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Planet Empires

Here you will find what planets each different Planet Empire owns. These planets cannot be travelled to unless you are of the specific race, or if on a quest (you must request first if on a quest). You can help out Planet Empires by accepting quests and bounties they have posted, on the Planet Conquering Quests Page or Request Board, and conquering ... or liberating a planet for them, but for a price of course!

Regular members who own a planet or empire can charge people $$$ to land on their planet and stay there... if they feel welcoming that is. The minimum rate is $25,000 to land and stay on their planet for 1 week. A further $5,000 is required if you are staying for another week (between 1-7 days longer than first week) and so on, but you must request to the owner of the planet on the Request Board before you land their or for an extension on your stay! These costs are non refundable! The owner can charge what they desire however... if you are willing to pay!

Race Planet Empires

Saiyan Empire: New Vegeta / Arlia

Chill Empire: Kold Kingdom / Fireeze / Arctik / Corbillor

Demon Empire: Fiery Pit

Konatsajin Empire: New Konats

Immeckian Empire: Planet Immecka

Character Owned Planets & Empires

Barr Prime - DamionLove (27.03.2009)
Nebuha - DamionLove (29.04.2009)

Raedii - Ragnarok (02.05.2009)
Ulebur - Ragnarok (17.05.2009)
Havuja - Ragnarok (16.07.2009)

Planets that CANNOT be Conquered or Owned (as of 07/07/2009)

New Namek
Kold Kingdom
New Konats
Planet Immecka
New Vegeta
Fiery Pit
Kai Planet
Babadi's Secret Space Station
Dr.Gero’s Space Red Ribbon Army Base

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Layout © Kunishirou
Dowloaded from Day Dream Graphics