and the kisses and the toys.

I'm a very lucky kitten.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 3:02 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Quincy Speaks
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Wednesday 2:43pm

Does it really matter what I have to say? Is anyone listening? Is this thing on?

The good thing about the new cats is that they think I'm tougher than I really am. Picasso is good and discrete and doesn't tell the truth. "What they don't know won't meow them." Picasso likes to say.

I still get my window. I still get to sleep with Mommy. And when I'm bored I wake up the new one and spit at her. Just for a meower.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:48 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Picasso Speaks
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Wednesday 2:31pm
How am I supposed to feel when I have yet another interloper to share my space with. Boy I thought things were bad when it was just me and Saki. Who knew that one day I would look back fondly on those days.

Things got really good for the longest time when it was just Quincy and me. We got to sleep all day and we'd take turns running around. It was a pretty ideallic existence. Quincy can be a little stinky with the poohs but overall it was tolerable.

Then Mommy brought in Zelda. She was a cute little thing. She was never all that quiet but that was okay, it kept us on our toes. I have to admit that sometimes we do sleep a little too much. But the jumping on me and the biting of my back feet and the following me everywhere. It gets on a girl's last nerves. She grabs my tail. She just doesn't stop. But she is fun when we go on our hall outings. Well it's fun because she gets scared of every little noise and runs back home screaming at the top of her lungs. And I would run too but I'm so busy laughing that I can't run.

Now Mommy goes and brings in another girl and this one is almost the spitting image of me. She's just darker that's all. Sometimes at night, Mommy can't tell the difference between us. Is this some kind of joke or something? sigh!

The good thing is that she is keeping Zelda busy so she can't be all that bad. The only problem is that it's one more to compete with for the prime sleeping spots.

Maybe later when Mommy is rubbing my back, I'll bite her really really hard, just cuz.

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:43 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Zoe Speaks
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Wednesday 2:18pm

I don't know why my mommy sent me away. I thought I was a good cat. I always gave her all my love and came to her when ever she called my name. But I'm in a new home now. It has taken some time to get used to this place.

There's a little on who is really really cute... when she is sleeping! She has given me a couple kisses but then she backs away really quickly. It's kind of like what you humans complain about when someone shakes your hand limply. Why bother kissing me and then running away? She makes no sense.

She laughs at me when she eats my food and pokes at my bum when I'm walking by. She is a regular brat. I don't know why new mommy seems to love her so much.

The big cat that looks like me but more brown looks like she might actually be the friendliest in that she doesn't want to tease me. Maybe she and I can become mates because that little one bugs her constantly.

The third cat with the long hair seems a bit snobby. She just likes to go and sleep with new mommy and sit in the window. Boy I wish i could sit in the window. She only comes to see me when I'm asleep but then she wakes me up and gets all snooty. I don't know about these others.

New Mommy keeps insisting that they are my sisters but I don't think that's the truth. New Mommy asks about ten thousand paws a day if everybody is okay. Yeah sure lady, we'd be okay if you stopped asking us. But New Mommy, although really chatty, isn't so bad. She actually brings me my food and she caresses me a lot. And she gives the good people kisses. So maybe I'll stay.

Well, I have to paw off. Seems there is a line up to poke the tumputer. The thing about these other girls is that when they see you doing something they want to do it too. Lemmings!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 2:30 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 9 November 2006
No more Bath time visits
Topic: The Zelda Diaries
Tuesday 7:25am 9Nov06

Miss Zelda, the only cat that keeps me company while I have my morning bath got her bath surprise. Playing as she does while sitting on the ledge of the bath she slipped down the edge into the bath tub and couldn't get her wet feet out quick enough. I'm surprised she didn't scratch me to shreds.

She was lucky the bath was still filling up and not full.

Wet foot prints left their marked exit out of the bathroom. It was bound to happen, probably won't happen again. But the laugh I had was probably good for my bulging right eye, all those tears lubricating my eyeball.

The kitty fun never ends.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:27 AM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.