
. Sa’adiya’il In Islamic religious lore an angel of the 3rd Heaven in charge of a group of angels, in the guise of vultures, engaged in the worshipping of Allah.

Saaphiel The angel of hurricanes, mentioned in Sefer Yetzirah.

Saaqael, Sarakiel, Suriel In Enoch I, an angel of the presence.

Sabaoc One of the seven reprobated angels at the trial which took place in a church council in Rome, 745 C.E.

Sabaoth, Tsabaoth, Ibraoth ”hosts” One of the angels of the presence; one of the divine names in Gnostic and cabalistic lore. In Gnosticism, he is one of the seven archons, creators of the universe.

Sabathiel, Sabbathi In the Jewish cabala, an intelligence of Saturn. He receives the divine light of the holy spirit and communicated it to the dwellers in his kingdom. In Mosaic lore, he is one of seven princes ”who stand continually before God, and to whom are given the spirit-names of the planets.”

Sabiel The 1st of the personalized angels of the ten holy sefiroth. In Aramaic Incantation Textz from Nipper, he is an angel invoked in ritual rites.

Sablil According to The Nuctemeron a genius who runs down thieves and one of the spirits of the 9th hour.

Sabrael, Sabriel One of the seven archangels as noted in The Testament of Solomon and 3 Enoch. He is chief of the order of tarshishim (”the brilliant ones”, virtues), sharing the post with Tarshiel and guard of the 1st Heaven. In occultism, he is the only angel who can overcome the demon of disease, Sphendonael.

Sabtabiel In the cabala, an angel invoked in necromantic rites.

Sachiel ”covering of God” An angel of the order of hashmallim (cherubim). He resides in the 1st Heaven (or the 6th, depending upon the source). He is a Monday (or Thursday or Friday) angel, invoked from the south and also from the west. He is also the presiding spirit of Jupiter. In Gnostic lore, he is called a servitor of the 4 sub-princes of Hell.

Sachluph According to The Nuctemeron a genius controlling plants and of the 2nd hour.

Sacriel An angel serving in the 5th Heaven and invoked from the south according to The Magus.

Sadayel An archangel whose name is inscribed in a pentagram ring amulet.

Sadial, Sadiel In Islamic lore an angel governing the 3rd Heaven.

Saditel An angel of the 3rd Heaven.

Sadqiel In Wisdom of the Chaldeans a ruling angel of the 5th day.

Sadriel An angel of order.

Saelel One of the seventy-two Zodiac angels.

Saeliah [Seeliah]

Safkas One of the many names of Metatron.

Safriel An angel guarding the 5th Heaven. He is said to be an effective kamea for warding off evil.

Sagdalon Along with Semakiel, governor of Capricorn.

Sagham Along with Seratiel, governor of Leo.

Sagiel An angel of the 7th hour of the day serving under Barginiel.

Sagmagigrin One of the many names of Metatron.

Sagnessagiel, Sasniel, Sagansagel, Sasnigiel Prince of wisdom and chief of the angelic guards of the 4th hall of the 7th Heaven. He is one of the many names used by Metatron. In the Baratia de Massechet Gehinnom, he showed Rabbi Ishmael the holy books containing the decrees for Israel.

Sagras Along with Saraiel, governor of Taurus.

Sagsagel [Zagzagel]

Sahariel, Asderel An angel invoked in Syriac spellbinding charms. He governs the sign of Aries.

Sahiviel One of the many guards of the 3rd Heaven.

Sahon In the cabala one of the angels of the Seal and a planetary angel.

Sahriel One of the sixty-four angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Sahtail, Sahteil An angel in Mandaean lore.

Saissaiel With Riehol, governor of Scorpio.

Sakniel One of the many guards of the gates of the West Wind.

Sakriel, Samriel a porter angel of the 2nd Heaven.

Saktas One of the many names of Metatron.

Salamiel, Satanail, Satomail A great angel, prince of the grigori. Although the grigori dwell in Heaven, a certain number of them are malign. A legend has it that Salamiel rejected God and is now a fallen angel.

Salatheel, Sealriel, Sealthiel, Salathiel ”I have asked God” One of the seven great ministering archangels, rulers of the movements of the spheres. Along with Suriel (Suriyel), he conducted Adam and Eve from the top of a high mountain, where Satan had lured them, to the cave of treasures.

Salbabiel An angel invoked in Aramaic love charms.

Salem The guardian angel of St. John, probably Melchizedec, who was the legendary king of Salem (Jerusalem).

Salemia In Esdras II, one of the five ”men” (angels) who transcribed the 204 books dictated by Ezra.

Salilus In the magickal arts, a genius who opens sealed doors and is the genius of the 7th hour.

Salmael, Samael A prince of one of the angel orders. He used to accuse Israel on Yom Kippur, calling for the annihilation of the Jews. Salmael is equated with Samael and Azazel. He has also been identified as Jacob’s dark antagonist at Peniel, as have others.

Salmay, Zalmaii, Samaey In the Grimorium Vernum one of the ”holy angels of God” invoked in ceremonial rites, especially in the benediction of the Salt.

Salmia An angel petitioned in ritual prayer, along with other ”great and glorious spirits” for the fulfillment of the invocant’s desires.

Salmon An angel of the 6th hour of the night serving under Zaazonash.

Salun An angel petitioned in ritual prayer.

