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The Vernon Advocate

Personal/Company Information Form


Please Complete the Form and Click on the Submit Button

Your Name (required):   
Telephone (required):   
Address #1  
Address #2  
City, State, Zip  
E-mail address (required) ("none" if none):  
Company Name  
Your Title  
Web Site Address  
Status of Company:    

New Startup


Want to increase sales and profits


Want to grow the company


Need help in turning around performance


Other (please describe)

Are you interested in a Specific Vernon Advocate Service? (If "Yes" which sdervice?)   Yes   No  
Marketing Service
Public Relations Service
Book & eBook Writing & Publishing Service

Media Coverage Service


Internet Services

Other service (please describe the service you need)
Did someone recommend Vernon Advocate services?   Yes   No  
If "Yes" what is the referrers name?  
Would you like Vernon Advocate to contact you?   Yes   No  

Please add other information that might help understand how Vernon Advocate can help:




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