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Sunday, 25 March 2007
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Sunday 3:22pm 25Mar07

Got the soup made and the beet juice made. Cooked a roast at 5 this morning. Nothing like that frenzied cooking one has to do because of all that blackout lost time.

I heard that the cutie on the first floor put little flashing lights on her cats last night so people could see them walking around in the hallway. Too cute and very amusing. Sorry that I was too chicken hiding from Yan Yan's looters in my apartment to actually witness them.

My big amusement yesterday took place at Fresh Obsessed when a mother was shopping with her very colorfully dressed, very adorable daughter. She kept getting mad at her daughter because she was going too far ahead down the aisles. Mom yells daughter's name repeatedly in an angry voice, "SERENITY!"
How can you name your daughter Serenity and then yell at her? Not right, but too amusing.

The cats were so happy to get all that extra cat food from the across the hall neighbour. So much so that they went into hiding the moment she came into my apartment. All but Picasso. Picasso hides from no one. No she just sits with her back towards every one as if she could care less. And she's a cat, she could care less.

The weather never did warm up this weekend. No roller blading for this chick but I still need to go for my big walk. Where to this time, I ask?

Spoke to best friend in Montreal on Thursday, his birthday. Thankfully his bad news of January has resolved itself (time and work will do that). He and significant other have jetted off to Jamaica. His first time ever on a plane! He had me cracking up telling me about his brother's first time. Before the brother left for his trip to Japan he wrote up his will and wrote his mother a good bye letter! A tad melodramatic. Such a big tough man and a bigger chicken than me. I love it! That is ammo to use against him the next time he bugs me about anything. Heck, even if he doesn't bother me.

I have to write a retraction about Aquarians being the bane of my existence. I seem to keep meeting more of them and quite frankly they've turned out to be the best at caring for me. Except for my Aries best friend in Montreal. Neighbour across the hall? Aquarius! So I'll keep picking on Capricorns because well, they're Capricorns. But I'll give the Aquarians a break. Not too much of one mind you, they still give me a hard time with equal measure, not naming any names... Lolo and Fredo!

In my early morning cooking two crock pots of soup and cooking a roast and all, I left the house early to meet with my Sunday breakfast buddy thinking that I was late. I get to the restaurant and BB isn't there yet. Wow, she's late too? How funny! The guy is serving. Wow, Tammy the waitress is late too? That's just weird. See the 90 year old regular walking with her cane down the street. How come Doreen is late, she's never late?
Tammy comes in and says to me, "What are you doing here?"
I look at her dumbfounded and think, ' Why, is it not Sunday?'
I actually say, "You're late!"
"No, I'm not. I start at 9."
"You mean I meet BB for 9? Holy shit, I'm a half hour early! No wonder no one's here!"
And I don't do drugs, prescription or otherwise.

That's the insanity I'm living!


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 3:48 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Farty pants
Topic: Other Places
This is for that person who likes to discuss their farts...
You know who you are farty pants!

Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:29 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
In the Dark
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Sun 3:50am 25Mar07

Never did get that soup made yesterday. I was just about to chop everything when all of a sudden all the lights went out. There was some kind of crazy black out. I went out side and some street lights were working and some street lights were out. There was no rhyme nor reason as to which lights were working and which ones weren't. Especially since the buildings on the street behind mine were all fine.

I kept walking up and down the four flights of stairs to my apartment because I couldn't decide if I should stay inside or stay outside. Of course when it got dark I kept my self at home.

I'm pretty good on supplies. I'm a candle maniac so I've got candles galore although it may be time for more candle holders. Luckily I happened to have the box of 12 batteries so I slapped some batteries into my radio and slapped more into my discman. Thankfully I still have those crappy external speakers so I didn't have to put on head phones. Cooked shrimp for dinner on my gas stove. So over all it wasn't the worst of happenings but it was a big pain in the ass.

You really realize how much you depend on the Internet and television. I felt like I was in caveman days. I attempted to send LoLo an email from my cell phone but I think I screwed up in the sending. I called Yan Yan to see if he knew or heard what was going on. Apparently it was a hydro fire. What else is new?

What the heck is going on with these hydro fires? Do they just not know what the hell they're doing anymore? And do people have to lose their groceries every single time?

Yan Yan said jokingly to stay in my apartment and stay hidden from the looters. Bastard! Doesn't someone knock really hard on my apartment door and not identify himself? Creepy! Buddy, it's fucking dark in the hallway. I can't see a thing through the peephole obviously and you're not going to identify yourself? No, I won't be opening the door anytime soon. The best part was that I didn't hear an apartment door open nor close so it couldn't have been anyone on my floor. CREEPY! I don't do creepy. I'm not the woman that enters a dark house like in horror movies. I'm not the one who stays when a sinister voice says, "Get Out!" I know bad things happen and I have no interest in being involved in them. I have a baseball bat near the door just in case I have to get physical.