Sam(m)ael, Satanil, Samil, Satan, Seir, Salmael A combination of ”sam” meaning poison and ”el” meaning angel. In rabbinic literature, he is chief of the Satans and the angel of death. In the Secrets of Enoch (Enoch II) he is the prince of demons and a magickian. Samael has been regarded as both evil and good; as one of the greatest and as one of the foulest spirits operating in Heaven, on the earth, and in Hell. On the one hand he is said to be chief ruler of the 5th Heaven (in Jewish legendary lore he usually resides in the 7th Heaven), one of the seven regents of the world served by two million angels; on the other hand, he is ”that great serpent with twelve wings that draws after him, in his fall, the solar system.” Samael is also the angel of death who God sent to fetch the soul of Moses. Talmud Yalkut I, 110, speaks of him as Esau’s guardian angel. Sotah 10b speaks of Samael as Edom’s Sar (angelic prince guardian). In the Sayings of Rabbi Eliezer, he is charged with being the one (in the guise of a serpent) who tempted Eve, seduced her, and became the father of Cain. In The Zohar, he is the dark angel who wrestled with Jacob at Peniel, although Michael, Uriel, Metatron and others have been identified as this antagonist. Samael is also equated with the satan who tempted David to number Israel (I Chronicles 21). The Holy Kabbalah characterizes him as the ”severity of God” and lists him as the 5th of the archangels of the world of Briah. Here he corresponds to the sefira Geburah. Cornelius Agrippa equates him with the Greek god Typhon. In The Ascension of Isaiah IV, 7, this passage occurs: ”And we ascended to the firmament, I and he [Isaiah and his escorting angel], and there I saw Sammael and his hosts, and there was great fighting therein and the angels of Satan were envying one another.” It appears that Samael and Satan are interchangeable.

Samaha’il In Muslim tradition an angel in the 6th Heaven in charge of a group of angels (in the guise of boys) engaged in worshipping Allah.

Samandiriel, Smandriel In Mandaean lore, a spirit of fertility who receives prayers; and who keeps such prayers until the time comes when he believes they should be acted upon.

Samangaluf, Smnglf, Samangeloph According to pseudo-Sirach, one of the three angels who brought Lilith back to Adam in the pre-Eve days, after a long separation.

Samas A master spirit in Babylonian and Chaldean occultism. He figures as one of the signs (the sun) of the Zodiac.

Samax Chief of the angels of the air and ruling angel of Tuesday. His ministering angels are Carmax, Ismoli, and Paffran.

Sambula In Arabic lore an angel invoked in conjuring rites.

Samchia, Samchiel One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Sameon An angel of the 6th hour of the day serving under Samil.

Sameron An angel of the 12th hour of the day serving under Beratiel.

Samhiel In the cabala an angel invoked to cure stupidity.

Sam Hii, Shom Hii ”creation of life” In Mandaean lore one of the four malki (Uthri or angels) of the North Star.

Samiaza(z) [Semyaza]

Samiel In the Apocalypse of Peter and The Apocryphal New Testament Samiel is an ”immortal angel of God.” In The Book of Protection, he is grouped with Michael, Gabriel and other spellbinding angels. However, according to Voltaire, he is one of the leaders of the fallen angels, therefore evil. He was apparently another form for Samael, prince of evil. In Bar-Khonai, The Book of Scholia, he is described as ”blind, malformed, and evil.”

Samjaza [Semyaza]

Samlo In gnosticism one of the great luminaries or aeons who ”are to draw the elect up to Heaven.”

Samoel A spirit invoked in prayer by the Master of the Art in Solomonic rituals.

Samohayl A ministering archangel evoked in cabalistic conjuring rites.

Samoy In the Grimorium Verum an angel conjured in black magick operations. He may be the same as Samoel.

Samriel [Sakriel]

Samuil, Semil ”heard of God” In Jewish legendary lore, an angel with dominion over the earth. In Enoch II he is the angel that transported him to Heaven and then back to earth.

Sanasiel In Mandaean lore an angel who stands at the gate of life and prays for souls.

Sandalphon, Sandolphon, Sandolfon ”co-brother” (Greek) Originally the prophet Elias (Elijah). In rabbinic lore, he is one of the great sarim (angelic princes), twin brother of Metatron, master (hazzan) of heavenly song. Exceeding Hadraniel in height by a 500-year foot journey, he is regarded as one of the tallest hierarchs in the celestial realms—Moses, sighting him in the 3rd Heaven, called him ”the tall angel”. Talmud Hagiga 13b says his head reaches Heaven (which is said slao of Israfel and of the Greek giant Typhon). In The Greater Key of Solomon, he is designated ”the left-hand feminine cherub of the ark.” In the liturgy for the Feast of Tabernacles, he is credited with gathering the prayers of the faithful, making a garland of such prayers, and then ”adjuring them to ascend as an orb to the supreme King of Kings.” In Enoch 3, he is the ruler of the 6th Heaven (makon) but, in The Zohar he is ”chief of the 7th Heaven.” According to Islamic lore, he dwells in the 4th Heaven. As Michael does, he carries on a ceaseless battle with the apparently indestructible Samael (Satan), prince of evil. The ancient sages identified him with Ophan. He is also said to be instrumental in bringing about the differentiation of sex in the embryo.

Sangariah Angel of fasts, whose chief office is accusing those who fail to observe the Sabbath.

Sangariel An angel who guards the portals of Heaven.

Sanigron Kunya In The Sword of Moses one of the fourteen great angels who may be invoked in special ceremonial rites.

