
. Vacabiel, Vacatiel Along with Rasamasa, governor of Pisces.

Vachmiel The angel governing the 4th hour of the day who is served by ten chief officers and 100 inferior spirits.

Vadriel The angel ruling the 9th hour of the day. Ten chief officers, including Astroniel, Damiel, and Madriel, and 100 lesser spirits, serve him.

Vahoel One of the seventy-two Zodiac angels.

Vaij One of the angels of the Seal.

Valnum A Monday angel residing in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the north. He is one of the intelligences of Saturn.

Vametel In The Wisdom of the Kabbalah, he is one of the seventy-two Zodiac angels.

Vamona(h) The ”dwarf avatar” in Vedic lore. He is ”lord of reason,” and 5th of the ten.

Vanand Yezad The only angel allowed by the Magians to preside over all seven Hells.

Vaol an angel of the 1st pentacle of the Moon.

Vaphoron An angel invoked for the benediction of the Salt.

Varcan In The Hierarchy of the Blesséd Angels, he has dominion over the sun. In The Heptameron, he is referred to as ”king of angels of the air ruling on Lord’s Day.”

Varchiel An angel with dominion over one of the Zodiac signs, variously given as Leo, Pisces, and Corona.

Variel One of the seventy child birth angels.

Varuma Chief of the seven Vedic divinities, analogous to the Judaeo-Christian angels. [See Suryas]

Vasariah In the cabala an angel of the order of dominations. He is one of the seventy-two angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Vashyash According to The Greater Key of Solomon, “a prince over all the angels and Caesars.”

Vasiariah In the cabala an angel with dominion over justice, nobility, magistrates, and lawyers.

Vassago In the grimoires, a ”good spirit” invoked to discover a woman’s deepest secret. In The Lemegeton he is a prince of the nether realms where he busies himself finding lost possessions and foretelling the future.

Vatale He is described as ”a prince over all the angels and Caesars.”

Veguaniel An angel ruler of the 3rd hour of the day.

Vehiel An angel of the 1st pentacle of the Moon.

Vehofnehu One of the many names of Metatron.

Vehuel An angel of the order of principalities. He is one of the Zodiac angels and one of the angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Vehuiah In the cabala, one of the eight seraphim invoked to fulfill prayers. He governs the first rays of the sun.

Veischax An angel of the Seal.

Vel A Wednesday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the south.

Vel Aquiel An angel ruling Sunday residing in the 4th Heaven that must be invoked from the north.

Velel A Wednesday angel residing in the 2nd or 3rd Heaven and invoked from the north.

Veloas, Velous ”a most pure angel of God” invoked in Solomonic black magic rites, specifically the conjuration of the Sword.

Venahel, Venoel A Wednesday angel residing in the 2nd or 3rd Heaven and invoked from the north.

Venibbeth An angel invoked in the conjuration of Invisibility, operating under Almiras, Master of Invisibility.

Verchiel, Zerachiel Angel of the month of July and ruler of Leo. He is also one of the rulers of powers. He is sometimes equated with Nakiel. As Zerachiel he is governor of the sun.

Veruah One of the many names of Metatron.

Vetuel A Monday angel residing in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the south.

Veualiah According to a chart of”L’Arbre de Vie en Iesirah” one of the nine virtues. He presides over prosperity of empires and strengthens the powers of kings. His corresponding invocation angel is Stochene.

Vevalel One of the seventy-two Zodiac angels.

Vevaliah One of the seventy-two angels bearing the mystical name God Shemhamphorae.

Vevaphel An angel of the 3rd pentacle of the Moon.

Veyothiel An angel named in a cabalistic manuscript found in North Italy.

Vhdrziolo One of the four great angels appointed to the Sword. He is one of the nomina barbara.

Vhnori Along with Saritaiel, governor of Sagittarius.

Vianuel, Vianiel A Tuesday angel residing in the 5th Heaven and invoked from the south.

Vionatraba, Vianathraba A Sunday angel of the 4th Heaven invoked from the east. He is also one of the three spirits of the sun.

Vishna In the Bhagavad Gita A mighty angel who, with Brahma and Mahish, sprang into existence from one of the primary properties.

Vishnu According to the Bhagavad Gita, the first avatar to whom was confided the preservation of all that Brahma created. The legend is that Vishnu, by assuming the form of a fish, recovered the Anant-Ved (the source of the four Vedas) from Rakshas, a demon also known as Samak Azur, who had fled with it into the deep waters.

Vngsurh An angel of the summer equinox invoked as an amulet against evil.

Vocasiel, Vocatiel Along with Rasamasa, governing angel of Pisces.

Voel, Voil An angel that governs Virgo.

Vohal An angel of power invoked in conjuration rituals.

Vohu Manah, Vohu Mano ”good thought” One of the six Amesha Spentas in Zoroastrianism. Vohu Manah is the personification of good thought. In the Avesta, Vohu is the 1st of the Amesha Spentas. He receives the faithful soul at death.

Voizia An angel of the 12th hour of the day serving under Beratiel.

Vraniel An angel of the 10th hour of the night serving Jusguarin.

Vretil, Pravuil, Radueriel The archangelic keeper of the treasury of the Sacred Books, said to be ”more wise than the other archangels.” He is frequently referred to in Enoch II and Ezra lore as ”the scribe of the knowledge of the Most High.” The idea of a heavenly scribe is originally from the Babylonian Nebu. He is identified with Dabriel, Uriel, Enoch, Radueriel, and Pravuil, and associated with ”the man clothed in linen.” (Ezekiel 9:2) In Enoch II he dictates, while Enoch writes, ”366 books in 30 days and 30 nights.”

Vrihaspati, Vachaspati, Brihaspat The guardian of hymns and prayers in Vedic lore; also ”instructor of the gods” and ”first-born in the highest Heaven of supreme light.”

Vulamahi An angel invoked in the exorcism of the Bat.

Vvael A Monday angel residing in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the north.


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