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Sunday, 17 June 2007
And the beat goes on
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Sunday 17June07 10:35am

New developments with the Zoe cat. She let me pick her up and pat her. She cuddled me and let me put her in the window. She's currently chatting up a storm. Probably asking anyone who passes by to rescue her from this multi cat hell.
She gave me a couple kisses and even licked my eyebrow so all will be fine. My three are keeping their distance (snoozing actually). Zelda has checked out the wardrobe where Zoe was hiding and chomped on Zoe's food. ha ha! It takes a Zelda!

One of the blogs I subscribe to "Time to Write" mentioned this email service, "hassle me reminder service" which is worth a look at. Sometimes I need a reminder to keep me on the writing straight and narrow.

Had my marathon phone date with Lolo! Good times! It's so nice to hear a persons voice rather than the email thing. Technology is great but boy it can distance as much as it's supposed to bring us closer.

Anyway, it's another beautiful day and things seem okay with the cats so I feel less obligated to babysit all day. Might as well get outside and enjoy it before it's winter again. ha ha.

There's a wingfest happening. I'm not sure if it's two days or just one and I think Taste of Little Italy is also happening. Of course if all else fails, there's always parking my ass with my writing materials at the park. So many choices, so little time.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 9:11 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Sunday, 17 June 2007 10:45 AM EDT
Saturday, 16 June 2007
A first that needs repeating
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 7:37pm 16June07

Yesterday was the first day of Mercury's retrograde and the new moon. I'd almost forgotten about my moon journal.

It was also my friend Jojo's birthday. I went to her place with a bottle of wine and stood sweating up a storm in the kitchen while she boiled two huge pots of water. "At least we'll lose some weight before we eat," I said with optimism.

My mouth dropped open as she grabbed a live lobster out of the sink with tongs and her housemate/best friend Purple cut the elastics off it's claws. My mouth stayed open as the lobster was unceremoniously plunked/plunged into the pot of boiling water. I could have done an Elaine (from Seinfeld) GET OUT when Jojo opened the pot and declared, "Oh he's still fighting"
He's not dead yet?

And no we didn't hear any screams, all seven times that this was done. The only screams heard were mine when Purple made me cut the elastics off the last two lobsters so she could take a picture of us. Too funny.

It's a shitload of work eating a whole lobster, as Purple's boyfriend Thomas discovered. He didn't love it so we happily ate his too! ha! We each ate two lobsters, cracking and pulling and digging and dipping. I'm still burping garlic!

I tell you I could do a repeat performance today, high cholesterol or not. Talk is that we may have to do it New Year's eve. Now that's a way to start a new year!

Happy Birthday JoJo!
I love you and your lobster.
"Give me the winner, I want the winner."


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:56 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Saturday, 16 June 2007 7:58 AM EDT
A Day in the Life
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 16June07 7:15am

Finished work early and walked over to pick up the cat. She fought going into the carrier case but eventually Elizabeth was able to get her in it. Elizabeth wanted to be quick about it because she'd already said her good byes to the cat and knew she was going to cry. That was fine by me. I wanted to get home and get this thing started.

Zoe cried up a storm in the carrier case, yowling (howling and yelling) as I walked down the street. I hailed a cab and got this older black cabbie who proceeded to tell me that he'd seen me earlier walking up the street. "You are unique looking," he told me, "Unique in a good way."
He is a dog person, he told me. Nice. As I paid and tipped him he told me that he would be happy to go out with me, should I want an older man. ha ha. Yup, the first day of Mercury Retrograde throws me into my belief that this one is going to be about communications with men. But will there be a dream guy in the lot, I wonder?

Got Zoe home, screaming all the way and all three of my girls came out with big curious eyes. They all looked at each other as if to say, "we're all accounted for. Oh shit, another one?"
Yeah babies, another one.
Zoe came out of the carrier case and made her way under my wardrobe and has been there ever since. She growled when I brought her some food, growled when I brought her some water and growled when I put a kitty litter box in the area. Heck, she growls when I walk by.
Each one of my girls has walked close by to study her and has backed away. So it looks like that's the kind of weekend it'll be. Zoe under the wardrobe and the others attempting to check out the situation. I just hope she eats.