Sannul, Sanul An angel of the order of powers. In occultism he is summoned in magickal ritual.

Sansanui, Sansanvi, Sanvi, Sansennoi, Snvi, Sanzanuy One of three angels credited with bringing Lilith back to Adam after their seperation in the pre-Eve days. The other two angels were Sanuy (or Sennoi) and Samangaluf. Sansanui is now a potent prophylactic against the deprivations of Lilith and her minions.

Santanael A Friday angel residing in the 3rd Heaven that must be invoked from the south.

Santriel The only reference to Santriel occurs in The Zohar as: ”And a curtain angel named Santriel goes away to fetch the body of such a sinner {one who does not keep the Sabbath} from the grave and brings it to Gehenna, holding it up before the eyes of all the sinners, that they may see how it bred worms.”

Saphar In the Sefer Yetzirah he is ”one of the three seraphim through whom the world was made,” the other two being Sepher and Sipur.

Sapiel, Saphiel An angel of the 4th Heaven and ruler of Sunday. He is guardian angel invoked from the north.

Saraiel, Sariel Along with Sagras, governor of the sign of Gemini.

Sarafiel In Islamic mythology an angel equated with Israfil or Israfel.

Sarafsion In hechaloth lore an angelic guard stationed at the 7th Heaven.

Sarahiel One of the seven angelic guards of the 2nd Heaven.

Sarakiel, Saraquael The prince of the ministering angels who officiates when the judgment council convenes. He is ”one of the seven holy angels set over the children of men whose spirits have sinned.” Along with Sataaran, he governs the sign of Aries.

Saranana According to The Almadel of Solomon an angel of the 3rd chora.

Sarasael, Sarea, Sarga, Saraqael A seraph; one of the five ”men” who transcribed the 204 books dictated by Ezra. He is one of the holy angels ”set over the spirits of those who sin in the spirit.” Baruch III, cites him as the angel God sent to Noah to advise him in the matter of replanting the Tree (in Eden) ”which led Adam astray.”

Saratan In Arabic lore an angel invoked in incantations.

Sarea One of the five ”men” referred to under Sarasael. Of the 204 books, 70 were to be delivered only to the wise; the others published openly.

Sarfiel An ancient amulet angel whose name is recorded in a Palestinian mezuzah, along with the names of six other angels. In occultism, he is an angel of the 8th hour under Osgaebial. He is also one of the guards at the gates of the East Wind.

Sarga, Sarasael One of the five heavenly scribes appointed by God to transcribe the 204 books dictated by Ezra. The other four scribes are Dabria, Seleucia, Ethan (or Ecanus), and Asiel.

Sargiel, Nasargiel An angel who fills Hell with the souls of the wicked.

Sar ha-Kodesh The angelic prince of the sanctuary, or of holiness. He has been identified with Metatron and Yefefiah.

Sar ha-Olam Literally ”prince of the world” and the equivalent of Sar ha-Panim, ”prince of the face.” Identified as Michael, Jehoel, Metatron, and—by St. Paul—as Satan. Talmud calls Sar ha-Olam an angel who ”bears God’s name within him,” referring to Exodus 23:21. Sar ha-Olam, like Metatron is credited with composing Psalms 37:25 and Isaiah 24:16.

Sar ha-Panim Literally ”prince of the face” and equated with the prince of the presence; also with Sar ha-Olam.

Sar ha0Torah Literally ”prince of the Torah” (Law), who is Yefefiah.

Sarhma’il In Arabic lore a guardian angel invoked in rites of exorcism.

Sariel, Suriel, Zerachiel, Sarakiel, Uriel One of the seven archangels originally listed in the Enoch books as Saraqel and differentiated from Uriel, although Sariel is identified as Uriel in the Dead Sea Scriptures. He is cited as both a holy angel and a fallen one. In occultism he is one of the nine angels of the summer equinox and effective as an amulet against evil. He governs the sign of Aries. He teaches the course of the moon (which at one time was forbidden knowledge). In the recently discovered Dead Sea Scrolls, one of the books, The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, speaks of the angel Sariel as a name that appears on the shields of the ”third Tower,” (the term Tower having the meaning of fighting unit). There were 4 Towers in all.

Saritaiel, Saritiel Along with Vhnori, governs the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

Sarmiel A subordinate of Jehoel, prince of fire.

Sarospa ”the angel who executes the commands of Ahura-Mazda.”

Sarphiel An angel invoked in Syriac incantations. He is considered to be a ”spellbinding power.”

Sarquamich A ruling angel of the 3rd hour of the night. [See Haglow].

Sartamiel One of the governing angels of the Zodiac.

Sartziel, Saissaiel According to Transcendental Magic the genius governing the sign of Scorpio.

Sarush [Sirushi, Sraosha]

Sasa’il In Muslim tradition an angel of the 4th Heaven in charge of a group of angels 9in the guise of horses) engaged in worshipping Allah.

Sasganiel An angel invoked in rites of exorcism.

Sasnigiel, Sasniel, Sagansagel, Sasnesagiel In 3 Enoch the prince of wisdom, prince of the world, and prince of the presence (or face). Also one of the seraphim ”appointed over peace”. Sasnigiel is one of the many names of Metatron.

Sastashiel Jhvhh One of the angelic princes of the hosts of X.

Sataaran Along with Sarahiel, governs the sign of Aries.

Satael One of the Tuesday angels of the air invoked in magick rites. He also serves as a presiding spirit of Mars.

