The JELLO Brothers Holiday Page

The JELLO Brothers, like any major
organization, wish to make themselves
known, as well as make things fun and
interesting for both members and
non-members. AND, since most
groups have little holidays they
celebrate anyways, we thought that we
could just do the same, on a larger scale...

The JELLO Brothers celebrate many unique, interesting, and sometimes downright bizarre holidays throughout the year, and we of the PB&J felt it our responsibility to bring these little-known holidays to the collective attention of the public.

Now that every holiday has a little bit of writing behind it to give you an idea as to how to celebrate, please feel free to suggest more holidays. Our eventual goal is to have a holiday for every day of the year...



1/5–-Pagan Picnic Day/ Mung Day
1/11–Frag the Monkey Day
1/22—Canadian Bacon Eve
1/23—Canadian Bacon Day
1/27—Blowtorch Noogie Day


2/1—-Nuclear Appreciation Day
2/10—Liberation Day
2/14—Make Out with a Stranger Day / Casual Sex Day
2/16—Skucci Snootchie Bootchies Day
2/19—Corpulence is Bad Day
2/25—Black, Black, Black Day


First Full Moon--Everyone Must Be Like Me Day
3/3—-Upturned Beetle Day
3/10—The Ides of Smarch
3/13—Day Time
3/17—Celebration of Maximum Occupancy
3/24—Kick a Midget in the Ass Day
3/31—Tapioca Pudding Day


First Friday of April—National Lesbian Friday
4/7—-Musical Day
4/14—Harass Queens Day
4/16—Tag Sale Day
4/17—Lash Out Dancing Like A Madman Day
4/27—Hot Sticky Pasta Day
4/29—Condoms Galore Day

May (Crappy Weiner Month)

5/6-—National Hellwater Day
5/11—RBC Day
5/17—Appreciate Our Ancient Forefathers Day
5/19—Star Wars Reverence Day
5/21—Pope Day
5/24—Forgotten Holiday Observance Day
5/25—Yiddish Columbus Day


First Monday of June—Monday Sucks Day
6/8--Non-Flying Birds Day
6/21—Ladder Day
6/22—Say “No” to Bingo Day
6/23—Twister Appreciation Day
6/24—Ladies’ Night
6/25—National Caning Day


7/19—King of the Monsters Day


8/11—Pretend You’re A German Day
8/27—Oppress the Man Day
8/30-TV's Frank's Birthday (Observed)
8/31-No More Sadness Day


9/8—-Stare at Women Day
9/19—Befriend a Virgin Day
9/20-Festivus For the Rest of Us


10/13—Chivalry Day
10/14—Reward the Chivalrous Day
10-18-Eat While Naked Day
10/28 & 10/29-—Random Beatings and Raving Days
10/30—Jarrett’s Place Day


11/1—-First Annual JELLO Brothers Olympics
11/5—-Yell at Inanimate Objects Day
11/10—Flexibility Day
11/13—Jarrett Day
11/18—Thanksgetting Day
11/26-Troma Day


12/1—-Freedom of Sexual Expression Day
12/8---Pass the Hat Day
12/16—Geriatric Buttthrust Day
12/18—The White Ones Are Hot Lava Day

The creativity and madness just flows, doesn't it?