
. Cabiel One of the twenty-eight angels ruling the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.

Cabriel, Cabrael, Kabriel One of the six angels with dominion over the four pats of Heaven. He also has dominion over Aquarius.

Cadat ”A most pure angel” Invoke for Solomonic magick.

Cadulech A most holy angel invoked for the conjuration of the Sword.

Cael An angel with dominion over the zodiac sign of Cancer.

Cahet(h)el One of the eight seraphim and he is one of the seventy-two angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. Since he rules over agricultural products he is often invoked to increase or improve crops. He is correspondent with Asicat.

Caldulech, Caldurech ”A most pure angel” Invoked in ceremonial rites.

Caliel [Calliel]

Calizantin ”A good angel” Invoked in magick rituals.

Calliel, Caliel One of the throne angels of the 2nd Heaven. Invoke him to bring prompt help against adversity. He is also one of the seventy-two angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae. He is the corresponding angel to Terssatosoa.

Caluel, Calvel A Wednesday angel residing in the 2nd or 3rd Heaven. Invoke from the South. He is the corresponding angel for Tersatosoa and may be a variant for Calliel.

Calzas A Tuesday angel serving in the 5th Heaven. Must be invoked from the east.

Camael, Camiel, Camiul, Chamuel, Kemuel, Khamael, Camniel, Cancel ”he who sees God.” Chief of the order of powers and one of the sefiroth. In occult lore, Camael is of the nether regions and ranks as a Count Palatine. When invoked he appears in the guise of a leopard crouched on a rock. In the cabala, Camael (Khamael, Kemuel) is one of the ten (actually nine) archangels of the Briatic world. ”It is a name,” according to Eliphas Levi in The History if Magic, “which personifies divine justice.” In a footnote, made by Waite, in chapter 10, it is noted that in Druid mythology, Camael was the god of war. This bears out the frequent citation of Camael in occultism as the ruler of the planet Mars and as amoung the governing angels of the seven planets. In The Magus, Camael is one of ”seven angels who stand in the presence of God.” For the legend that Moses destroyed this great angel for trying to prevent the Lawgiver from receiving the Torah at the hand of God, see Kemuel. The Legends of the Jews III speaks of Camael (Kemuel) being in charge of 12,000 angels of destruction. In Clement, Angels in Art, Chamuel is the angel who wrestled with Jacob; also the angel (usually identified as Gabriel) who appeared to Jesus during his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane to strengthen Him.

Camal ”to desire God” One of the archangels of the cabala. Hebrew.

Camaysar In occultism, the angel ”of the marriage of contraries.” He is a genius of the 5th hour.

Cambiel The ruler of the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, and an angel for the 9th hour, according to Trithemius.

Cambill An angel of the 8th hour of the night serving under Narcorial.

Cameron Angel of the 12th hour of the day serving under Beratiel. Also regarded as a demon; as such he serves in the conjuration of Beelzebuth, as well as in the conjuration of Astaroth.

Camuel ”A most holy angel” invoked in magical operations noted in The Greater Key of Solomon.

Capabile One of the three angel messengers of the Sun.

Capabili An angel of the 4th Heaven ruling on Sunday and invoked from the west.

Caphriel In occultism, ”a strong and powerful angel,” chief ruler of the 7th day. He is invoked in the conjuration of Saturn.

Capitiel One of the angels of the 4th chora invoked in magical prayer as outlined in The Almadel of Solomon.

Caracasa In occult lore, an angel of the Spring along with the angels Core, Amatiel, and Comissoros.

Caraniel In Mosaic mystic lore, an angel serving in the 3rd Heaven.

Carcas One of the seven angels of confusion. In the legend relating to Ahasuerus, Carcas is the ”knocker.”

Cardiel In Ceremonial magick, an angel invoked in special rites such as the conjuration of the Sword.

Carmax In occultism, a ministering angel to Samax, ruler of the Tuesday angels of the air. Serving with Carmax are two others: Ismoli and Paffran.

Carniel An angel serving in the 3rd Heaven.

Carsiol An angel of the 2nd hour serving under Anael.

Casmaron In occult science an angel of the air.

Casmiros An angel of the 11th hour of the night, serving under Dardariel.

Cass Cassiah An angel invoked for the curing of cutaneous disorders.

Cassiel, Casiel, Casziel, Kafziel The angel of solitudes and tears who ”shews forth the unity of the eternal kingdom.” Cassiel is one of the rulers of the planet Saturn, also a ruling prince of the 7th Heaven and one of the sarim (princes) of the order of powers. Sometimes he appears as the angel of temperance. The Magus speaks of him as one of the three angels of Saturday along with Machatan and Uriel. He is sometimes depicted as being astride a dragon.

Castiel An angel of Thursday.

Casujoiah An angel with dominion over the sign of Capricorn.