Sathariel ”concealment of God” The ”averse” sefira ”who hides the face of mercy.” In The Zohar (supplement), he is called Sheiriel.

Saturn In Persian lore, an angel, lord of the 7th Heaven. In the cabala, he is the angel of the wilderness. In Chaldean mythology, he was Adar, one of the ruling gods of the five planets.

Sauriel ”Sauriel the Releaser” In Mandaean lore he is the angel of death.

Savaliel An angelic guard of the 3rd Heaven.

Savaniah An angel of the 3rd pentacle of Mercury.

Savatri, Savitri, Savitar One of the seven or twelve Adityas or ”infinite ones” (angels) in Vedic lore. He/she is a sun deity and is described as having ”a golden hand, golden eyes” and ”drawn by luminous brown steeds with white feet.” He/she has been identified with Prajapati, the Creator, in Vedic hymns.

Savliel In hechaloth lore a porter or guard of the 3rd Heaven.

Savsa In hechaloth lore a guard of the 6th heavenly hall.

Sawael The angel of the whirlwind according to the Sefer Yetzirah.

Sazquiel Angelic ruler of the 5th hour with ten chiefs and 100 lesser officers under him, each with his own attendants.

Scamijm An angel of the 1st Heaven.

Schachlil In transcendental magic the genius governing the sun’s rays and the 9th hour.

Schachniel One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Schaddyl One of the fifteen throne angels listed in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

Schaltiel Along with Iadara, governs the sign of Virgo.

Scharial In occult lore, an angel who is said to have come out of Sodom for the purpose of curing painful boils.

Schawayt One of the fifteen throne angels listed in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

Schebtaiel, Schabtaiel, Sabbathi In the cabala the lord of the planet Saturn. The term dervies from schebtai, Hebrew for Saturn.

Scheliel One of the twenty-eight angels governing the twenty-eight mansions of the moon.

Schiekron The genius of bestial love and of the 4th hour. [Pharzuph]

Schimuel One of the fifteen throne angels listed in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses.

Schioel An angel of the 1st pentacle of the moon.

Schrewniel ”convert” In Mosaic incantation rites, an angel invoked for obtaining a good memory and an open heart.

Scigin An angel mentioned in the grimoires and invoked in goetic rites.

Sealiah, Seeliah In the cabala an angel who governs vegetation on earth. He is also one of the seventry-two bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Sealtiel ”request of God” An archangel listed in the Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbol.

Sebhael, Sebhil A spirit in Arabic lore who is in charge of the books that contain every good and evil actions of man.

Seclam an angel of the order of powers invoked in ceremonial magick.

Sedekiah A ”treasure-finding angel” who is on the 1st pentacle of Jupiter. He is invoked in Solomonic magick.

Seehiah, Seheiah One of the seventy-two angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae. He is also listed as one of the nine angels of the order of dominations (dominions), led by Zadkiel. He is credited with bestowing long life and improved health to those who invoke him.

Sefoniel One of two princes ruling the universe, the other is Ioniel. He may be invoked.

Sefriel An angel guarding the 5th Heaven.

Segef An angel of destruction invoked at the close of the Sabbath. It needs to be mentioned that the angels of destruction are not by nature evil; only so in a causative sense. They were among the 1st angels to be created. There is no mention of them as among the one-third of the hosts that defected at the time of the great rebellion in Heaven.

Segsuhiel YHWH One of the angel princes of the hosts of X.

Sehaltiel An angel to be invoked when wishing to drive away the demon Moloch.

Seheiah In the cabala an angel who protects against fire and sickness and governs longevity. His corresponding angel is Sethacer.

Sehibiel An angelic guard of the 2nd Heaven.

Seimelkhe A celestial being in Gnostic lore commonly referred to as a power or an aeon.

Seir Another name for Samael.

Seket In the cabala a female angel who dwells in Egypt; she is an angel of part of an hour and appears when invoked.

Seldac, Sellao, Esaldaio, Saela In gnosticism, one of the angels of the order of powers in charge of heavenly baptism.

Selemia, Shelemiah, Seleucia One of the five ”men” who wrote down the 94 (or 204) books dictated by Ezra. [See also Asiel, Dabria, Ecanus, and Sarae (Sarga)]

Selith A seraph, one of the two guardian angels of the Virgin Mary and St. John the Divine.

Semakiel, Semaqiel Along with Sagdalon, governs the sign of Capricorn.

Semalion In Talmud Sotah 13b, the angel who announced the death of Moses with the words ”The great scribe is dead!” Note: since Sammael was the one sent from heaven to fetch Moses’ soul, this may be a variant spelling for Sammael. The name occurs again in Talmud Sanhedrin 38b and Hagiga 13b.

Semanglaf, Samangaluf An angel invoked for help when a woman becomes pregnant. He is also one of the three angels that brought Lilith back to Adam after their separation.

Semeliel, Semishial One of the seven princes ”who stand continually before God, and to whom are given the spirit-names of the planets.” Agrippa views him as the spirit of the sun.

Semibel One of the seven angels reprobated at the church council in Rome in 745 C. E.

Senacher The corresponding angel for Elemiah.

Senciner Corresponding angel for Michael and of the order of powers. He watched over Aedipus Aegyptiacus.

Sennoi, Sinui, Senoi, Sanuy With Sansennoi and Sammangeloph, he was dispatched by God to bring Lilith back to Adam after a falling out between the two in the pre-Eve days. Lilith was evil, but an amulet bearing the name Sennoi was sufficient, when she beheld it, to deter her from harming anyone, especially infants (still used for this purpose).

