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The DragonBalls are a set of 7 magical unique spheres that give the owner a select number of wishes (depending on the location / power of the DragonBalls). They can be found on Earth, Namek and on separate planets across the Dark Galaxy!

In order to hunt for the dragonballs, you must first own some kind of Scouter, or Searching Item. You cannot share scouters if you are in a team/clan and you MUST own one first. You then must travel to the planet that has the dballs on it (lets say Earth Dballs), and request to fight the Guardian in order to hunt for the dragonballs. Once you have fought the Guardian and won, you can begin your search and the time it takes to find them depends on the power of your scouter or searching item.

*** Each scouter will specify how many days it takes to find the dballs or hidden items. ***

You must post on the Request Board the number of days you will be searching, for example, Day 1/7 hunting for Earth DragonBalls (number of days is dependant on power of searching item), then Day 2/7 hunting for Earth DragonBalls (the next day) and so on all up to Day 7/7. Once you have found the dballs (on day 7/7) you can make your wishes.

*** Then the dballs will turn to stone for 14 days, in which they cannot be searched for. ***

No more than one person can search for the same type of dballs at one time, however you can hunt for the earth dballs, and someone else search for the namek or dark dballs. You can not to any training or fighting whilst hunting for the dragonballs.

If two people are going for the same type of dballs (both post within the space of 24 hrs) then they must fight for the right to hunt for the dragonballs, the loser must forfeit his hunt and leave the planet!

Dragonball Guardians have their own unique abilities that they can use in battle which can be found on this page Guardian Only Abilities.

• Earth DragonBalls [2x wishes]

1) $200,000
2) 200,000 Capsule Credits
3) 600,000 stat boost to any 1 energy form
4) Free teleportation to any planet in the North, South, East and West Galaxy (with all items, ships, team members currently with you)
5) Custom Made Armour / Weapon (does not have Demi-God, God or DemonKing status or strength)
6) 100,000 stat boost to all stats and an extra 100,000 to any 1 stat
7) Any item from the Training Items Shop (to the value of $250,000 or less)

• Namek DragonBalls [3x wishes]

1) $1,000,000
2) 600,000 Capsule Credits
3) 1,000,000 stat boost to any 1 stat
4) Free teleportation to any planet in the North, South, West and East Galaxy (with all items, ships, team members currently with you)
5) Wish for any Class 1 or Class 2 Ship from ANY shop
6) Any 1 Item from the Battle Items Shop or Scouter Shop
7) Wish for any planet to be destroyed in the North, South, East or West Galaxy except for the planet you are currently on
8) Wish for the ownership of 1 Dark DragonBall without fighting any Dark Dragon Guardian (can only own one dark dball with this wish, per team/squad)

• Dark DragonBalls [2x wish goes to all team members (not clan, and not number 7 or number 10 wish) but in order for the wish to be shared they must be on the same planet as the person making the wish]
A rare type of dragonball forged by a mystical race many eons ago. Extremely powerful, and for this reason they were scattered across the Dark Galaxy. Good luck to those who wish to obtain this power! A quick note about these Dragonballs; You can fight people for owernship of a Dark Dragonball anytime, anywhere (except if they are dead) just simply request it on the Schedule Battle Board and only if they accept to the terms of the fight. It must be a fair fight also, so you should wager something in return. The Ref MUST be made aware of the nature of the fight at the beginning of the battle.

1) $3,000,000
2) 1,000,000 Capsule Credits
3) 1,500,000 stat boost to all stats
4) 1,000,000 stat boost to 3 stats and an additional 2,000,000 to any 1 stat
5) Free teleportation to any planet in the North, South, West and East and Dark Galaxy (with all items, ships, team members currently with you)
6) Create a Custom Made Move or Transformation (email to the site master to verify whether it is acceptable)
7) Any Demi-God, God or DemonKing Armour / Weapon from the Capsule Credits shop (cannot be wished for x2, not even for different people on team, only 1x a go)
8) Wish for any planet to be destroyed in any galaxy, except for the planet you are currently on
9) Wish for Immortality
10) If you are a God or DemonKing, wish to have your own planet created that has special training that can be specified by you! (Must email SiteMaster first to check over, this wish can only ever be used 1x a lifetime!)

• Negative Energy DragonBalls [1x wishes]
These special dballs can only be obtained by defeating Omega Shenron on Earth when he is released after the Earth Dballs have been used 20 times (and an additional 20x after). The dragonballs will appear immediately after defeating Omega Shenron no matter what scouter / searching item you have!

1) $10,000,000
2) 4,000,000 Capsule Credits
3) 10,000,000 stat boost to 1 energy form
4) 5,000,000 stat boost to all stats and an extra 2,500,000 to any 1 stat
5) Free teleportation to any planet in the North, South, West and East and Dark Galaxy (with all items, ships, team members currently with you)
6) Create a Custom Made Move or Transformation (email to the site master to verify whether it is acceptable)
7) Any Demi-God, God or DemonKing Ascended Armour / Weapon (as long as someone doesn't already own it)
8) Wish for any planet to be destroyed in any galaxy, except for the planet you are currently on
9) Wish for the ownership of 3 planets in any galaxy (unless it is currently owned by an empire)
10) Obtain any 1 item from any shop (including items from Race Shops, for example if you’re a Namek warrior, you could get any item from the Saiyan Warrior Shop, etc)
11) Wish to be teleported to the dead realms and undergo any 1 Dead Training of your choice (no requirements needed, but you must be of the requested personality, good or evil. If you are evil, I don’t think Supreme Kai would train you!)
12) Wish for any 2 Dark Dragon Balls (unless they are already owned by someone) from any planet without fighting the Dark Dragon Guardian

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