Catroije In the cabala an angel serving in the 2nd Heaven.

Causub A serpent-charming angel. In Apollonius of Tyana, The Nuctemeron, he is one of the genii of the 7th hour.

Cazardia A corruption of Gazardiel.

Cedar In The Gospel of Bartholomew (Latin version, James, The Apocryphal New Testament) he is sited as a n angel governing the south. In other versions he is called Kerkoutha.

Cedrion An angel invoked in the conjuration of the Reed, and governing the south.

Cendrion In the grimories, ”a holy angel of God” invoked in cabalistic rites.

Cernaiul The name of an angel of the 7th sefiroth (Netzachn).

Cerviel, Cervihel, Zeruel Chief of the order of principalities, a post shared with Haniel, Nisroc, and others. He is the preceptor angel of David. ”And God sent Cervihel, the Angel that is over strength, to help David slay Goliath.” The Biblical Antiquities of Philo.

Cetarari, Ctariri, Crarari One of the four angels of winter.

Chabalym A seraph or cherub invoked in cabalistic magick rites.

Chabril An angel of the 2nd hour of the night serving under Farris.

Chachmal, Chachmiel One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Chafriel One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Chahoel In the cabala one of the seventy-two angels ruling the seventy-two quinaries of the degrees of the zodiac.

Chaigidiel In the world of Asaiah, the averse (opposite or left) sefira corresponding to Chochma (wisdom) in the Briatic world.

Chairoum In The Gospel of Bartholomew the angel of the north. [See Alfatha and Gabriel, both are in the same way certified as angels governing the north.] Chairoum is described as holding in his hand ’a rod of fire, and restraineth the superfluity of moisture that the earth be not overmuch wet.”

Chalkatoura In The Gospel of Bartholomew one of the nine angels that ”run together throughout the heavenly and earthly places.”

Chalkydri, Kalkydra Archangels of the flying elements of the sun. Mentioned in Enoch II, where they are linked with the phoenixes and placed amidst cherubim and seraphim. The Chalkydri are 12-winged and at the rising of the sun they burst into song. Their habitat is the 4th Heaven. In Gnostic lore, they are demonic. Sometimes described as ”monstrous serpents with the heads of crocodiles”.

Chamuel, Kamuel, Haniel, Simiel ”he who seeks God” One of the seven archangels and chief of the order of dominations; also with Nisroc and others, chief of the order of powers.

Chamyel One of the fifteen throne angels noted in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

Chaniel One of the seventy child birth angels. Also one of the guards of the gates of the East Wind.

Chantare The corresponding angel of Hahael.

Charbiel, Charavah ”dryness” An angel appointed to ”draw together and dry up all the waters of the earth.” It was Charbiel who dried up the waters after the Flood.

Charby An angel of the 5th hour serving under Abasdarhon.

Charciel, Charsiel An angel residing in the 4th Heaven who rules on Sunday and is invoked from the south.

Chardiel An angel of the 2nd hour serving under Anael.

Chardros An angel of the 11th hour of the day serving under Bariel.

Charis ”grace” In gnosticism, one of the great luminaries emanated from the divine will.

Charman An angel of the 1st hour of the day, serving under Samael.

Charms An angel of the 9th hour serving under Vadriel.

Charnij An angel of the 10th hour serving under Oriel.

Charouth One of the nine angels that ”run together throughout the heavenly and earthly places.”

Charpon A ruling angel of the 1st hour of the day, serving under Samael.

Charuch An angel of the 6th hour serving under Samil.

Chasan An angel of the air who’s name is inscribed on the 7th pentacle of the sun.

Chasdiel A name for Metatron ”when Metatron does kindness to the world.”

Chaskiel One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Chasmodai The spirit of the moon, of which ”planet” it is said that the governing intelligence is Malach Be.

Chassiel One of the intelligences of the sun.

Chaumel In the cabala one of the seventy-two angels ruling the seventy-two quinaries of the degrees of the zodiac.

Chavakiah One of the angels bearing the name of God Shemhamphorae.

Chaylon a cherub or seraph invoked in ritual magick.

Chayo One of fifteen throne angels invoked in magickal conjurations.

Chayyliel H’, Chayyiel, Hayyiel, Hayyal, Haileal ”army” Ruling prince of the chayyoth or hayyoth. Before Chayyliel ”all the children of heaven do tremble.” It is further said of this great Merkabah angel that, if he is ever so inclined, he can ”swallow the whole earth in one moment in a mouthful.” When the ministering angels fail to chant the trisagion at the right time, he flogs them with lashes of fire.

Chebo In the cabala one of the seventy-two angels ruling the seventy-two quinaries of the degrees of the zodiac.

Chedustaniel, Chedusitanick A Friday angel who resides in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the east. He is also one of the angelic spirits of Jupiter.

