Album Reviews

Album Reviews

By: Some Sub-Moronic Idiots

This will (hopefully) be reviews of all the albums by bands from seattle that we have handy to us. If you would like to send us stuff to review, mail us at: Enjoy.
Alice in Chains: Jar of Flies
Reviewed by:Alex the Postman
A very good 7 song EP, a nice dark mellow accoustic listen. The tracks are pretty varied and include an instrumental for track 5. The songs flow into one another well and Layne's voice continues to impress me, it's a shame he hasn't done anything with it musically in quite sometime. Overall I'd say it's definetly worth looking into if your in the mood for something laid back but moody and dark. I picked it up for 5 dollars and it's already received a few listens. If I had to pick 3 songs for favorites they would be "r0tten Apple", "Nutshell" and "No Excuses", though the disc is full of good tracks.
Rating: 8.5
Alien Crime Syndicate: Dust to Dirt
Review by: The Sara Monster
I've been listening to this album as I go to sleep for a week, and just thought it was ok, but then I learned the words, and it is ultra fun to sing along to. I love the space sounds in "Outerspace", infact that is my favorite song, cause I'm on a real space kick. The whole album appears to have a space theme, there is a song called "Take Me To Your Leader" and a song called "Atmosphere" and it all has the float-e space feel to me. As a whole, I would describe the band, as an average alternative band with an intriguing and sense stimulating twist. Even though they use the word "pimpin'" I still like the song "pimpin' the land" which really says a lot. Favorite Songs: "Outerspace" "Nothing Beats the Surf In" and "Pimpin' the Land".
Rating: 8
The Best Kissers In the World: Been There
I must say this isnt really my thing. But first I will talk about what I liked. First of all there is a lot of variety in the songs, from pop to rock to a slow accoustic song. But overall I guess the reason I don't like the album much is that nothing strikes me as special. Its just sort of the average "alternitive" band album. Favorite songs: "she won't get under me till i get over you", "kick between the knees" and "for letter name for lame".
Rating: 5
Robb Benson: Songs about Songs
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
This CD is Robb’s first solo album that was made after the breakup of his previous band, The Nevada Bachelors. As Robb mentioned this CD is significantly slower and less poppy than the Nevada Bachelors. The first song, “Midwestern Sunrise” is a very stereotypical coffee shop song. I feel sort of neutral about that, but then “Illusion of Beauty” comes on and I get all into it. I love the way Robb sings, it’s the rhythm and not really the voice that makes it unique. I like the cello part, because it’s like having a lead guitar part. “When in Rome” is way cool too, I actually get into the lyrics which is something I don’t normally do when I listen to CDs. The same goes with “What is Life.” In general this album is well written and catchy, but not really something I would listen to besides when I’m getting ready to sleep. Favorite Songs: “Illusion of Beauty” “When In Rome” and “What is Life”.
Rating: 6.5
Bloodcircus: Primal Rock Therapy
Review by: Lizpee
This is a great album to just sit and rock out to. It's not really angry but it can be heavy. Unfortuntly these songs were DEFINTILY made to be played live so the album can't be listened to for very long. The drums are so damn cool but it does have the typical "grungy" guitar sounds. Cover picture done by Charles Peterson; Produced by Jack Endino. Favorite songs: 'Gnarly' 'Electric Johnny' 'Part of the Crowd'
Rating: 6

Butthole Surfers: Electric Larryland
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster
This album kicks ass. Yes Pepper was a little overdone, but the rest of the album is very different and better actually. I dont know how to explain it, i hear devo influences, but i have no right to guess what a band is influenced by so dont quote me on that. They played with nirvana once. The guitar parts sound really fun to play. I cant hear the bass that well. Lots of cool effects too. Favorite Songs: (with this cd it is tough to choose only 3)"Cough Syrup", "TV Star" and "Birds".
Rating: 8.5

Carmine: Carpe Patio Flounder
Reviewed by: sara
They are quite the funky group. Not really how I remembered them from Pain in the Grass, although this cd was recorded a good 3 years before I saw them. Sometiems theres that annoying alternitive wine in Jeff's voice, but besides that he is excellent. The bass and guitar parts are both very cool and go very well together. I never pick up on excellent drum parts but these parts do catch my attnetion so that says something, now Carmine has a different drummer though, i bet he is just as cool. I've only listened to this cd a few times, but all the songs seem to run together, making it hard for me to pick a set of favorites, so I'm leaving that section out. Although "Your Biggest Fan" is damn cool, its the only one where I actually listen to the lyrics.
