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Race Starting Stats

All races start out with different stats, items and locations and all are found below. Choose your race wisely, as it will shape your future and destiny in the DB:AO Universe forever!

Starting Location: New Vegeta
Starting Items: Saiyan Space Pod, Saiyan Scouter, Saiyan Armour
Starting Gravity: 20x
Starting Cash: $150,000

20 Total Move Slots
100 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 500,000 / PL- 300,000 / SPD- 250,000 / KI- 400,000 / DEF- 150,000 / ML- 200,000

Race Attribute: Saiyans gain x10 the gains from a win if their HP falls to just 1 point! And of course if they beat their opponent(s), but not in zeni, only battle stats.

Race Ability [Full Moons Glow]: This technique allows the user to transform into an Oozaru. This technique will triple current HP, double current PL and DEF and lasts for 20 turns (unless HP falls below ¼ of its current maximum state, then they will return to normal status). When in Oozaru form only Basic Moves and Race moves can be used. This is like a transformation however it cannot be used with SSJ race transformations as well. Can be used 1x a battle only, but it is activated by the move Power Ball, as soon as this is used the user transforms.

Starting Location: Earth
Starting Items: Senzu Bean, Dragon Radar
Starting Gravity: 0x
Starting Cash: $300,000

20 Total Move Slots
75 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 800,000 / PL- 200,000 / SPD- 200,000 / KI- 200,000 / DEF- 400,000 / ML- 300,000

Race Attribute [1]: Humans can train 1 extra session with Kami on his Lookout on Earth (if they are good) making the total 3/3 sessions, rather than 2/2.

Race Attribute [2]: Humans can also buy items for ½ original price from the Capsule Corporation Shop (if they are good).

Starting Location: New Namek
Starting Items: Full Power Bean, King Piccolo Ship
Starting Gravity: 10x
Starting Cash: $150,000

25 Total Move Slots
75 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 400,000/ PL- 200,000 / SPD- 200,000 / KI- 400,000 / DEF- 400,000 / ML- 400,000

Race Attribute: Nameks can train 1 extra session with Elder Namek (if they are good) making the total 3/3 sessions, rather than 2/2. Unlike other races, if a Namek trains with Elder Namek (for 3 whole sessions, not 2) then they shall get a stat boost (found on the planet description of New Namek) and access to the Elder Namek transformation.

Race Ability [Namekian Muscular-Regen]: This technique allows Nameks to regenerate their HP by 100% to its maximum transformed state, only 1x a battle. No [self status] or [special self status] moves can be active while this race ability is used, otherwise it will not work. This technique cannot be used if a move/item that revives the user is active. It also cannot be used in battle if the user takes an Ascended Weapon or Armour into battle with an 'auto-ability' that revives the user x amount of turns (until the said ability has worn out).

Starting Location: Kold Kingdom
Starting Items: Chill Scouter, Dominance Fleet Ship, Chill Armour
Starting Gravity: 30x
Starting Cash: $400,000

25 Total Move Slots
125 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 600,000/ PL- 400,000 / SPD- 350,000 / KI- 300,000 / DEF- 200,000 / ML- 250,000

Race Attribute [1]: Their first 4 transformations last for the entire match (they cannot be knocked out of these first 4 transformations, not even by the power of Supreme & Rapture Arts or Ascended Weapons/Armours) and they do not lose KI or ML when transforming.

Race Attribute [2]: They can go on planets that are 100% water, or breathe in space which can come in handy (can breathe anywhere basically) without a special item.

Starting Location: Earth
Starting Items: Senzu Bean, Dragon Radar, Capsule Corp Cruiser
Starting Gravity: 0x
Starting Cash: $100,000

20 Total Move Slots
100 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 700,000/ PL- 400,000 / SPD- 350,000 / KI- 200,000 / DEF- 250,000 / ML- 200,000

Race Attribute [1]: Human/Saiyans can train 1 extra session with Kami on his Lookout on Earth (if they are good) making the total 3/3 sessions, rather than 2/2.

Race Attribute [2]: Human/Saiyans can also buy items for ½ original price from the Capsule Corporation Shop (if they are good).

