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Majin & Kaioshin Abilities

Choose your path wisely ...

Majin Training
Kaioshin Training

If you have trained in the arts of either the Majin or Kaioshin you have access to the moves below, however remeber you can only every learn three, and have three in your set list at one time!

Majin Abilities

Atomic Blast
Type: Energy
Cost: 75 art points
Description: A destructive blast composed of dark evil energy, black in colour with silver bolts of lightning ricocheting off it as it is fired towards an opponent at 100 miles per hour!

Damage Factor: 3,000,000
Requirements: 1,000,000pl and 1,000,000ki. (Can be used no more than 4x a battle)

Evil Grin
Type: Energy [attacking status]
Cost: 100 art points
Description: A devastating skill. The user has the power to reduce any 1 opponent's original PL and SPD by 1/4, and this technique lasts for the entire battle! This technique cannot be reversed, only by the power of Ascended Race Moves, Supreme & Rapture Arts, or some Custom Made Moves.

Status Factor: Select any 1 opponent and reduce their original PL and SPD by 1/4 and it is irreversable.
Requirements: 2,000,000pl and 4,000,000ml (Can be done 3x a battle, only 1x an opponent)

Minion's Latent Energy
Type: Energy [special self status]
Cost: 150 art points
Description: In this move the user harnesses the true potential of evil, unlocking the latent energy in the their heart! The user becomes a powerhouse of energy and might for 10 turns, increasing the DEF by tenfold!

Status Factor: Increases current DEF by 10x, lasts for 10 turns only.
Requirements: 3,500,000pl and 2,000,000ki and 1,000,000ml. (Can be done 1x a battle only)

Nature of Darkness
Type: Energy [self status]
Cost: 200 art points
Description: With this move the user gains huge amounts of power by increasing their muslces to almost 3x their original size, increasing both PL but also without losing any SPD. With this technique current PL is tripled for 5 turns and the user recieves no damage from regular race moves for the 5 turns in move is active.

Status Factor: Current PL is tripled, and the user receives no damage from regular Race moves for the next 5 turns (not Ascended Race moves).
Requirements: 1,400,000pl and 1,000,000ki. (Can be done just 2x a battle)

Final Explosion
Type: Energy [wide ranged/special attacking status]
Cost: 150 art points
Description: The ultimate last resort attack, a proud evil heart will never admit defeat! The user will sacrifice themselves in battle and make sure to bring an end to their enemies. The user will gather every single ounce of strength they have left and explode with fury! The blast will consume everything in a 10 miles radius, including allies, reducing everything to dust... this move will render the user with 1 hit point and stun them for 1 turn.

Status Factor: Hits all opponents and allies in battle, but renders the user stunned for 1 turn and reduces their health to just 1 hit point.

Damage Factor: 25,000,000
Requirements: 6,000,000pl and ALL ki and 1/2 current ml (Can only be used 1x a battle, ever!)

Kaioshin Abilities

Supernatural Abilities
Type: Energy [self status]
Cost: 75 art points
Description: This skill brings out the true power of the Kaioshin in battle, and when it is used the user gains immense strength! The user's current SPD is doubled for the next 3 turns, and they do not burn any KI within 3 the turns that this move lasts.

Status Factor: Current SPD is doubled, and KI is infinite for 3 turns only. The user cannot go over maximum amount of KI in a combo of moves though.
Requirements: 800,000pl and 1,000,000ml (Can be done 2x a battle only)

Kai Revival Power
Type: Energy [special self status/wide ranged]
Cost: 150 art points
Description: The user casts an ancient spell on themselves, and all their allies in battle. If they should fall in battle and their HP reaches 0, they are instantly revived, with maximum trasnformed stats restored! This move is only temporary and if you, or an ally, should die after the spell finishes unfortunately that means you are defeated!

Status Factor: Will ensure that the user, and all allies in battle, will be revived an infinite amount of times for the next 5 turns in battle.
Requirements: 1,500,00pl and 500,000ki and 3,000,000ml. (Can only be used 1x in one battle, ever, not even can it be used by another ally!)

Angel’s Halo
Type: Energy [special self status]
Cost: 125 art points
Description: The kai's can manipulate the very fabrics of life, redefining the term 'mortal'. The kai's have a lot of power, almost equal to the Gods. In this technique they can revive themselves 1x a battle, and this lasts for the entire fight! It can only be used 1x and is effective for one revival only. This incredible ability cannot be disabled, only with the power of Ascended Armours & Weapons or Supreme & Rapture Arts.

Status Factor: Will revive the user if they should die in battle 1x only.
Requirements: 3,000,000pl and 1,800,000ki and 2,000,000ml. (Can be done 1x a battle only)

Supress Powers
Type: Energy [self status]
Cost: 200 art points
Description: In this move the user concentrates all their energy into life force and indoing so increases their HP by 5x it's current amount, and lasts for the rest of the battle! However, because of the strain it has on the body, their SPD is decreased by 1/2 it's current amount for the next 5 turns!

Status Factor: HP is increased by 15x current amount and lasts all battle (until defeated and revived, then it returns to normal). Current SPD however is decreased by 1/2 for the next 5 turns.

Requirements: 6,000,000pl and 3,000,000ki and 2,000,000ml. (Can be done 1x a battle only, cannot be used alongside the Z-Sword)

Type: Energy [death damage]
Cost: 150 art points
Description: A powerful attack that is only successful when directed at an evil heart. The blast is made using the very particles that give all life to the universe... pure energy is forced into a single beam that when collides with a malicious and wicked heart it explodes! Causing a HUGE amount of hurt on the enemy.

Status Factor: Works against evil hearts only, it causes only death damage to an enemy!

Damage Factor: 8,000,000
Requirements: 7,500,000pl and 4,000,000ki and 3,000,000ml. (Can be done 3x a battle only)

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