FMW 4/29/97
This is a great tape overall, with many good matches.
Hayabusa vs Mr. Gannosuke
A good match. Hayabusa does a ton of great highflying moves which makes it
even better. A few bumps onto the cement floor that look painful and I
believe a table or two is broken(I can't really remember).
Onita/Tanaka/Kanemura vs Cactus Jack/Funk/The Gladiator in a Texas Western
street fight
This is the greatest street fight match ever!! Some highlights are Onita
getting cut by a barbedwire bat and getting a fire ball blown on him, Funk
doing a moonsault off the top rope to the floor! Cactus pulling his hair
out (ouch), Kanemura being powerbombed off the ring apron by The Gladiator
through a table, Tanaka taking a top rope powerbomb through a table, a
pildriver through a table, and numerous chair shots. An excellent match!
I give it 4.5/5
Main Event: Megumi Kudoh vs Shark Tsuchiya in an electrified barbedwire
explosion double hell death match
Great match! There are many bumps taken by Kudoh and Shark cuts her up with
her syth. The big highlight is Kudoh getting powerbombed off the apron into
exploding barbedwire! This is even better then some of the guys matches
because Kudoh can actually wrestle.
I give it 3.5/5
Overall I give the whole event a 4/5
Reviewed by: Dave S.
