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Harry Potter Fiction

WARNING: This page contains adult, homoerotic fiction. If you are not an adult in your jurisdiction, please leave now.

Harry/Draco ~ Angyl & Rina

Happy Christmas, Mr. Malfoy ~ Harry/Draco, Adult-graphic (36K) 12-18-03
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry and Draco meet again.

Prophecies and Potions ~ Harry/Draco, Adult-graphic (527K) 03-01-04
Chapters 1-5    Chapters 6-10    Chapters 11-15    Chapters 16-19
It's another Draco becomes a spy for the Order story with a slight twist and lots of hot sex.

Secret Santa ~ Harry/Draco, Adult-graphic (45K) 12-22-04
A muggle holiday game for all the houses brings an unexpected surprise.


Sirius/Remus ~ Orithain & Rina

Alpha Wolf

1. Dropping the Mask ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (39K) 02-13-04
Remus decides to take what he wants.

2. Hunger ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (44K) 08-27-07
It's nearing the full moon, and Remus grows more dominant.

This is the pic that is directly responsible for getting Ori to write HP. By Chirol from her site.

The Art of Seduction

1. Technique ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (87K) 08-11-03
Sometimes subtlety doesn't work

2. Timing ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (68K) 08-22-03
Sirius and Remus still have some hurdles to overcome.

3. Location ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (21K) 09-17-03
Written for the Sirius-Remus Fuh-Q-Fest: One of their families doesn't support their relationship.

4. Practice ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (43K) 09-22-03
Wherein the boys practice on each other - and on keeping James out of trouble.

5. They Came upon a Midnight Clear ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (28K) 12-04-03
Sirius and Remus watch Harry for James and Lily.

6. Confidence  ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (15K) 06-20-04
The approach of the full moon brings out the dominant side of Remus.

7. Trust ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (70K) 06-20-04
Sirius and Remus deal with trust issues leading up to the night James and Lily die and after the truth about Peter is discovered.

8. Security ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (35K) 07-22-07
Sirius can make a home in the oddest of places... if Remus is there too. (Takes place during and after GoF)

9. Feminine Wiles ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (110K) 08-13-07
When he loses everything, Remus finds a reason to go on. (Set during OotP and HBP)

10. Protection ~ Sirius/Remus, NC-17 (183K / 32,226 words) 01-18-11
As Harry's battle with Voldemort inevitably draws nearer, Sirius and Remus still find time to celebrate being together. (Set during HBP and DH)

Snakes and Griffons

1. The Worst Possible Choice ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (47K) 02-13-04
AU - Sirius was sorted into Slytherin like every Black before him, but not even that can blind Remus to his attractions.

2. Consequences ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (72K) 07-23-04
AU - Sirius and Remus try to figure out how to handle a romance while in rival houses.


All I Want for Christmas ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (18K) 12-07-04
Sirius and Remus prepare for a holiday at the Lupins'.

By the Light of the Moon ~ Marauders, Non-explicit (18K) 10-06-03
The Marauders find out Remus is a werewolf challenge from Dark Side of the Moon.

Discovery ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (23K) 10-06-03
Response to the Dark Side of the Moon challenge where James finds something that tells him Sirius and Remus are a couple. 
Note: This is a bit AU since the timing wouldn't work if the incident in the Shrieking Shack had occurred.

Many Happy Returns ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (35K) 09-22-07
It's Remus' birthday, and Sirius wants to make it special.

Moony and the Padfeet ~ Sirius/Remus/Sirius, Adult-graphic (72K) 10-24-04
Originally written Dec. 2003 for the Veil of Possibilities challenge.  
When Sirius fell through the veil, he didn't die, but entered an alternative reality, a parallel dimension of his own world. In order to get back to his own reality, he has to travel through the veil again and again, until he finds his own dimension from a myriad of possibilities. Our challenge was "a sandwich".

Practice Makes Perfect  ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (15K) 01-05-04
Not all first times go smoothly. (Idea from the Indecent First Time Fest)

The Room of Requirements ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (9K) 03-06-04
Pure PWP.

Worth the Wait ~ Sirius/Remus, Adult-graphic (35K) 01-09-04
Sirius surprises Remus when he reveals that he never lost his virginity before he was sent to Azkaban.
(Another idea from the Indecent First Time Fest)

Other Pairings

On the First Day of Christmas (Angyl & Rina) ~ Snape/Black, Non-explicit (19K) 12-17-03
A Christmas story.

Second Chance (Angyl) ~ Harry/Snape, Gen (6K) 12-25-03
Christmas brings a few subtle revelations and perhaps the burying of an old feud... and who knows what else?


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