Rating: 7.5
The Catheters: self titled
Review by: sara
These boys just look and sound soo cool, I’m sure they are real assholes just cause they look so cool, but listening to the cd is great. I would love to see these guys live, they sound like they would have a lot of energy and jump high into the air and fun stuff like that. I love the guitar, it does lots of cool whine-e solo type stuff and nifty rock lics. Brian sings like he has been smoking and drinking for a very long time, but it just makes him sound "cool" as said many times before. Overall this album is cool in the Fonzie way. Besides that it is cool, its not very special, I just like it a lot. Favorite songs: "Teenage Trash", "Back In the Game" and "The Kids Know How to Rock".
Rating: 8
Coffin Break: Rupture
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
This CD has some really cool parts but right now overall it doesnt strike me as great. I might just have to listen to it a few more times. Sometimes the vocals are sort of annoying although right after they are annoying they are normally really cool. In the begining of "World" the guitar and drum parts remind me of The Who. I really like the bass parts, Rob rocks. The songs are sort of short which is ok, but what I reall appreciate is that they have short songs but the album is still an hour long cause there are 25 songs on it. I also appreciate the fact that the lyrics are in the CD although there are only lyrics for 14 songs, so either they are tricking me or there are more instrumental songs that I first thought. Favorite Songs: "39", "Stupid Love Song" and "Pop Fanatic."
Rating: 7
Chris Cornell: Euphoria Morning
Review by: The Sara Monster
This is a great album to sing in the shower. The lyrics are very powerful so if someone sees you singing it youll look real cool. hehehe. anyway this album is great musically, as in how it is written and performed but for some reason it just isnt my style. Its lacking the energy I expect from Chris, he sounds very tired and some what bored. I love the diversity of the songs on this album. I think the perfect time for me to play this cd would be if i were having a party for my grandparents at my house and i needed to play an album I like and that my grandparents would think is keen. Im not sure if i would like this album as much if it werent Chris Cornell, but i guess we'll never know. Favorite Songs: "When Im Down," "Can't Change Me" and "Steel Rain".
Rating: 7
The Fire Ants: Coping Mechanism
Reviewed by: The Sara monster
This is yet another record I bought for a buck because I knew of the band. I was very supprised that the girls vocals didnt suck a fish and that they were actually pretty good. The songs have a lot of nrg which i realized i appreciate a lot right now. Some of the songs have a sludgy, but active sound, sort of like how when you listen to rage against the machine or see bands like 311 live you have to that odd heel tapping dance type thing (at least I do). I hear a bit of the Melvins in one song. The next song is very differnt though, it has a live alternitive-jive-jazzy band feel. Favorite Songs: "12 years" "Manifest" and "Teething Ring".
Rating: 7.5
Flop: Flop & Fall of the Mopsqueezer
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
I like this CD a lot, the tiny clip I heard on Hype doesn't do the band justice. Although this is yet another one of those CDs that I have to be in the mood to listen to. It would be a good CD to listen to while playing pool. Its very alternative sounding, but not as poppy as i thought it would be. These guys know how to play guitar which is very cool and the song writting is just overall good. Favorite Songs: "Anne," "You Would be Right" and "b"
Rating: 7.5
Flop: Whenever your ready
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
First impression is that it’s sort of poppy, but not really as poppy as I was expecting (again), in fact quite rock like. It has grew on me, a lot on the first listen I didn’t really think it was anything special, but now I have a sound in mind that I attach to Flop. The drumming is neat, tone wise especially on Julie Francavilla. Rusty and Paul together sing all sweet like. I don't have the other album with me right now so I cant properly compair them.
Rating: 7.5
Gas Huffer: The Inhuman Ordeal Of Special Agent
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster
They rock. Tom Price is a really cool guitarist. Joe is a great drummer. Don is a snazzy bass player. And Matt makes the silly lyrics sound even better with his wierd voice. Together it is just a great recoard. Favorite Songs: "Fall of the Kingfish", "Double "O" Bum" and "Carolina Hot Foot".