Picasso, Quincy and Zelda are doing their own thing now except Zelda has stopped teasing Picasso, completely. When there is an intruder, you got to be a team.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:37 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Are You My Father?
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Thursday 14June07 6:39pm

I didn't realize that A.M. Homes book about being adopted and meeting her birth parents was published. The Guardian (Click this link) has a write up about it.

I read a piece that she wrote for the New Yorker a long while back that dealt with the whole experience. It was a harrowing read. It made me think about what would happen if I should find my birth father. It's all linked to Mercury Retrograde this month and next of course because my retrograde seems to be surrounding men, only men. Plus my June horoscope from Susan Miller at Astrology mentions the possibility of me looking up a biological parent. Creepy!

The whole thing feels like it's too much to handle anyway. Between A.M's article and then Kathryn Harrison's, The Kiss, which is about her sexual relationship with her birth father... creepy!

I don't know if I read this or thought this or where it came from but it's something about a man who hasn't raised his daughter and only meets her as an adult having weird, inappropriate feelings/actions toward her. Maybe it's the reminder of sleeping with her mother all those years ago that keeps him focused on a sexual thing rather than a parental thing. Maybe the only reason that men don't have inappropriate feelings towards their daughters is that they can still picture them as children. I don't know, it's something to follow in fiction perhaps. I'm certainly not accusing men of wanting to screw their daughters. I'm just trying to reconcile why that comes up.

I wonder about my biological father, at times and I wonder would it fuck me up to meet him? Is it sometimes better that the way things happened are the way they're supposed to be? Is it better to never have the answers? What do you do if you meet your biological father and he makes a pass at you? How do you wrap your head around that?


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:58 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Hearing my Silent Screams
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Tuesday 12June07

My crazy Gemini folk's birthdays start up as of this Friday beginning with Jojo and moving on to Ado and frogs legs. Probably won't get to see frog legs cuz she's still getting her ass whipped in boot camp. Finding more uses for tazers and handcuffs no doubt.

Decided to stay home and write tonight since my feet are killing me. Forgot to transfer my orthotics back in to my Asics because I had them in my pink Nike's yesterday when i went to the park. Didn't notice they weren't in until I was half way to work and turning back would have made me late. Disappointingly, it kept me away from my secluded outdoor lunch spot that I discovered last summer. Too much of a walk to get there. Instead I went to parks and rec and suffered through some bad guitarist/singer. I won't be doing that one twice.

Received an email from my fair Grinny Lolo this morning from Korea. She's planning to call on Sunday morning so we can talk voice to voice. The whole email thing just isn't cutting it for us because lol isn't as good as screaming with laughter in real time. I thanked her for being another person to hear my silent telepathic screams. ha ha! Then I shed about ten big tears in excitement. I am a sentimental type of gal even though I rarely act that way.

I can't believe that I was ever happy for her leaving but I was. I knew she had to follow her path even though her path is way far away from mine.

Ado, my co-working partner was back today after being gone for 5 days. He was off sick, then had to drive to Pittsburgh for a Filipino festival that his dancers were performing at. As soon as I saw him, i regaled him with all that's gone on in my life since he's been gone. Poor guy hadn't even had breakfast yet. But sometimes my life gets action packed all of a sudden. And very comical!

I thought Gemini was going to be just about epiphanies but I guess that things have to happen for me to epiphanize about. I like making up new words. If only they could be as clever as Jasper Fforde's. Maybe one day.

It's supposed to scorchy all week. I can deal with that. I finally bought a few new outfits because I was wearing the same clothes for so long I was looking like I was homeless! No joke. I'mso disorganized when it comes to buying clothes. Just not a shopper, unless it's sun dresses. I have a lot of those.

I was going to say that's it's been kind of quiet for the last couple days but then realized, we haven't even hit Mercury Retrograde yet, not full fledged anyway. The bulk of it will be in Cancer a watery emotional sign. I think the next one is in Scorpio and then it's done the round robin of water signs and moves on to some other unsuspecting elements, either air or fire, I think.

I wonder if any of my dear readers hate me for making them notice when Mercury is retrograde? Sorry!

Really don't have much of worth to say. Over and out.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:15 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.