Sensenya One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Sentacer [Ielahiah]

Sepharon A chief officer of the 1st hour serving under Gamiel.

Sepher One of the three seraphim ”through whom the world was created.”

Sepheriel A great luminary, on the pronouncement of whose name ”God will come to Universal Judgment.”

Sephiroth, Sefiroth In The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses a power angel of the 5th Seal.

Sephuriron The 10th of the ten holy sefiroth. He has three deputy Sarim answerable to him. They are Malkiel, Ithuriel, and Nashriel.

Serabilin [Jesubilin]

Serael An angel serving in the 5th Heaven.

Serakel An angel with dominion over fruit-bearing trees.

Seraphiel Eponymous chief of the order of seraphim, although Jehoel and others are also designated chief. He ranks highest of the princes of the Merkabah as one of the judgment throne angels. He is a presiding spirit of Mercury, ruling on Tuesday and invoked from the north.

Serapiel An angel of the 5th hour of the day serving under Sazquiel.

Seraquiel A ”strong and powerful angel” invoked on Saturday.

Seratiel Along with Sagham, governor of the sign of Leo.

Seref An angel who transported to Heaven the bodies of deceased Egyptian kings.

Seriel, Sariel One of the seven archangels who stand around the throne of God. As a fallen angel, he is sometimes equated with Uriel and is credited with teaching men the signs of the moon.

Serpanim ”prince of the face” An angelic power in the world of Briah (one of the four worlds of Creation).

Seruf, Seruph An angel prince set over the element of fire. He is a seraph, and is another name for Nathaniel. He is also credited with being of the order of virtues and seraphim.

Serviel An angel of the 3rd hour of the day serving under Vaguaniel.

Setchiel An angel who is served by Turiel in magickal operations.

Seth One of the seven archons in the Gnostic system.

Setheus One of the great celestial powers dwelling in the 6th Heaven.

Setphael In hechaloth lore an angel guard of the 1st Heaven.

Sgrdtsih An angel (nomina Barbara) who ”ministers to the sons of man.”

Shabni, Shabti An angel invoked in ceremonial magick.

Shachmiel An angel to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil.

Shadfiel One of the numerous guards at the gates of the North Wind.

Shadftiel An angel who rules in Hell. He is lord of the shadow of death and his special province is in the 3rd lodge of the seven divisions of the underworld. He punishes ten nations ”for cause.”

Shaftiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Shahakiel, Shachaqiel A prince residing in the 4th Heaven. According to 3 Enoch he is one of seven archangels as well as the eponymous head of the order of Shahakim.

Shahariel In hechaloth lore a guard at the 2nd Heaven.

Shahiel An angel to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil.

Shahrivar(i) The angel of August in ancient Persia. He also governed the 4th day of the month.

Shakti In Vedic lore the bride of Shiva. She is the prototype of the Shekinah.

Shakziel An angel with dominion over water insects.

Shalgiel An angel with dominion over snow.

Shalhevita In hechaloth lore an angelic guard of the 7th Heaven.

Shalkiel and Shalmiel Angels to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil.

Shaltiel An angel’s name found inscribed (along with the names Michael, Raphael, and Uriel) on earthen bowls in the Euphrates Valley and invoked as a charm.

Sham(m)iel, Shamael Master of heavenly song and divine herald. He is invoked in Syriac spellbinding charms, along with Michael, Harshiel, Nuriel and others. In the Ozar Midrashim, Shamiel (as distinguished from Shamael) is a guard of the gates of the South Wind.

Shamlon According to The Greater Key of Solomon, he is a”prince over all the angels and the Caesars.”

Shamriel A guardian angel that may be invoked against evil.

Shams-ed-Din ”sun of the faith” One of the seven Yezidic archangels invoked in prayer.

Shamsha Like Shamlon, he is a”prince over all the angels and the Caesars.”

Shams(h)iel ”light of day” “mighty sun of God” A ruler of the 4th Heaven and prince of Paradise; also guardian angel of Eden. He conducted Moses around Heaven. The treasures of David and Solomon were turned over by the scribe Hilkiah to him. In The Zohar he is head of 365 legions of angels. He crowns prayers and accompanies them to the 5th Heaven. In The Book of Protection he is grouped with Michael, Nuriel, and Sarphiel as a spellbinding power. In The Book of Jubilees he is one of the watchers or grigori and equated with Samsapeel. In I>Enoch I he rates as a fallen angel who ”taught men the signs of the sun.” According to The Zohar he served as one of the two chief aides to Uriel (the other aide was Hasdiel) when Uriel bore his standard in battle.

Shaphiel Along with Baradiel, a ruling prince of the 3rd Heaven.

Sharka’il In Arabic lore a guardian angel invoked during exorcism.

Sharlaii A Talmud angel invoked for the curing of cutaneous disorders.

Sharshiyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Shashmasrihiel Jhvhh An angel prince of the hosts of X.

Shastaniel An angel guard at the gates of the South Wind.

Shateiel The angel of silence, compared with Duma. He probably inspired the creation of the Greek god Sigalion (if not the other way around), and also Tacita, Roman goddess of silence, and Harpocratos, son of Isis, who was the god of silence.

Shathniel An angel to inscribe on a kamea for warding off evil.

Shatqiel One of the seven great archangels in 3 Enoch and a guardian prince of the 5th Heaven. In Hechaloth Rabbati he is a guard of the 4th Heaven.