Rating: 9
The Giraffes: The Days are Filled with Years
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
To tell you the truth I was expecting this cd to be just ok. Maybe a 5 on my scale. But I’m not even half way thru my first listen and I’m sure the cd will make at least a 7. It has a relaxed, sitting round house listening to your best friends play guitar feel. For those of you who don’t know, The Giraffes is the name of Chris Ballew’s (of the Presidents of the USA) solo project. Well this is the second CD so its not really a project anymore. I really like the guitar sound on all of these songs. Most of the songs have no drum parts, but yet it doesn’t feel like its missing anything. I bet Chris played these songs many many times, cause they sound perfected and the best they can be. I like how I can hear the Presidents type songs, but if these songs were on a presidents album, they wouldn’t fit, it gives it a new feel. Favorite Songs: "Giraffes in the underworld" "gone again gone" and "Black Shadow".
Rating: 8

Green River: Come on Down
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster Great album. I was very lucky to be able to find this used. In case you dont know Green River is, Steve and Mark from Mudhoney and Stone and Jeff from Pearl Jam and Alex who is now studing to be a lawyer. This is a really short cd, less than a half an hour and it has 6 songs. But they are great! Alex is a great drummer. I can definatly hear the Pearl Jam and Mudhoney in this, so if you like either of them you will like this song. Favorite Songs: "Tunnel of Love", "come on Down" and "swallow my pride".
Rating: 9
Hai Karate: Self titled
Reviewed by: sara
High energy, garage, rock. Yep, that’s what they are and they do it well. The songs are very simple and short but it works. There really isn’t that much to say, for once I love the simplicity. And the drummer stands out as very cool. I do have an issue with this album that I can’t listen to it a ton of times in a row, but that might be because its only a half an hour long. Overall this album is good but not extrodinary. Favorite songs: "Hot Potato", "Get offa my planet" and "Every Thing".
Rating: 7
Hater: self titled
I feel very proud that I got this CD for a buck cause I saw it on sale for 6 bucks and I said to myself "theres no one in this town who would know who Hater is, I bet if I wait they'll put it in the dollar bins" and I waited, and they did. I really like this album, although when I first listened to it I wasnt very impressed. After the 3rd or 4th listen I was i love with it. It is very well written and 'musically intelligent' if you will. I love the variety in the guitar parts (that there is no one rythem repeated over and over) and in the songs in general. The album very mellow and calming to me, next time I'm mad about something, this will be the perfect anecdote. Favorite Songs: "Roadside", "Tot Finder" and "Putrid"
Rating: 8
Jimi Hendrix: The Ultimate Expierence
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
Jimi Hendrix is god. I pray to him every morning and at random times durring the day and he keeps me safe. I went to visit his grave, there were lots of nice people there, but anyways about the cd. This is a great cd w/ lots of Jimi's hits (but arent all his songs hits?). Jimi's style is just amazing he can get sounds from his guitar that will never be immated. And for a guy who thought he couldnt sing he has an amazing voice. I would not foget Mich Michel or Noel Redding though, they are great too, every guitarist really does need someone to back them up and they do a great job. God this is an amazing cd. Favorite Songs: (This is difficult well)"All Along the Watchtower", "Purple Haze", "Hey Joe", "The Wind Cries Mary", "Angle", "Voodoo Child", "Foxy Lady", "Burning of the Midnight Lamp", "Highway Chile", "Crosstown Traffic", "Castles Made of Sand", "Long Hot Summer Night", "Red House", "Manic Depression", "Gypsy Eyes", "Little Wing", "Fire", "Wait Untill Tomorrow", "Star Spangled Banner" and "Wild Thing".
Rating: 11

Her Fault: Heritage
Reviewed by: sara
This is my first Her Fault album, admittedly I got this album because the drummer Pat Conner is the brother of Van and Jerry Lee Conner of The Screaming Trees. My overall impression about this album, is that the band is very talented in songwritting and preforming, but theres nothing very special about any of the songs. All the songs are pretty similar in melody and sound. Jim King the bass player, has a really cool bass part in the first song "Heartfelt Summer". When I think of the perfect time and mood to listen to this album, I'd have to say it would be good background music for talking to people. Favorite Songs "Heartfelt Summer", "More Than a Day" and "Already Been Through This".
Rating: 5.5
Love Battery: Straight Freak Ticket
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
I got this CD expecting to love it but I dont think I do. There's nothing wrong with it its just a little bland. Nothing about the CD stands out. It sounds very alternitive where they have a formula for writting songs. On the plus side they sound really really talented and I'm wondering if maybe I just got one of their worst CD's. They make good sounds come out of their guitars but overall nothing spectular. Favorite Songs: "If It Wasn't Me," "Harold's Pink Room" and "Perfect."