Race Attribute: Human/Saiyans gain x10 the gains from a win if their HP falls to just 1 point! And of course if they beat their opponent(s), but not in zeni, only battle stats.

Race Ability [Full Moons Glow]: This technique allows the user to transform into an Oozaru. This technique will triple current HP, double current PL and DEF and lasts for 20 turns (unless HP falls below ¼ of its current maximum state, then they will return to normal status). When in Oozaru form only Basic Moves and Race moves can be used. This is like a transformation however it cannot be used with SSJ race transformations as well. Can be used 1x a battle only, but it is activated by the move Power Ball, as soon as this is used the user transforms.


*** All Demons are Evil! ***

Starting Location: Fiery Pit
Starting Items: Hellfire Cruiser
Starting Gravity: 40x
Starting Cash: $200,000

20 Total Move Slots
150 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 600,000 / PL- 800,000 / SPD- 500,000 / KI- 400,000 / DEF- 300,000 / ML- 400,000

Race Ability [Soul Weapon Rapture]: The user can generate a weapon from will that has ½ user’s current PL (at time of creation) as the damage factor of the weapon. The weapon will disappear after it is used (can be done 5x a battle).

Starting Location: Dr.Gero’s Space Red Ribbon Army Base
Starting Items: None
Starting Gravity: 0x
Starting Cash: $200,000

20 Total Move Slots
200 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 500,000/ PL- 300,000 / SPD- 250,000 / KI- 300,000 / DEF- 350,000 / ML- 0

Race Attribute [1]: They do not burn KI energy when pulling off moves / transforming. This does not however mean they can go over their maximum KI energy in a combo of moves, it just means they don’t waste time recovering lost KI … it is INFINITE!

Race Attribute [2]: They can go on planets that are 100% water, or breathe in space which can come in handy (can breathe anywhere basically) without a special item.

Starting Location: Earth / Dr.Gero’s Space Red Ribbon Army Base
Starting Items: None
Starting Gravity: 0x
Starting Cash: $150,000

25 Total Move Slots
150 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 750,000 / PL- 400,000 / SPD- 300,000 / KI- 400,000 / DEF- 300,000 / ML- 250,000

Race Attribute [1]: They can go on planets that are 100% water, or breathe in space which can come in handy (can breathe anywhere basically) without a special item.

Race Attribute [2]: If they are blown up on a planet by an obliterator move, one cell from the body will always remain. They can choose for this cell to regenerate the whole body, thus not dieing and being instantly teleported to the Outworld Gate. They can also decide whether to destroy the cell, and then die (just like regular members).

Race Ability [Cellular-Restoration]: This technique is a lot like the Namekian Muscular-Regen technique, however Cells have the power to regenerate both their KI and ML by 100% (to its maximum transformed state, 1x a battle. No other [self status] or [special self status] moves can be active while this race ability is used, otherwise it will not work).


*** All Buu's are Evil! ***

Starting Location: Choose Location (North/East/South/West Galaxy)
Starting Items: Majin Belt (battle item)
Starting Gravity: 50x
Starting Cash: $0

30 Total Move Slots
300 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 800,000 / PL- 600,000 / SPD- 600,000 / KI- 500,000 / DEF- 400,000 / ML- 500,000

Race Attribute [1]: They can go on planets that are 100% water, or breathe in space which can come in handy (can breathe anywhere basically) without a special item.

Race Attribute [2]: If they are blown up on a planet by an obliterator move, one cell from the body will always remain. They can choose for this cell to regenerate the whole body, thus not dieing and being instantly teleported to the Outworld Gate. They can also decide whether to destroy the cell, and then die (just like regular members).

Race Ability [Buu Multiplication]: With this technique the user can generate a copy of him / herself in battle. This copy will have the exact stats and moves of the user (from time of multiplication) except for items. When attacking you go first, and then you make the move of your copy. The copy will be absorbed back into the original buu after turn of generation, no stats gained / lost (this incredible ability can be used 1x a battle ...ONLY!)