Cheratiel An angel of the 6th hour of the night, serving under Zaazonash.

Cheriour An angel charged with the punishment of crime and the pursuit of criminals.

Chermes An angel of the 9th hour of the night, serving under Nacoriel.

Chermiel A Friday angel of the 3rd Heaven invoked from the south.

Cherub One of the angels of the air. As Kerub he is the angel ”who was made the Guardian of the Terrestrial Paradise, with a Sword of Flame.” ”The 1st angel who sinned is called, not a seraph, but a cherub,’ says Aquinas in his Summa, vol. 1, 7th art., reply objection 1. In The Zohar, Cherub is chief of the order of cherubim. In Ezekiel (28:14-15) God recalls to the Prince of Tyre that he was the ”anointed cherub” and was perfect in his ways ”till iniquity was found” in him.

Cherubiel, Kerubiel Eponymous chief of the order of the cherubim. [See Gabriel]

Chesed ”mercy, goodness” The 4th sefira.

Chesetial One of the governing angels of the zodiac.

Chismael A spirit of Jupiter, of which planet Zophiel is the presiding intelligence.

Choch(k)ma, Hokhmah The 2nd of the holy sefiroth (divine emanations) and associated with the personalized angel Ratziel (Raziel). According to The Kabbala Unveiled the 1st of God’s creations, the only one of the supernal abstractions which seems to have reached actual materialization or personification. The word in Hebrew has the connotation ”wisdom”.

Chochmael, Hochmael An angel of the sefiroth invoked in conjuration rites.

Choesed [Hoesediel]

Chofniel Chief of the angelic order of bene elohim (children of God).

Choriel Angel of the 8th hour of the day, serving under Oscaebial.

Chorob Angel of the 10th hour of the day, serving under Oriel.

Chosniel ”cover” An angel invoked for the conferring of good memory and an open heart.

Chrail, Chreil An angel in Mandaean lore.

Chromme Corresponding angel of Nanael.

Chrymos An angel of the 5th hour of the night, serving under Abasdarhon.

Chuabotheij According to the cabala, an angel of the Seal.

Chur, Churdad In ancient Persian legend, the angel in charge of the disk of the sun.

Chuscha One of the fifteen throne angels.

Chushiel One of the numerous angelic guards of the gates of the South Wind.

Chutriel Presiding angel of the Mire of Clay, which is 5th of the seven lodges of Hell.

Cochabiel, Coahabiath Spirit of Mercury in the cabala, derived from Babylonian lore. In Mosaic lore, one of seven princes ”who stand continually before God and to whom are given the spirit names of the planets.”

Cogediel One of the twenty-eight angels ruling the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.

Colopatiron A genius (spirit) who sets prisons open and one of the genii of the 9th hour.

Comadiel An angel of the 3rd hour of the day, serving under Veguaniel.

Comary An angel of the 9th hour of the night, serving under Nacoriel.

Comato(s) An angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.

Commissoros One of the four angels of the Spring.

Conamas An angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.

Coniel A Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the west. He is also sometimes sited as a messenger of Jupiter.

Cophi An angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.

Corabael A Monday angel residing in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the west.

Corael An angel petitioned in magickal prayer for the fulfillment of the invocant’s desired. Corael is invoked along with Setchiel and Chedustaniel.

Corat A Friday angel of the air residing in the 3rd Heaven and invoked from the east.

Core The governing spirit of Spring.

Coriel An angel of the 7th hour of the night, serving under Mendrion.

Corobael [Corabael]

Cosel An angel of the 1st hour of the night, serving under Gamiel.

Cosmiel The genius who accompanied the 17th-century Jesuit Athanasius Kircher on his visits to various planets. Kircher tells of this ”ecstatic voyage” in his Oedipus Egyptiacus.

Cosmocrator In Valentinian Gnosticism, he is ruler of the material cosmos in the guise of Diabolos (the devil). His consort is Barbelo and together ”they sing praises to the Powers of the Light,” which would indicate that he is not wholly evil.

Craoscha [Sraosha]

Cripon ”a holy angel of God,” invoked in magickal rites, specifically in the conjuration of the Reed.

Crociel An angel of the 7th hour of the day, serving under Barginiel.

Cruciel An angel of the 3rd hour of the night, serving under Sarquamich.

Ctarari One of the two angels of Winter, the other is Amabael.

Cukbiel An angel invoked in Syrian invocation rite. He figures in the special binding spell the ”Binding the Tongue of the Ruler.”

Cuniali The genius of association and one of the governing genii of the 8th hour.

Cupra One of the Novensiles and the personification of light.

Curaniel An angel of Monday residing in the 1st Heaven and invoked from the south.

Cureton ”a holy angel of God” invoked in black magickal conjurations.

Cynabal A ministering angel serving under Varcan (king of the air ruling on Sunday).


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