Rating: 5.5
Melvins: Stoner Witch
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
The Melvins are neat, I like their slow songs a lot. Actually they are my favorite band to go to sleep to. "Sweet Willy Rollbar" caught my attention as sounding sort of early metallica like, and although Metallica sort of sucks, that song is very cool. Basically my only negitive comment is that I cant just sit and listen to it I have to be doing something else as well, which is actually good for me cause I hate sitting still. Favorite Songs: "Sweet Willy Rollbar," "Queen" and "Lividity."
Rating: 8.5
The Minus 5: Emperor of the Bathroom
Reviewed by: Sara
The worst thing about this CD is theres only 5 songs. It would be very hard for me to classify this album because all the songs are completely different. Its really wierd how in "Emperor of the Bathroom" I can hear Peter Buck's (of REM) guitar sound and style, I get a kick out of everything he does. I really like the loops used in "Story" which is a really really keen song. I hope I find more from these guys, 5 songs arent enough. Favorite Songs: "Story", "Emperor of the Bathroom" and "Vulture."
Rating: 8.5
The Monkeywrench: Electric Children
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
Because Mark Arm's voice is very distinct this album is destined to remind me of Mudhoney. But Monkeywrench is definatly more country influenced which sounds great. I can hear just a little bit of Gas Huffer mostly in the rythem of the songs, and of course the lead guitar part which is played by Tom Price. I really like the way all these songs are written, addictive but not predictable. The drum parts are amazing, they fit perfectly as their own part, not just being the beat the guitarists play to. This album has 3 cover songs on it and they are all great, I havent heard all of the orginals but the Monkeywrench version sounds expecially well put together, and not boring like most modern covers. Favorite Songs: "Thirteen Nights", "Sugar Man", and "Bring on the Judgement Day".
Rating: 8.5
Mudhoney: Piece Of Cake
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster
One of the funniest bands you will ever see. Maybe the lyrics dont have some deep meaning but Mark Arm can sing about anything and make it sound cool. Even Bob the Cricket doesnt know how to describe how the band sounds but it is good. The band definatly has expirence playing together cause all the parts fit together really well to make a full sound that i appreciate a great deal. I like the keyboards. Favorite songs on the album: "Acetone", "Suck You Dry", and "No End in Sight".
Rating: 8
The Murder City Devils: Self titled
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster
I randomly bought this cd after hearing really good reviews of the band, and they deserve it. The vocals sound really nice, he screams but not in the annoying way. I like the bit o' variety on the cd, while the band still has their own signature. The drums are really nice, they stand out and it sounds nice. The guitar feedback is good too. Some of the songs are sort of broing but thats my only complaint. Favorite Songs: "Boom Swagger Boom", "Make it on my own" and "Murder City Riot".
Rating: 8
Nevada Bachelors: Carrots and So On
Revied by: The Sara Monster
I have some sort of advanced copy sent to radio stations cause I found this CD in the dollar bins. Some cute little insert compared them to the Beatles, I hear that in a few songs. I mean, they don’t really sound like the Beatles but they remind me slightly of them. They have lots of variety on the songs, but still keeping their own sound. I love the way Robb sings, its very unique and keen. They sound very melodic and happy, I would love to see them in concert. They are very funky as well. Favorite Songs: "Wild bore problem", "Supercluster" and "Sorry".
Rating: 8
The Nevada Bachelors: Hello Jupiter
Review by: sara
I’m not one to normally pay lots of attention to lyrics, but some of the lines on this album are so great and memorable, well mostly silly but still. Very poppy in a good way. And I just adore Robb’s voice, I would think that I wouldn’t like it, but I do. I also love the way anything can be a song for this band. I hope to see them live eventually, and thats about all the raving i can do for one review. Favorite Songs: "Matador", "Buddy" and "The Hook"
Rating: 8.5
Popdefect: Punch Drunk
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
This album reminds me of listening to the melvins. Not that they sound like the Melvins, its just that when I listen to each band, I never pick out specific songs or lyrics I just listen and enjoy. I like the guitar tone, it sounds punk and hardcore ish, but sometimes its very clean. I think the drums trick me into thinking the album is hardcore. I really like the lead singers voice, its supprisingly un-annoying. Favorite Songs: "Bob says no", "Paper Imitation" and "Girl in the basement".