Starting Location: New Konats
Starting Items: Konatican Starflyer, Ocarina of Konatsa (cannot be sold!)
Starting Gravity: 0x
Starting Cash: $250,000

25 Total Move Slots
100 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 300,000 / PL- 300,000 / SPD- 600,000 / KI- 250,000 / DEF- 300,000 / ML- 800,000

Race Attribute: Konatsa-Jins are extremely skilled weapon masters, and are born with an ability to yield weapons surprisingly well. If a Konatsa-jin uses a weapon in battle, they will gain a boost to add to damage. This boost will be; ¼ current pl at time of use.

Race Ability [Tune of Tempest - *good only*]: The user can calm the soul of any evil being by using this melodic song. It takes up a whole turn and is done by the user playing a tune on his / her Ocarina. This move stuns the opponent (as long as they are evil) for 2 turns. This move has the same status as an [attacking status] and cannot be evaded (unless stated otherwise), can be done x1 a battle.

Race Ability [Screech of Paranoia - *evil only*]: Similar to the Tune of Tempest, but is for evil Konatsa only. It takes up a whole turn and instead of calming the opponent, it instead drives them into a ‘berserk’ like state (if they are good). In this state, they cannot control their character, and they will attack themselves with their strongest race attack (highest damage factor) and lasts for just 1 turn. This move has the same status as an [attacking status] and cannot be evaded (unless stated otherwise). Can be done x2 a battle, and on 1 person only per turn.

Starting Location: Planet Immecka
Starting Items: Immeckian Cruise Ship, Immecka Weighted Clothing (5 pieces)
Starting Gravity: 10x
Starting Cash: $300,000

20 Total Move Slots
100 Art Points

Starting Stats: HP- 600,000 / PL- 500,000 / SPD- 500,000 / KI- 500,000 / DEF- 500,000 / ML- 500,000

Race Attribute: They do not burn ML energy when pulling off moves or transforming. This does not however mean they can go over their maximum ML energy in a combo of moves, it just means they don’t waste time recovering lost ML … it is INFINITE!

Race Ability [Immeckian Fusion]: This fusion technique allows the users to combine powers temporarily in battle for 10 turns. Only 2 people can fuse at 1 time, and the move can only be done 1x a battle. It can however be done when transformed. After both players have used the Immeckian Fusion Technique, the new character takes on characteristics of the 2 players, this allows access to both players move list and item list. When it is done, both fused characters stats are added together to make the total new current stats of the fused character. This move requires 600,000 pl / 500,000 ki and 400,000 ml to pull off.

*** Keep in mind that when fusing, both players must willingly choose ‘Immeckian Fusion’ on their turns and it is NOT permanent, so after battle, you will regain your normal status! Also, only 1 player can control the fused character in battle, therefore both players must agree on who controls the character when fighting, but the other player does have a say on what attacks / moves to do ***

These are the following bonuses and stats gained from ascending to one of the races below.

Bonus Cash: $800,000 / 500,000 capsule credits
Bonus Stat Boost: HP- 600,000 / PL- 500,000 / KI- 500,000 / DEF- 800,000
Bonus Item: Warlord Infernal Vessel

200 spending points for free (to divide between Skill, Art or Ability points)
10 extra move slots

1 Custom Made Move
Access to Demi-God Moves, Demi-God Transformations & Supreme Arts

Bonus Cash: $1,500,000 / 1,000,000 capsule credits
Bonus Stat Boost: HP- 1,000,000 / PL- 1,200,000 / SPD- 800,000 / KI- 1,000,000 / DEF- 1,000,000 / ML- 800,000
Bonus Item: Supreme God Cruiser

400 spending points for free (to divide between Skill, Art or Ability points)
25 extra move slots

1 Custom Made Move or Transformation
Access to Demi-God & God Moves, God Transformations & Supreme Arts

Bonus Cash: $1,000,000 / 1,000,000 capsule credits
Bonus Stat Boost: HP- 500,000 / PL- 1,000,000 / SPD- 2,000,000 / KI- 500,000 / DEF- 800,000 / ML- 1,500,000
Bonus Item: Cyndrr Blood Cruiser

500 spending points for free (to divide between Skill, Art or Ability points)
35 extra move slots

1 Custom Made Move or Transformation
Access to DemonKing Moves, DemonKing Transformations & Rapture Arts

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