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Western Galaxy

Gravity Level: 100x
A planet with a thick atmosphere and very low sunlight, which causes a layer of residue to form on everything. The wildlife and vegetation has grown a custom to this life style, feeding off the nutrients found in this constant food source.

Dozarian [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 40x
A planet with a race of people who claim to be 'explorers', but they haven't unearthed anything of interest on this planet yet. Who knows, maybe you might find something worth exploring for on this rather dull planet.

Gravity Level: 20x
A planet with a great fortress a top the highest peak, with many villages and farms below. Here lives a wealthy king, but be warned it is guarded heavily.

Planet Immecka [immeckian empire]
Gravity Level: 10x
Homeworld to the race of people known as the Immeckians. A small planet with a humble farming culture, the Immeckians do not feel the need to surround themselves with gold and expensive materialistic items. They however do live for one thing, and that is for battle. They love to fight (much like the Saiyans) and prove their fighting skills with each other. Many tournaments are held on this planet, but are normaly ever only for their inhabitants. There are other useful places to visit on this planet as well.

Psyche Training - This is a training used to improve the mental energy of an Immeckian Warrior. By meditating for 7 days, they can increase their ML by 5,000 a day. No other training items can be used while undergoing the Psyche Training. After the 7th day an increase of 50,000 is added to all stats. It can be done only 1x ever.

Trials of Combat - A unique training stlye that allows an Immeckian to spar with an Elder War Chief on this planet just 1x time. If they are successful in beating the War Chief then they gain incredible strength, adding 50,000hp / 200,000pl / 100,000spd / 75,000def / 50,000ki & 50,000ml ontop of the gains for a win. If you lose however you receive no stat gains. There are no changes to record. You must request to the Elder War Chief to train you, he may decline if he see's fit. You will gain access to an exclusive Immeckain Transformation if you can beat him.

Gravity Level: 190x
A planet that has a rather positive effect on training items. All training items that are used here that are per session are multiplied by two! This does not work on Gravitrons or Pulse Generators however. You do not gain any effect to items and stats gained if you have a 20,000,000pl or higher AND you can only ever train on this planet's surface for 30 days once a lifetime. You can still travel here but CANNOT train an gain the effects (this planet can only be visited by those of an ascended state. Those of Demon blood, Buus and Androids cannot land on the planets surface either).

Tiraeto [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 80x
There is said to be a hermit on this planet hiding somewhere, who was once a great fighter in tournaments held many centuries ago. He was rumored to have great abilities.

Dufuno [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 160x
This planet's land mass is submerged in sea, with no recognisable land structures or monuments anywhere. Because of this you can't do much on this planet unless you can survive under water for longer than a few minutes. There is said to be a chest somewhere on this planet that emits a strange energy.

Kai Planet
Gravity Level: 20x
A planet inhabited by the Kai's and their underlings. Any good person who travels here and requests it can undergo the Kaioshin Training. With this power you will oppose any evil that faces the Universe!

Gravity Level: 70x
Anybody who fights on this planet will gain 2x the stats they would normally gain from a win or lose. However, you can only ever visit this planet 1x a month, and can stay here no longer than 7 days between the 2nd to the 8th of each month. The reason for this is because the planet's atmosphere renews itself and a power surge of lightning bolts is constantly active for the remainder of the month. If you stay here, you will meet a horrible death.

Gravity Level: 50x
An artifical planet that was created by a race long ago. The advanced technology for creating a 'living' planet was lost when this race died out, but the core is completely mechanical, creating heat as the planet needs it. The crust is natural however, it must have taken centuries for this planet to completely become self-dependant, as it is scarced of any intelligent life form. There is said to be some remnants to prove a civilization once inhabited this planet. Hayubasa found the hidden item here.

Buhato [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 80x
A planet that has a population of great insects and nocturnal lizard like creatures. These lizards are said to grow to massive sizes in adulthood, reaching as big as 15 metres from head to tail. Due to this, many explorers are scared to even step foot on this planet.

Gravity Level: 40x
Covered in a rainforst, this planet is more like a rotating jungle than a planet. Many swamps and caves can be found here, and varied wildlife inhabit this dank planet.

Yager [hidden item]
Gravity Level: 130x
Many explorers have met their end on this planet, due to the almost instant change in climate, causing drastic effects to terrain and sea level. Who knows if their was even anything worth them exploring here for in the first place.

Gravity Level: 250x
It is said a great battle took place on this planet eons ago, the power and energy that erupted from the omnipotent warriors that fought here was said to cut away at the planet, making it only a third of it's original size. However, the energy was also said to have a strange positive effect on some of the relics that were abondened here. Hayubasa found the hidden item here.

Gravity Level: 500x
The gravity on this planet is so immense, only the battle hardened warriors who have trained for years in a high level of gravity can survive here. Due to this, not many have visited this planet therefore meaning, not much is known about this planet, other than it's dark in colour and is uninhabited (that we know of).

Gravity Level: 380x
Told by many as the planet where evil was born... found in the darkest part of the galaxy where no stars can be seen from the planet's surface. It was not always this way however, a being who cared only for revenge and lust came here long ago and was said to have experimented on and tortured the inhabitants of this planet. Through these means the wicked being created a terrible calamity of wrath and evil, breed for pure destruction and revenge... this evil spread throughout the entire Universe and devastated many, but was stopped by the kai's eons ago. Now this evil has been revived and anyone who comes in contact will surely meet a hastey death.

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