Shaviel In hechaloth lore one of the seven guards of the 1st Heaven.

Shebniel One of the seventy childbirth angels.

Sheburiel Chief porter of the 3rd Heaven in hechaloth lore.

Shedu A Babylonian household guardian spirit invoked in conjuring rites.

Shegatsiel A prince of the hosts of X.

Sheikh Bakra and Sheikh Ism Two of the seven archangels in the Yezidic religion invoked in prayer.

Shekinah, Schechinah, Matrona shachan, “to reside” The female manifestation of God in man, the divine inwohnung (indwelling). Also the ”bride of the Lord,” compatible with the Shakti of Shiva. The expression ”the Shekinah rests” is used as a paraphrase for ”God dwells.” In Genesis 48:16 ”the Angel which redeemed me from all evil,” uttered by Israel (Jacob), applies to the Shekinah, according to The Zohar. In the New Testament sense, the Shekinah is the glory emanating from God, His effulgence. The passage in Matthew 18:20 is translated (The Dictionary of the Bible) to rad: ”when two sit together and are occupied with the word of the Law, the Shekinah is with him.” As interpreted in the Midrah Rabba, Michael is the glory of the Shekinah. The Shekinah is the liberating Angel, manifesting in her male aspect as Metatron. In the cabala, she is the 10th sefira Malkuth, otherwise the Queen. The creation of the world, was according to The Zohar, the work of the Shekinah. Here, too, the Shekinah is spoken of as ”abiding in the 12 holy chariots and the 12 supernal hayyoth.” Elsewhere in The Zohar she is mentioned as a messenger from on high who, when she first appeared to Moses, was called an angel, just as she was called by Jacob. In The Zohar she is ”the way of the Tree of Life” and the ”angel of the Lord”. Maimonides in Moreh Nebuchim regarded the Shekinah as an intermediary between God and the world or as a periphrasis for God. The Shekinah has been identified with the Holy Ghost and the Epinoia of the Gnostic Valentinus. Of her it has been said ”Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way” (Exodus 23:20) which has also been applied to Metatron and John the Baptist, ”the forerunner angel.” According to legend, Aaron died by a kiss from the Shekinah, In the same source (The Legends of the Jews II), it is related that Abraham caused the Shekinah to come down from the 2nd Heaven. The Talmud tells us that when God drove Adam out of the earthly paradise, the Shekinah remained behind ”enthroned above a cherub under the Tree of Life, her splendor being 65,000 times brighter than the sun,” and that this radiance ”made all upon whom it fell exempt from disease”; and, further, that then ”neither insects nor demons could come nigh unto such to do them harm.” An account somewhat at variance with this is given in Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism, and Talmudic Tradition, where it is reported that the Shekinah was sent into exile on Adam’s fall and that ”to lead the Shekinah back to God and to unite her with Him is the true purpose of the Torah.” A reference to the dwellin place of the Shekinah occurs in Canticles Rabba 6: ”The original abode of the Shekinah was among the tahtonim [that is, among the lower ones: human beings, earth]. When Adam sinned, it [the abode] ascended to the 1st Heaven. With Cain’s sin, it ascended to the 2nd Heaven. With Enoch’s, to the 3rd. With the generations of the flood, to the 4th. With the generation of the Tower of Babel. To the 5th. With the Sodomites, to the 6th. With the sin of the Egyptians in the days of Abraham, to the 7th.” Corresponding to these, there arose seven righteous men who brought the Shekinah to earth again. They were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Levi, Kehath (Levi’s son and Moses’ grandfather), Amram, and Moses. A haggadah about the Shekinah is that she hovers over all conjugal unions between Jewish husbands and wives and blesses such unions with her presence. In this reference, she could be identified with the Roman goddess Petunda, presider over the marriage couch.

Shekiniel An angel guarding the 4th Heaven.

Shelemial An angel guarding the 3rd Heaven.

Shelviel An angel of the order of tarshishim.

Shemael, Kemuel, Camael, Shemuiel ”name of God” The mighty angel who stands at the windows of Heaven listening for the songs of praise ascending from synagogues and houses of study of the Jews. The name derives from the 1st word. Of the Hebrew song of praise.

Shepherd One of the six angels of repentance, equated with Phanuel.

Shetel One of three ministering angels whom God appointed to serve Adam. The other two are Aebel and Anush.

Sheviel, Shaviel An angel guarding the 1st Heaven.

Sheziem An angel invoked in cabalistic rites.

Shimshiel An angel guarding the gates of the East Wind.

Shinial One of the sixty-four angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Shitimichum, Shitinichus, Kitagnifai According to The Sword of Moses he is one of the nomina barbara and among the thirteen angel chiefs appointed to the Sword.

Shlasiel A’, Shlotiel A’ An angel prince of the hosts of X.

Shlomiel An angel guarding the 3rd Heaven.

Shmuiel, Samael ”Chief of all the angels and all the 10 classes who spoke to Solomon and gave him the key to the mysteries.”

Shoel One of the sixty-four angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Shoftiel ”judge of God” One of the seven angels of punishment.

Shokad One of the sixty-four angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Shomrom, Shunaron According to The Greater Key of Solomon—“a prince over all the angels and Caesars.”

Shosoriyah One of the many names of Metatron.

Shriniel An angel guarding the 4th Heaven.

Shtukial One of the sixty-four angel wardens of the seven celestial halls.

