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Monday, 27 November 2006
I need another story
Topic: WC - Upper A Riffing
Writing Challenge - Upper A Riffing
Pick 5 random words out of a dictionary or thesaurus and write a piece using those words. Don't think, just write! This isn't supposed to be a work of art, it's just practice to get you to write without editing.

It's been awhile since I've done this. With my new books proclaiming the virtues of writing practice, I figure it's about time I pull it out of the vault...

The Words:
moody company trash magnitude materials

The Piece:
I'm at my full magnitude of moody
can barely stand my own company
need to trash this attitude
pick out the magic writing materials
and write myself into another story.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:38 PM EST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Tuesday, 26 September 2006
Not on my side
Now Playing: Johann Strauss - Waltzes
Topic: WC - Upper A Riffing
This is what it looks like when the words aren't on my side...

The Words: taste, agency, across, explore, giant

The Piece or lack thereof:

not getting anywhere with these words.
Where does agency fit in?
I can taste you like a giant lollipop
let my tongue run across your belly
explore the creases of your six pack
but agency?


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 7:38 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 23 September 2006
A Few of them
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: WC - Upper A Riffing
7:55pm Saturday 23Sept06

Been sitting writing for several hours. Cracking myself up with some of the words that I wrote on the ticket stubs for my Upper A Riffing. I wrote some phrases when I ran out of words.

Anyway, part of the hours of writing include a few riffs:

The words: snitch; it's so big; slouched; pause; love

The piece:
my heart, the big snitch
exposes my emotions
my love of what you give me
cause for pause
slow myself down
sit slouched in a corner
it's so big, this need to hide


The words: picture; reach heights; trip; poetry; bench

The piece:
you are the clear picture in my mind
an image causing my heart to trip
my passion to reach heights
bench this so called poetry gig
and get tangible for a change

The words: light; name; never; cuddle; beliefs

The Piece:
never whisper my name like that
in mid-cuddle with that look in your eyes
flickering that husky light
leading me to beliefs about our next step

The words: swatted; winds; lover; animosity; group

The Piece:
my lover has swatted at the winds of animosity flying through my life
"We are a group of two," he says, "fighting this battle together.
Today, you're not alone."

The words: original, squeak, bronzed, single, observe

The Piece:
Are you the original
a bronzed God
here to observe my every squeak and cry
forcing away every single fear

The words: win, sister, brother, angst, ice

The Piece:
Did I win the angst award
my sister lives a sensible life
my brother has disappeared
and I sit indecisive with my goals on ice


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 8:20 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Thursday, 21 September 2006
Idiotic Attitude
Now Playing: Annie Lennox - album "Diva"
Topic: WC - Upper A Riffing
Thursday 6:29pm 21Sept06

The instructions are at the bottom of this blog...

The Words: aloof, chicken, cartoon, support, mirror

The Piece:

You're like a cartoon character or a caricature
almost human but with that circus mirror strangeness
Are you aloof or just chicken
Are you in need of emotional support
or a slap that snaps you out of your idiotic attitude?


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 6:33 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Monday, 18 September 2006
The Real Upper A Pieces
Topic: WC - Upper A Riffing
7:55pm Monday 18Sept06

These are some of the pieces I wrote when I actually worked at Upper A at the Science Centre. It was also when (as I pinpointed later) I was starting to become depressed. I was diagnosed two years later...

He is no pioneer of love games
offers breathtaking affection as a once a year gift
He can't deliver love with any consistency
fear overwhelms him
he believes futility is his only guarantee


I'm in need of a little magic
a connection to something bigger than I am
something that excites my sensibilities
something that sets my world ablaze with action and creativity
I've been down for too long
I've let the thoughtless actions of others overwhelm me


let down by my friendships
watching frightened people who can't stand up for anything
or can't choose anything to stand up for
let down by my family
my views shoved in my face as invalid
my stand discounted
my emotions run ultra cold from fatigue
maybe they're just too human or I'm not human enough.


such dramatic beasts we humans
we stifle the impressionable
like jealous parents recalling the energetic splendour of youth
wanting to cripple it
then we clap our proud applause only when we are proven right.
"See, I told you it would fail."


time for me to take notice of my life
change to a new school of thought
take a walk down the joyous corridors
choose all that suits me
I can only go for so long drowning in the mire of depression
anchored to a ship of negativity

I don't know which words were chosen for these pieces... forgot to underline them in my notebook

does it come off this negativity
that I wear like a bloody carcass
this anger that holds me captive
possessed like the main character of a horror
how can I process my emotions when there's only one that I feel?


the animousity zings me between the eyes
like a rock fired from a slingshot
pre-menstrual men and macho women
wearing friendliness like a plastic shield
fists clenched at the ready for a challenge


negative attention has been shining its dark light on me
like I'm some sort of prey
people baiting me with their self-centred annoyances
isn't it amazing how we've been here for eons
and yet a profound wisdom still eludes us


renewal of my missing energy
a slow process when I have too many connections
with idiot beings dragging me away
from my angelic self
unsure if she ever existed


peace walked through my door one day
but I found myself with a dilemma
my thoughts were focused on the high expectations
for peace everyday
instead of enjoying the present I was given


Have I developed the nature of a drama queen
because I sold my soul into constant exhaustion
for thousands of hours away from my muse
just to pay the rent
how can I purchase a new fresh soul?
a constant unanswered question

surrounded by rancid moods and attitudes
frostbitten from daily arctic reception of people I contend with
there must be a special place where I can jump into another life
swim downstream with leisure

this is a temporary event
these limitations of choices
soon something will spark my brain
spark my body, spark my enthusiasm
and my feet will barely touch the ground
I'll be running so darn fast.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 8:36 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.