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Dead Training

Dead Training
When you die in DB:AO, you are sent to King Yemma instantly, and must post on the ‘Request Board’ that you would like to undergo dead training. In this post you must include your current stats, your record (number of wins, losses, kills and draws), number of quests undergone / completed, how you died and how long for and then basically try to catch King Yemma in a good mood, so it would be good to praise him sometimes, but not too much, then he’ll know that your just kissing @$$!

Ways of being killed in DB:AO (for 14 days and 30 days) are as follows;
- You have 30 losses, and every additional 30 losses you die (14 days)
- You land on a planet that has a higer gravity level than you are used to or that your gravitrond does not protect you from (14 days)
- You are blown up on a planet by an [obliterator] move being used (in which you would be dead for 30 days, not 14 days!)
- You piss someone off in battle, and if they have a [instant kill] move, they will probably kill you (14 days)

The Dead Training sessions are as follows;

• Heaven – Only good souls are sent here. They will gain 2,000 HP / 1,000 PL / 1,500 DEF and 500 KI a day (for however long they are sent there)

• Hell – Only evils souls can enter here. They will gain 2,000 PL / 1,000 SPD / 500 KI and 500 ML a day (for however long they are sent there)

• The Arena – Both good and evil souls can enter here. Once sent here you will fight non-stop (for however long they are sent here) in an underworld tournament. You will gain 2,500 PL / 2,500 SPD / 2,500 DEF and 1,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent there)

• King Yemma Training – King Yemma will post whether he sees you worthy enough to train with him...he normally only trains good souls, but will make exceptions for others. You will gain 5,000 HP / 2,000 KI and 3,500 DEF a day (for however long you are sent to train with him)

• H.F.I.L – ‘Hell For Infinite Losers …’ only if you are evil can you train here. You will train with dangerous evil souls, raising your stats by 2,000 HP / 3,500 PL / 2,000 SPD / 1,000 KI / 2,000 DEF and 2,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent there)

• Abyss – In this rigorous training you will fight past souls of the defeated, both good and evil can enter here. You will gain 7,000 HP / 3,000 SPD / 5,000 DEF and 2,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent there)

• King Kai Training – You must request directly to King Kai whether you can train here, not King Yemma. If you are good and he accepts you, you will gain 10,000 HP / 5,000 PL / 5,000 SPD and 5,000 KI a day (for however long you are sent to train with him). If you are lucky he might also teach you a few techniques, he will post whether you are strong enough to learn them. These techniques are as follows;

Kaio-Ken [self status] – This move will raise the users PL, SPD, KI and DEF by x2 it’s current state, this move lasts for 10 turns (but cannot be used with a transformation) Requires: 600,000 PL / 250,000 KI and 300,000 ML to pull off move

Spirit Bomb [obliterator lvl1] – This ultra-powerful move first starts with the user flying into the air until he / she is at a high distance from their opponent. The user then starts to glow a blue / aqua coloured aura, charging their Power Level and KI levels. Once charged, they but their arms above themselves and start to form a small light blue energy ball that gradually gets bigger and bigger, until it is so big it can be seen from space. Once completed the user gathers his / her remaining strength and throws the gigantic ball of energy hurling towards the opponent. This move is so powerful it destroys the planet it is used on (unless stated otherwise). The damage factor is 1,000,000 points of damage!!!!!! Requires: 800,000 PL / 800,000 KI and 600,000 ML to pull off move

• Grand Kai Training – You must request directly to the Grand Kai whether you can train here. If you are good and he accepts you, you will gain 8,000 PL / 12,000 SPD / 5,000 KI and 5,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent to train with him).

• Obscures Chamber – Probably the most evil of beings to ever exist in the Universe. He was so twisted he turned on his own family and home-planet, obliterating it, only to go on a rampage destroying anyone and anything in his path. Luckily he was trapped and sealed away by the Kai’s. Each day spent next to his chamber he will raise your stats by 25,000 HP / 20,000 PL / 20,000 SPD / 15,000 KI / 10,000 DEF and 10,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent to train with him.) You must be evil in order to train with Obscure and request directly to him in order to train.

• Halo Tower – A holy place that only accepts those pure of heart. If the Master of the Tower accepts you, he will let you train with him in his tower and will raise your stats by 30,000 HP / 30,000 PL / 30,000 SPD and 25,000 DEF a day. You must request to the Master of the Tower directly to see if he will let you train.

• Lord Absolution – The leader, and last of an ancient omnipotent race. This race died off a long time ago in the last God War between the Gods and DemonKings, he was captured and held prisoner as he watched his race die by the hands of the Gods. He waits patiently for the coming of the next war and tries to find a way for his race to return to the Universe. He will train anyone who isn’t a Demi-God, God or DemonKing. You will gain 50,000 HP / 80,000 PL / 60,000 SPD / 50,000 KI / 40,000 DEF and 50,000 ML a day for every day you spend there training (you must request directly to Lord Absolution)

• Supreme Kai Training – You must request directly to the Supreme Kai to undergo this extremely powerful training and must have trained with either King Kai or Grand Kai. If you are good and he accepts you, you will gain 75,000 HP / 50,000 PL / 40,000 SPD / 50,000 KI / 60,000 DEF and 50,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent to train with him). Also as a bonus for completing this training you get $1,000,000 to spend!

• Demon Lord Apocalypse – You must request directly to Demon Lord Apocalypse in order to undergo this training. You have to be evil, but not of demon blood and have a record of ov his dimension and raise your stats by 80,000 HP / 200,000 PL / 125,000 SPD / 75,000 KI / 100,000 DEF and 75,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent to train with him). Also as a bonus for completing this training you get $400,000 to spend.

• Alpha, Elder God of War – You must request directly to Alpha in order to undergo this training. Firstly you must be a God or Demi-God. You must be good and if he does accept you, you will train with his spirit, as his physical form decayed long ago, and gain 200,000 HP / 100,000 PL / 80,000 SPD / 100,000 KI / 150,000 DEF and 100,000 ML a day (for however long you are sent to train with him). Also as a bonus for completing this training you get $500,000 to spend!

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