Shufiel An angel invoked in Syriac conjuring rites. Grouped with the spellbinding angels.

Shunaron According to The Greater Key of Solomon—“a prince over all the angels and Caesars.”

Sialul The genius of prosperity. He is also included among the spirits of the 7th hour and may be invoked.

Sidqiel In 3 Enoch, governor of Venus and prince of the order of ofanim (thrones) or shinanim (seraphim).

Sidriel, Pazriel Prince of the 1st Heaven and one of the seven archangels according to Enoch.

Sieme In the cabala, an angel of part of an hour (3:20 p.m.). He is of the order of virtues and his corresponding angel is Asaliah.

Sihail ”and God sent 2 angels, Sihail and Anas, and 4 Evangelists to take hold of the 12 fever demons [all female] and beat them with fiery rods.” This tale is told in a 12-century manuscript in the British Museum.

Sij-ed-Din ”power of mercy” One of the seven archangels in the Yezidic religious lore invoked in prayer.

Sikiel An angel of the sirocco and a guardian at the gates of the West Wind.

Sila An hour angel and an angel of power invoked in cabalistic rites.

Silat, Tilath, Feluth According to the Grimorium Verum an angel invoked in goetic ritual. In Mohammedan lore, she is a female demon.

Silmai, Shelmai In Mandaean lore, one of two guardian angels of the river Jordan; the other is Nidbai.

Simiel, Chamuel, Semibel One of the seven archangels. However at a Church Council in Rome, 745 C.E., he was reprobated as a fallen or evil spirit and not to be venerated. At the Council of Laodicia (343-381? C.E.) to name angels was expressly forbidden (canon 35). Josephus mentions, as among the religious rites of the Essenes, the taking of oaths not to reveal the names of angels.

Simkiel Chief of the angels of destruction appointed to deal with the wicked on earth. [See Za’arfiel] According to 3 Enoch he also has the function of purifying man.

Simulator An angel invoked in the conjuration of the Ink and Colors.

Sinui An amulet angel invoked when a woman is pregnant.

Sipur One of the three seraphim through whom the world is said to have been created.

Sirbiel One of the angelic princes of the Merkabah.

Sirushi, Surush Ashu, Sarush, Sraosha, Ashu The angel of Paradise in ancient Persian lore and also the ”master of announcements.”

Sisera Genius of desire; one of the genii to be invoked during the 2nd hour.

Sislau genius of poisons and one of the genii of the 4th hour.

Sitael A seraph invoked to overcome adversity. He rules the nobility and is one of the seventy-two angels of the Zodiac. He is one of the seventy-two angels bearing the name God Shemhamphorae.

Sith An angel of an hour (6 to 7 o’clock). His corresponding angel is Nelchael.

Sithacer Corresponding angel for Seheiah.

Sithriel A name by which Metatron is called ”when he hides the children of the world under his wings to preserve them from the angels of destruction.”

Sittacibor An angel summoned during the exorcism of Wax.

Sittiah An angel summoned during the exorcism of Wax.

Sizajasel In ceremonial magick, an angel governing the sign of Sagittarius.

Sizouze The angel who presided over prayers in ancient Persian mythology.

Skd Huzi [Soqed Hozi]

Sktm One of the fourteen conjuring angels of the Sword. He is also one of the ineffable names of God.

Smat Corresponding angel for Mebahiah, with whom he shares dominion over morals and religion.

Smeliel According to Chaldean Magic the spirit of the sun. His corresponding angel is Nagiel.

Sngotiqtel An angel that ministers to the sons of man.

Sniel One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Sochiel One of the ruling archangels of the earthly triplicities governing the 360 degrees of the Zodiac.

Socodiah, Socohiah An angel of the 1st pentacle of Venus.

Sodiel A ruling prince of the 3rd Heaven according to 3 Enoch.

Sodyah In hechaloth lore he assist Metatron in reciting the Shema.

Sofiel A angel with dominion over garden fruit and vegetables.

Sofriel, Sopher, Sopheriel An angelic bookkeeper appointed to maintain the records of the living and the dead. There are two Sofriels: Sofriel Memith and Sofriel Mehayye. They are the bearers of God’s name (YHWH).

Sohemne An angel of the Seal.

Sokath Along with Nakhiel, the presiding intelligence of the sun.

Solmis A great celestial luminary cited in the Gnostic Revelations of Zostrian.

Soluzen The name of an angel inscribed (in green) on the pentagon of Solomon.

Somcham One of the many guards at the gates of the West Wind.

Soncas, Soneas An Tuesday angel of the 5th Heaven invoked from the west.

Sonitas An angel residing in the 5th Heaven.

Sopheriel Yhwh Mehayye and Sopheriel Yhwh Memith [Sofriel]

Sophia [Pistis Sophia]

Sophiel Angel of the 4th pentacle of the moon. In the Jewish cabala, he is the intelligence of Jupiter (corresponding angel is Zadykiel).

Soqes Hozi, Soqed Chozi, Skd Huzi An angelic prince of the Merkabah and keeper of the divine balances. One of the four angels appointed to the Sword.

Sorush To the ancient Persians, Gabriel, ”giver of souls”. The Magi believed that, on Judgment Day, two angels, Sorush and Mihr, will stand on a bridge called al Sirat (which is finer than a hair and sharper than the edge of a sword) and examine every person crossing. Mihr representing divine mercy and holding a balance in his hand will weigh the actions of a person’s lifetime. If found worthy, they will be permitted to enter Paradise. If found unworthy, they will be handed over to Sorush, representing divine justice, who will cast them into Hell.

