Coffee Talk

here's stuff I think about mainly while driving. Here's to blah-ging

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

a reunion

we had a family reunion, but it was unplanned. my uncle passed away last week so family from both coasts flew into town. I found out when I was on long call and couldn't really leave the hospital to be with the family. my husband went though and it seemed everyone was in fairly good spirits.

the thing about my family is that most of us are really strong christians as was my uncle. not that everyone was bouncing off the walls and everything, but there was an understanding that he was--i know this is such a cliche--in a better place.

the service was really long esp since so many people went to the podium to say such positive things about my uncle. I was glad to see he was pretty consistent in his personality in every circle of his life. people at work said he was great to work with and really let his christian light shine. friends talked about how great a cook he was.

it really made me think what type of legacy I want to leave behind. of course, i really don't have much time to work on that for now.

back to inpatient service

so i'm back to the inpatient service after having survived the not so bad CCU rotation. the resident i had to replace asked me if they were nice to me and I said "unbelievably!" she was stunned and almost mad it seemed and kept on asking me again and again. I don't know what it is with her. she said they must have been on their best behavior. I nodded, playing along.

i don't know what to think. were they really that bad? was it all in her mind? i will try my best NOT to resent her and just honestly take her word for it.

Tuesday, August 20, 2002


I can't help but to have a little resentment towards one of my co-residents. the funny thing is that I knew there was something weird about her from the beginning. I told my husband that before.

so anyway, friday night i was on call. when am I not on call? the day was already busy beginning with a tubal ligation. at about noon i got a call from my chief resident asking me if I could do him a big favor and start CCU for one week the next morning. I was to replace another resident for one week. I had to learn CCU patients and still be oncall that night for the inpatient service.

That night I was soooo stressed I coudln't even function correctly. It took me forever to write an admit history and physical and when I did have time to sleep that night, i couldn't.

so now I'm in the CCU and EVERYONE is nice to me. But boy is it a lot of work. I'm on short call today and I already have 8 patients. On top of that I get whatever patients come in for the next 36 hrs. now the bitter root begins to grow.

in the past few days I've been hearing kinds of stories of what the other resident did and didn't do. some of the things sound off the edge and I feel like she has some type of psychotic weirdness going on. But back to me . . .ha ha. I feel like she should do one week of CCU for me when my rotation rolls around. but in the end, can I really fight it? my chiefs were saying they'd give me extra vacation. we'll see.

right now, I'm just so tired and I have a dictation from the inpatient wards to do before I get suspended.

Monday, August 12, 2002

all you have to do is catch it

I was on maternity call on sunday and had to be at the hospital by 6am. by 8am I delivered a baby, actually just caught it, while my upper level clamped the cord. I haven't delivered a baby since I was a 3rd year med student so it was still exhilarating and nerve wracking at the same time. Maternity call ended at 6:30 am this morning wherein I then drove 30 min across town to do morning rounds for my inpatient service. then, by lunch I drove yet again across town to attend my afternoon clinic. This has been one hectic rotation.

The great thing about it though is I actually got 5 hours of sleep. That's tons when you're on call--I've averaged 3 hours these past few nights.

American Idol
I have still been able to keep up with american idol. that justin guy is cute, but he's not as talented as tamaya or kelly. Rj doesn't really deserve to be there talent wise. I'm for tamaya or kelly. justin will make it somewhere someday anyway cuz he's got that david cassidy charm about him.

Tuesday, August 06, 2002

one life for the other

For the first time in my life, I forgot my mother's birthday. I felt so sad b/c I have been so busy. Birthdays were never really a big thing in my family although we always acknowledged it. For my parents we never got cakes, but we always made sure to mention their birthdays and I just know my mom was wondering in the back of her mind if her children were going to call.

but here's my excuse. I was on-call sunday meaning I was at the hospital from 6am sunday to 1:30pm MONDAY. then as sleepy as I was, I drove 30 min to clinic and then went home at 6PM and konked out. I was in the hospital at 6:30am when I was writing the date down on the order sheet and realized I missed my mother's birthday by 6 hours. I called her immediately knowing she was probably getting ready for work. I actually woke her up, but somehow I felt the earlier I called post her birthday , the better.

I love my mom. She's not one to make a big deal about anything. I can't believe my life is soooo busy. It makes me a little sad to know that i'm really pushing my other life out. I don't even have time to eat anymore . . .it's really sad. I've lost 6 lbs. But at least some of the other interns and I made ourselves eat lunch today to maintain some sanity for the day!

Thursday, August 01, 2002

now i really feel like an intern

on the weekend I worked 12 hour shifts. Then on Sunday I got off at 7pm only to go over to the inpatient service to find out about the patients I was about to inherit the next day. I stayed there till 11pm and then had to show up at 5:30 in the morning the following MOnday. On Monday I was on call so I didn't go home till Tuesday 7pm. My hair was oily and my face was devoid of blood. I looked a wreck, but I did sleep well that night.

Call wasn't too bad. I did get called every 10 mintues or so till about 2 am and then about every 40 min till I HAD to wake up for morning rounds, but I got about 3 hours of sleep so that was pretty good.

Meanwhile, back at home, the laundry is piling up and the dust balls are making their homes amongst the spider webs that have been erected in practically every corner of each room. Husband is cooking though--gourmet meals at that! I love it!