Rating: 7.5
The Rockfords: Self titled
Review By: The Sara Monster
For the record I hate the way Carrie Akre (Goodness) sings, so that makes it difficult to enjoy this CD because I don’t think anyone else sings. I do like the guitar and bass parts, they are much more rock than the way Carrie sings. She has this i-am-too-confident-in-my-voice sound. But Mike McCready (Pearl Jam) or maybe its Danny (Goodness) have good little solos worked into most of the songs. ARRG, during the soft slow songs, she still sings the same as in the loud rock songs and it sounds horrible. I don’t think I want to listen to the rest of CD. I will try for the sake of this review but no guarantees. They do have a lot of styles on the album which is cool. I like the drummer’s style too. The whole band works together really well. Favorite songs: none really
Rating: 3
Pearl Jam: Vitalogy
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster I saw Pearl Jam! It Rocked! This album is great its the first Pearl Jam album I ever bought. Eddie's voice seams to rise over all, but if you pay attention you can tell the guitar rule all. Stone and Mike are the riff masters. Jeff has some boring parts but he has some great parts too, I saw his apartment. The booklet is really cool too. Favorite Songs: "Spin the Black Circle", they played that at the concert, "Bugs", and "Betterman".
Rating: 9
The Presidents of the United States of America: II
Reviewed by: Sara
This CD took a long time to grow on me, but now I like it a lot. It is very simple, but a simplicity that facinates me. It rocks. Chris' voice is very neat, It can go fast or slow or low or high-ish. This CD is the most fun if you know all the words, I love to sing along. I really dont have that much to say about this CD. Oh, well. Favorite Songs: "Mach 5" "Tiki God" and "L.I.P".
Rating: 7.5
Soundgarden: Superunknown
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
Soundgarden kicks ass! Kim Thayl is a great guitarist. One of the few left in rock in roll today. Well unless he starts a solo carrear i guess he isnt left. That sucks. Well he kicks ass. Chris Cornell is great too. Its too bad Ill probably never see them live cause i have heard they are great live. They have an amazing full loud sound. Whenever i listen to this my jaw just drops cause its so big. Favorite Songs: "Spoonman", "The Day I Tried to Live" and "My Wave.
Rating: 9
Seaweed: Actions and Indications
Review by: Lizpee
It's weird to think of Seaweed classified as grunge because they saound really. . .pop to me. Especially on this album. I love it none the less.
Watts: Self titled
Reviewed by: The Sara Monster
I just got this album so my opinion might change as i listen to the album more, but in general I think the album is good, but all the songs run together and sound similar. The thing is I like all the songs, I just can't tell them apart very well. The album has a ton of engery and just plain rocks. If ya' didnt know, Watts consists of Dave and Aaron from Mono Men, and two other guys who i dont know know. I can hear a slight Mono Men sound in the drums and guitar, but the songwritting is different, its a little less punk sounding and more pop, but I don't mean that in a bubble gum way. Favorite songs: "monkey chain" "trantula" and "misery"
Rating: 7
The Young Fresh Fellows: Electric Bird Digest
Revied by: The Sara Monster
I’ve listened to this CD a whole bunch and I really just dont know what to think. On one hand the songs are sort of reptetive, and cliche. But on the other hand, the guitar parts are really cool and the songs are just sort of silly and cute. Its sort of a mellow rock combo that I’m not used to. I really like "Sittin’ on a Pitchfork" cause its just a silly song. And i like "Teen Thing" a whole whole whole bunch cause it sounds like that late 50’s style rock that I’m so addicted to. Favorite Songs "Teen Thing!", "Sittin’ on a Pitchfork" and "Tomorrow’s Gone"
Rating: 6.5
Singles: Soundtrack
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster
They movie would have sucked if (part of) Pearl Jam and chris cornell werent in it. The soundtrack is really cool. There are a lot of softer songs. A good cd to go to sleep to. They are really cool bands but I have to be in the mood to listen to it all the way thru. Im not very found of the Smashing Pumpkins song, its really long and at a point it gets annoying, which really ruins the flow of the album. Favorite songs: "May This Be Love" by Jimi Hendrix, "Overblown" by Mudhoney and "Birth Ritual" by Soundgarden.
Rating: 6
Home Alive; the art of self defense
Reviewed By: The Sara Monster Lots of cool bands on this, Fastbacks, Supersuckers, Love Battery, Shark Chum and The Gits. There is info on Home Alive, a non profit group for making affordable self defense classes for anyone who wants them. There arent very many songs on it, which is sort of a bummer, but all the band on it are great. Favorite Songs: "Time & Matter" by the Fastbacks, "She's my Bitch" by the Supersuckers, and "W.C." by Shark Chum.
Rating: 8
