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This is just a simple fanfiction page, like all the others. So there's not really much I need to say, but I'll go ahead anyway.

If you like the stories here, please email the authors and say so! It's always great to hear from fans. ^_^

I take submissions of all kinds of fanfictions, but I have some restrictions: they have to be Digimon fanfictions (though I don't mind crossovers), and they have to be PG-13 at the highest. Please, don't send me any limes, lemons, or pineapples -- I'm not even 18 myself, yet!

By DarkGatomon:
"Of Fire and Ice", a Taito poem from Yamato's point of view.
Of Fire and Ice, the story form of my poem.
"A Lover's Loss", a Koumi poem. (Ick!)
"A Match Made By Destiny", a Taiora poem.
"An Angels' Kiss", a Takari poem.
Real-Life Dragons, a story (*gasp*) set at the end of 01... ah, the good ol' days...
Real-Life Dragons, Part 2
Real-Life Dragons, Part 3
Real-Life Dragons, Part 4
A MST of "Kids in America", a MST of the song, just like you'd think.
A MST of "The Gameshow Thingamajig", a fic written by Hikari4Takeru
Yamaki's Story, a fic that's just what the name implies. It's a simple story about Yamaki. Warning: This story has no plot or point.
A Prophecy to Pass, a Takari story that's kind of strange. By which I mean bad. But then, I think all of my stuff is bad, so if you liked any of that, give this a shot.
A Koumi Wedding, which has to be the worst-titled fic I've ever written. At least the title's descriptive, hmm? Anyway, aside from the title, lame ending, and subject matter, I'm rather fond of this fic. Which probably means it's awful. ^_~
Jyouchi Through the Ages, a fic that isn't really very Jyouchi at all. It's dedicated to those lovely Goggle Girls, H4T and TG, with great love. Actually, it was a Christmas present. In this fic, freaky stuff happens. That's the best summary I can come up with, at least...
Demon Hunters: Character Bios, my "fake anime fanfic." This is the descriptions of all the characters in the story.
Episode One: A Roll of the Dice, the first chapter of my Demon Hunters fic.
Demon Hunters Joke Fic: This takes the characters from my Demon Hunters saga and makes them do things they'd never consider for real. My April Fools' Day gift to you!
As If!: A collection of things that never happened on the show Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Magik Tricks: When Richie finds a new and previously undiscovered Pokemon, it might be more than he and Ash can handle...
Unraveling the Braid: A Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic. Set after Duelist Kingdom, and before Yami has ever seen a Millennium Item, this story follows two different timelines and one basic idea: What happens when you focus on a thread too closely, and start to unravel the braid?

By DarkGatomon and Hikari4Takeru:
A Mockery of a Pokemon Fanfic
A Mockery of an AAMRN
A Mockery of a Digimon Fanfic

By DarkGatomon, Hikari4Takeru, and Taira Takenouchi (Taioragirl):
A Mockery of a Digimon/Pokemon Crossover Lemon
A Mockery of an Author Fic
A Mockery of a Sorato
A Mockery of The Pencil Show, Chapter Two.

By DarkGatomon and Taira Takenouchi (Taioragirl):
A Mockery of a Harry Potter Fanfic

By Hikari4Takeru:
A Really Messed Up Romance Fic, a stone/fig romance -- good thing I wrote that part of the warning, ne? ^_~
The World Is Not Far From Feeling My Wrath -- featuring ME!!

By DigiQueen:
Fire Freak + Computer Geek, Part 1
Fire Freak + Computer Geek, Part 2

By Luz Lopez:
"Our Beginning", a poem for Hikari from Takeru's point of view.

By Laura:
Gaurdian's Oath, Part 1

By *A Digi Fan*:
Once Upon a Time

By Sasha Janre-Ishtar:
Revolution Cry, Chapter 1
As If! of "Iron Vegimon" from Season 2 -- a truly, truly funny MST/bloopers/thing!