Sorsol An angel invoked in ceremonial magick who governs the Zodiac sign of Scorpio.

Sother or Sother As(h)iel ”who stirs up the fire of God” A prosecuting angel prince serving the throne of divine judgment. A great hierarch of the Merkabah. He is 7,000 parasangs tall. In the cabala he marries Sophia in a heavenly union. In Gnostic lore he is another name for God. According to 3 Enoch, ”Every angel-prince who goes out or enters before the Shekinah, does so only by Sother’s permission.” He has been equated with the luminary Armogen.

Sothis, Sotis An angel of an hour.

Spendarmoz [Ishpan Darmaz]

Spheres In occultism, the name of a celestial power invoked to combat Mardero, the demon of disease.

Splenditenes In Manicheanism, a ”world-supporting angel.” He supports the heavens on his back. [See Omophorus] He is described as bearing six faces and mouths ”and glittering with light.” The Book of Scholia calls him the ”ornament of Splendor.” He appears in Mithraic monuments and is believed to be the prototype of the Greek Atlas.

Spugliguel An angel who serves as the head of Spring.

Sraosha, Srosh, Sirush, Serosh A Persian angel who set the world in motion. He is one of the Amesha Spentas (the 7th), otherwise one of the Yazatas. In Zoroastrianism he is the angel who bears the soul aloft after death. The red chrysanthemum is his emblem. In Mandaean lore he is the ”angel of obedience,” the ”fiend-smiter,” who judges the dead. As Sirushi he is the angel of Paradise and ”master of announcements.”

Sro Corresponding angel for Nemamiah.

Ssakmakiel Along with Archer, governs the sign of Aquarius.

Ssmialiah One of the fourteen great conjuring angels.

Sstel YHWH One of the eight great angel princes of the Merkabah. In 3 Enoch, he outranks in eminence Metatron, who must dismount whenever he encounters him on the crystal highways.
BR> Stimulator An angel invoked in the exorcism of Ink.

Strateia An angelic host, as mentioned in Pesikta Rabbati.

Strempsuchos [Astrompsuchos]

Striel An angelic guard of one of the seven heavenly halls.

Strophaeos A mysterious entity to whom the secrets of Creation were revealed according to the Gnostic Paraphrase of Shem.

Sturbiel An angel of the 4th hour of the day serving under Vachmiel.

Sturi(el) One of the seventy childbirth amulet angels.

Suceratos A Sunday angel serving in the 4th Heaven and invoked from the west.

Sui’el, Raashiel An angel with dominion over earthquakes.

Sumiel Voltaire claims him to be a leader of the fallen angels, however no other source can be found naming him thusly. Voltaire may have meant Sammael or Simapesiel. The name Sumiel is found on a kamea for warding off evil.

Summanus One of the nine Novensiles, the supreme divinities in Etruscan religion.

Sun In the cabala, the sun is a ”planet” and an angel of light.

Suna A cherub or seraph summoned in conjuring rituals.

Suphlatus genius of dust.

Suria, Suryah, Suriya In hechaloth lore, one of the throne angels or an angel of the presence. He is also warden of the 1st hall of the 1st Heaven.

Suriel, Sariel, Sauriel, Suriyel, Surya ”God’s command” Identified with Uriel, Metatron, Ariel, Saraqael. He is a prince of the presence and angel of healing. He is also one of the angels of death. To Enoch he was one of the four great archangels. It is said that Moses received all his knowledge from him (although Zagzagel has also been credited with being the source of Moses’ knowledge.) According to the Talmud, he instructed Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha in the laws of hygiene. His name appears on Gnostic amulets, beside those of Raguel, Peniel, Uriel, and Raphael. The Contra Celsum lists him as one of the seven angels in the Ophitic Hebdomad system of primordial powers. Here, when invoked, he appears as an ox. In the cabala he is one of the seven angels that rule the earth. In The Gnostics and Their Remains, along with Erataoth and Thautabaoth, he is called ”a Jewish angel of Magian origin” and as one whose name is found among those of genii with dominion over the fixed stars.

Suriyah, Suriel An angel who revealed the secrets of chiromancy and physiognomy.

Suroth In Paracelsus’ doctrine of Talismans, he is a planetary genius of Egypt, replaced by the angel Anael. In The Secret Doctrine in Israel he is the planetary genius of Venus. In hermetics he is head of the order of principalities. ”He presides over the harmonies of vegetable nature.”

Surtaq In hechaloth lore he assists Metatron in reciting the Shema.

Suruph ”strength of God” An angel listed in the Historia Religionis Veterum Persarim.

Surya One of the seven (or twelve) shinning gods of Vedic religion. He is also one of he many names of Metatron.

Suyan [Raphael]

Susabo An angel of voyages and of the 6th hour.

Susniel An angel invoked in Syriac incantation charms. A ”spellbinding power” angel.

Sutuel, Suryal In Falasha lore, the angel who transported Baruch to the holy Jerusalem.

Symnay An angel of the order of powers invoked during cabalistic rites. It is not clear if he joined in the rebellion and became a fallen angel or if he remained loyal.

Synesis ”understanding” In gnosticism one of the four great luminaries emanated from the Divine Will.

Synoches In Chaldean cosmology one of the three intelligences of the Empyrean.

Syth An hour angel and the corresponding angel of Teiaiel.

Sywaro A ministering angel summoned in cabalistic rites.


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