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Setting up a Two-Mac LocalTalk Network


The least expensive LocalTalk qm_icon picture network consists of a single serial cable qm_icon picture connecting one serial port (usually the printer port) of each computer you wish to network. Serial cables are typically used to connect printers, modem, and other peripherals, and are extremely common. Since most Mac owners have such a cable in their possession, the cost of such a network is practically nil.

1) Get a serial cable

The Mac serial cablepict_icon picture (in case you're not familiar with it) is the eight pin cable that you use to connect devices to the printer and modem ports on a standard Mac. Chances are good that you already own one of these; if you don't, you can obtain them from any Apple Reseller and many computer stores.

2) Connect the Macs with the serial cable

Plug one end of the printer cable into the printer port on each Mac and you have a complete network connectionpict_icon picture (Mac Classic to Powerbook 140, in this case).

3) Install the software

Head over to the Share files page to complete the setup process.

Contents of Three Macs & a Printer are ©1996-1999 Matthew Glidden (except for the bits that aren't).

Questions or feedback? Feel free to send mail.

[This page was last updated on 3/6/99; 12:15:56 PM.]