Got to set all my clocks and my VCR. Oh well, might as well get started on that soup I never did make yesterday. Bastards! Threw off my whole schedule.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 4:24 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Blah blah blah
Topic: WC - Daily Practice
Saturday 12:15PM 24Mar07

I was planning on roller blading out to the Beaches today if they weather was as nice as yesterday. But alas it's pissy out. Nothing better than trying to stop on your skates on wet pavement and spinning out of control. Wet pavement is like an oil slick. So I guess I'll actually take care of things around the house. I have eaten every last bit of home made soup and have to stock pile more. I've got blankets that need to be laundered. And there is always writing. Lots of that.

I actually woke up this morning at 4 am. I did the dog type circling around and finally climbed my ass back into bed and promptly fell back to sleep until 9. Then got caught with the movie Green Fingers. How could you not be in love with Clive Owen's?

I've been falling in love with Zelda all over again every day. She really is a little personality. This morning she was jumping me in bed, climbing on me, giving me little cat kisses, sticking her fluffy tail in my face and the whole nine.

As the weather warms I think it's time to get back to my steps, walking wise. I've been barely cracking the 10,000 steps a day so things have got to change. Plus I have a stationary bike that I just never use anymore and I'm not sure what happened. My exercise ball has deflated and doesn't seem to keep the air when I blow it up which is disappointing since I actually like doing weights on it and crunches. sigh! What are you gonna do?

My neighbour went to some super pet store and bought my girls mondo bags of cat food and cat litter. The Polish building contingent have taken me under their wing recently and that seems to be part of it. I'm thrilled. Can't drink as much as they do though. My neighbour worries that I spend too much time alone in my apartment. Too cute.

Still have to get groceries. I might want to get on that.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 12:32 PM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
My Confession - Patience
Topic: Living on Purpose
Saturday 24Mar07 11:04am

I caught the movie, Green Fingers, this morning. In it the old guy Fergus gets Clive Owen's character to plant violet seeds in an area where no one could believe that they could ever grow. Come spring the violets have grown and Fergus makes a comment about finding beauty in the most unlikely places. He suggests that Clive Owen's character (Luke?) find a way to learn how to embrace the adversity in his life even though they are prisoners.

Something made me think about the qualities we want to develop in ourselves. My latest quality of the last year or so has become patience. Not the losing your temper kind of patience but the long term patience of seeing things through. Of course when ever you decide on a certain quality you come face to face with it in a major way.

I am known for being uncommitted when it comes to relationships with men. Part of it is because I've been disappointed so often and for so long that I'd basically given up. If the truth be known. Why wish for something if it feels like it's not destined to ever happen in your life? It seems ridiculous to me. So I stopped wishing and worse yet, believing.

I met a man in December 2005. We were introduced in passing by a mutual friend. There was something about him the moment I saw him that I liked. I can recall thinking, "He's cute in a different way. I'd go out with him. He probably wouldn't look twice at me."

In February of 2006 our paths crossed again and over the last year we've become more friendly and have learned bits and pieces about each other. My original appraisal of him has turned into a full fledged crush. Of course nothing can be that simple in my life. With things not happening fast enough in my opinion I looked for other distractions i.e. other men to be interested in. I stayed away from him. I ignored him. I closed my thinking to him.

The male distractions never bore fruit in any substantial way. I was never that interested, my heart wasn't in it. I could care less if it worked out one way or the other. I finally read the signs and dropped all the distractions.

Over the last five months or longer I've resurfaced admitting to myself finally that I can't really get this person out of my head. I want to know more about him. I want to know if he's a worthwhile human being. I want to know what kind of man he is. And I've witnessed some pretty consistent remarkable things. Nothing has developed still and yet so much has developed.
I always have all these questions I want to ask him and all thoughts escape my mind whenever I come face to face. He does and says things that are quite sweet and leaves me wondering when action will follow or if any action will action follow.

He has become my patience meter. There are certain people that come into your life and you just know what purpose your connection to each other is met. His purpose in my life is to teach me that long term patience (maybe even the patience of Job!) I've gone from running far away from him to that high school confusion of, "Does he like me?" Finally I've reached an inner calm (still with a sense of urgency) that acknowledges that whatever happens will happen. We could become great friends, something deeper, or we'll disappear out of each other's lives. Who really knows about anyone you meet, what your relationship could become?

Maybe it's not how long a relationship lasts or what it develops into but who I become because of it.


Posted by Shelley-Lynne Domingue at 11:40 AM EDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

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WC = Writing Challenges

WC - Daily Practice Rules from The Writing Life 2 The Daily Practice is an exercise in anti-perfectionism, discipline, and practice. I designed My Five Precepts of Blogging for my parameters: 1)Write 250-1,000 words per night. 2)Post first drafts only. 3)Write it in under 30 mins. 4)Never blog about blogging. 5)Be nice, fair, and honest - without selling out.