Lynn's Continuing Journal

Monday, July 31, 2000

I couldn't let the month of July leave without posting something so thought I'd start a journal for my family and friends that have asked me to do so.

It doesn't seem possible that it's been over two weeks since Cees has gone home. It's really true when they say, "Life Goes On".  It does do that and still so quickly.

Cees' service was beautiful and so in keeping with the wonderful person he was and his legacy that will live on. The Teamster's tractor-trailer rig that his local Teamster Union provided was the most tremendous show of love they could have offered.  I was told that it had never been brought out for a service before and to have them offer that in a show of love for him will forever be etched in my heart.  The amount of friends and loved ones that attended completely astonished me, there was probably over 500 people in attendance! So many that late comers had to stand outside the chapel for lack of room.  He would have been so humbled to know that so many loved him and came to say goodbye.

We, as a family are doing as well as we can.  I know it's difficult for folks to find the words to express their hurt and pain as well as their concern for the family that has lost a loved one.  I, myself, have been where my friends are at with this type of loss and can only tell you that the knowledge of you just all being there for us when we need you is a tremendous strength in itself.

This has been a difficult two weeks, we've been trying to finish the small projects that needed to be done. The paperwork was mountainous but we've gotten it whittled down to a small hill.  The most difficult chore I'm going to have is to clean out his 1 ton dually and get it ready to sell along with our trailer we just bought last year.  It's truly too big for just myself and after all, he was the truck driver...I don't think I'd be a safe one to have on the road pulling that big of rig. The girls (Mercy, Spirit, Ruby & Faith) will do just fine in our "Eskie Van", our conversion's a better fit I think.

Our family is so looking forward to my son's upcoming wedding on the 19th of August... I know many of you have been invited and we hope you'll still be able to make it... Cees told the kids that this is very important to him and he wanted to make sure they kept their date...I think he'll still be with us anyway, we want to make it a special day for this beautiful couple.

We are tentatively scheduling the committal service for Cees for the 8th of September.  It will be a wonderful military service and a time for the family to finally say goodbye.  The Tahoma National Cemetery is in Kent, WA...a very new and beautiful place.  Cees was in the United States Air force in his younger days.  I think he would like this beautiful, peaceful place...

Most of you know we have a new puppy, her name is Crystal-AH's A Measure of Faith and we will call her "Faith".  Mostly because that's what we've gone on this past 15 months and will most certainly need to hang on to going forward.  Faith is a fitting name for her and every time I call her name it will help remind me to keep focused on God's plan for me and our family.... There really is a plan in all of this.  That's why we've named the girls what we have, Mercy, Spirit, Faith & Ruby....a word that means "From The Heart" and that is truly where the other three words come from....the heart!

I'll try to update this page as I can.  We love you all and hope you'll stay in touch.  You are never far from my heart.

God Bless,

Lynn Crawford & The Girls,
Mercy * Spirit * Faith * & Ruby

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Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. KJV

Remember friends, Cees and all the others that have gone on before us are still on their first day. We're still working on those thousand.

II Peter 3:8 But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.