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Saturday, 11 August 2007
A New Tarot Deck
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
I went to the WB bookstore yesterday, on my way to see my herb guy, and I bought myself a new tarot deck, The Enochian Tarot. It's not a traditional deck but I loved the images when I looked through the sample book at the store. I've looked at the case of tarot cards, every single time I've gone in that bookstore and no one has ever come to me to ask if I wanted the case open so I could see a deck. Except for yesterday. ha ha!

"One deck Shelley, you can only buy one deck!" I had to remind myself.

Buddy was quite knowledgeable about the decks he offered and we discussed the decks I currently own. The ones I use the most Robin Wood Tarot for writing; Universal Waite or Thoth for personal readings. From the samples, I was down to deciding between The Witches Tarot by Cannon Reed or The Enochian Tarot. Buddy told me that he had a few customers complain about the Enochian deck being too dark for them but somehow when I held it, I felt energy stream from the deck through my arms. It was the same way that I chose my rose quartz crystal.

I surfed the net to see what sites covered the deck and the reviews I've read have been about how hard the cards are to read. I found that interesting because I'm so used to connecting with the cards intuitively. I like to check other peoples interpretations of cards to see what they are saying, but these cards aren't traditional anyway.

Anyhow I pulled three cards last night, deciding that this deck would be solely for intuitive interpretation and got this out of them...

52. Aila - I saw as the circle of life. My connection to others and how I share myself with others.

43. AOGD - My subconscious thoughts coming to the forefront. Creating something out of nothing, creativity.

61. Saiinov - In the center of my own power. Full use of my mental resources. Expressing my unique creativity and talent.

As a whole, looking at the cards together, they look at what's outside of me and what's inside me and mixing it up (like in chemistry class - mixing everything in a beeker - I failed chemistry ha!) to create something unique.

Anyway, I was kind of chatty this morning! Now I'm hungry. ha ha!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 12:39 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Sunday, 13 May 2007
More Tarot Fun
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
Sunday 11:44am 13May07

I decided today would be a stay at home and write all day day. Yesterday before I went out to the Forte concert I used one of Mark McElroy's ideas of using the Tarot cards to write a short story. I used the Robin Wood Tarot deck because for some reason with that deck I can see the makings of a story just from looking at the cards. It was funny because the cards could easily pertain to me and my life and yet it was easy to look at a character going through the motions and conflict and setting the example.

Mark has a great Pdf available on the net just google his name and Tarot for Creative Writers. I used pages 28 to 33 for Flash fiction last night. While googling his name to find the pdf again to mention on my blog I found a couple other good Tarot articles and uses for them other than the obvious...

Ways to Use the Tarot
and Living the Tarot.

I keep meaning to get around to studying one tarot card at a time for about a week at a time. I don't know if I can commit to one card for a whole month but you never know.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:55 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 11 May 2007
the Magician
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
Friday 5:48pm 11May07

I pulled the Magician from the Universal Waite Deck this morning. Some of the keywords that I decided to choose include: Imagination, Creativity, doing what needs to be done, realizing your potential, producing magical results...

This morning I emailed the person who noticed my emotional funk last night to express my thanks for noticing that I was falling off the edge. People don't always notice or they do notice but could give two shits. It is amazing how just noticing someone can change their whole outlook. Some of that falls in line with the magician for me.

Obviously the energy of the magician can be used towards ones art. Sitting down and taking all the magical elements to create something of worth. To express what needs to come out. To go deep.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:04 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Friday, 4 May 2007
Universe/Page of Wands
Topic: Tarot Card of the Day
Last night I pulled the Universe from the Thoth tarot and this morning I pulled the Page of Wands from the Universal Waite Tarot.
The Universe could be having the world in my hand, realizing my goals, finding a beautiful solution, using a gift or talent. Having the world in my hands. Accomplishment - knowing that we have goals and are moving toward them successfully.
It inspired me to pull a bunch of books off my shelves to help to motivate me with my novel. Anything to jump start my direction. Yeah yeah I still have to read those 8 or 9 binders filled with notes and chapters and scenes but I still want to write in the meantime. The act of putting words to paper keeps me in touch with my characters. I opened, Writing the Breakout Novel to a random page and got into looking at my top three favorite novels and what they have in common. My top three novels are The Great Gatsby, Five Smooth Stones, the Third Life of Grange Copeland and I threw the Color Purple in there even though it made it four novels. Somehow reading the examples in Writing the Breakout novel and thinking about these novels at the same time really clicked in my mind. I came up with the two questions (the true premise) that the whole novel is trying to answer. A question pertaining to Rachel and Kali and a question pertaining to Rachel. It's Kali's story but her story is based on how she sees herself because of Rachel.
I actually said out loud, "Oh my God!" Rachel's questions make her human and flawed and well meaning and just because we're well meaning doesn't mean that outcome is always perfect or what we expect.
Now I feel that I can read through all my notes and chapters and scenes looking for examples of those two questions being portrayed. The Universe, I've got my novel world in the palm of my hands.

The Page of Wands - be creative, be enthusiastic, be confident, be courageous.
Can I just say that I wanted to call in sick to work so badly this morning so I could stay home and work on my novel. As the French would say, Thanks God it's Friday!"
On the Learning Tarot site the first action is take a novel approach. ha ha! take a novel approach to my novel.
So I am the Page of Wands pertaining to White Wishes, I've come up with a solution, jumping in wholeheartedly, excited, optimistic, saying/ screaming, "Yes I can!". I know that where there's a will there's a way.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 5:50 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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