History of Big Japan Death Matches Volume 2
Shadow WX vs. Tomoaki Honma -Barbed Wire Barricade
This was a good Death Match. Both of the guys took good bumps. They powerbomb
each other off a small stage threw a barb wire board. Honma bled real bad from his face.
he got his head wrapped in barb wire. bloody match. Real good thought.
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Mr. Pogo -Fire Death Match w/ glass-
This is the same one from the Best of the Fire Death Match Tape. The Death Match
Tournament finals for Big Japan. Nothing that cool happen. Matsunaga got thrown into a
glass frame. He set his own arm band on fire and clothline Pogo. Pogo hit him with that
scythe. Pogo throwns him into coffin. Pogo set it on fire. Pogo wins the match. Eventually
people come in a put the fire out of the coffin. Matsunaga comes out of the coffin. Not as
good as it should be. But worth seeing for the ending.
Shoji Nakamaki & Mitsuhiro Matsunaga & Jason the Terrible vs.
Mr. Pogo & Shadow WX & Shadow Winger -Cactus Plant Death Match-
I don’t remeber much from this match. It probably had some good spots. But Pogo is
really good at messing up a match. Probably wasn’t that good cause it left no impression
on me whatsever.
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Jason the Terrible -Barbed Wire
Barricade Match-
This wasn’t that bad. There was several good barb wire board spots. decent match.
BJW Ultimate Death Match 5-1-98
Wow another famous Death match. This is like a 4 on 4 match. With every stimpulaion
in the book. Crazy.. Too bad the match is .. yes you guessed it.. CLIPPED! Highlight
was Matsunaga throwing Shadow WX on barb wire net below scaffold. Then flipping
onto him. Nakamaki took some light tube shots. Also Matsunaga got thrown off a
balcony threw a table of t-shirts. Shadow WX jumped on him. Cool match.
Mr. Pogo vs. Shadow WX -No Rope Barbed Wire-
This match was a massacre. Shadow WX got killed. Barb wire got wrapped around him.
Pogo hack away with his sickle. Real bloody. But a good death match!
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Shadow WX -Barbed Wire, Lightbulbs,
and Nails-
Why! Why! are the best matches clipped! This match was clipped too. Matsunaga got
piledriven onto a board full of light tubes. Matsunaga suplex Shadow WX threw a
barbwire light tube board on a downstair ramp. Cool spot. Shadow WX powerbomb
Matsunaga off a small stage through a light tuble board and bard wire board stacked on
chairs. Would had been a cool spot but Matsunaga pretty much missed the board. The
ending came with Shadow WX slamming Matsunaga on a nail board.. hard! It was cool
looking. Matsunaga lose so he had to fight a dinky little alligator. He just picked it up
and put it in a box. Really Cool Match here.
Abdullah the Butcher vs. Shadow WX -handcuffs on a chain
boring.. Abdullah looks real bad. Not a good match. Abdullah should retire while he is in
good health..uh.. let me resay that.. while he is still able to think and move.
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Yuki Ishikawa
boring stuff. Some non death match wrestler fights Matsunaga. Nothing special. Stiff
shots and a barb wire bat.
Nakamaki & Jason & Kojika vs. Pogo & WX & Winger -Coffin
Who cares really.. Nothing special here. It is wierd watching three guys get put into
wooden coffin thought.
Mitsuhiro Matsunaga vs. Shadow Winger -no rope barbed
This was a good Death match. Good bumps on the barb wire and barb wire boards.
Abdullah the Butcher vs. Men's Teoh
Abby just beat up this poor guy. Poor guy looked in pain. Not a good Death Match.
Shadow WX vs. Ryuji Yamakawa -Barbed Wire, Fire, and
Lightbulb Death Match-
This was pretty good match. Lots of cool spots. Light Tubes breaking. They battled on
a trailer. Yamakawa got powerbombed off the trailer. You couldn’t see it because of bad
camera work. Yamakawa got back on top. He had a flamthrower.. Didn’t use it thought.
Yamakawa was trying to escape. Shadow WX threw a light tube at his back. It stuck in
his back for a second or two. Gruesome scene. Later Yamakawa got thrown into a
coffin. Shadow WX set it on fire. They put the fire out and Yamakawa got out. they
battle in the ring. Yamakawa threw Shadow WX into the flaming barb wire ropes. He
took out the side. I think Yamakawa did the same thing with the other side too. Shadow
WX gave Yamakawa a sit down powerbomb onto a light tube board. Yamakawa won
and got the Big Japan Death Match title. Real Good Match.
Final Thoughts:
This tape had some real good matches on it. But it had some sorry ones too. If they
wouldn’t have clipped some of the matches this tape would had been a lot better. Still this was a really good tape.
Reviewed by: William
